Variation to Commercial Digital Channel Plan – Qld Part 1: Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast

December 2012



Queensland: Part 1 - Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast

Australian Communications and Media Authority

December 2012

Australian Communications and Media Authority

Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999 – Commercial Digital Channel Plan – Queensland: Part 1 - Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast - Variation

Under section 13 of the Commercial Television Conversion Scheme 1999 (the Scheme), the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) hereby varies the digital channel plan referred to in Schedule A, with effect from the date set out in Schedule B and in the manner set out in Schedule C.

SCHEDULE A – The Digital Channel Plan

The commercial digital channel plan for digital television broadcasting services for Queensland: Part 1 - Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast, determined on 1 July 1999 under section 12 of the Scheme and varied on 14 September 2000, 28 August 2003 and 2 December 2004 under section 13 of the Scheme.

SCHEDULE B – Commencement

This instrument commences on the day it is made.

SCHEDULE C – The Variation

1.  Delete Schedule Two and substitute the Schedule to this instrument.

2.  Delete Attachments 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 2.11, 2.13 and 2.14.


DIGITAL CHANNEL PLAN – Queensland: Part 1 – Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast
Licence Area: BRISBANE TV1 and NORTHERN NSW TV1 (Gold Coast region)

Service Category / Assignee / Ch. / Max ERP / ERP Restric-tions / Service Licence No / TS No / Attach No / Area Served /
Commercial - Digital TV / TVQ / 56 / 25 kW / - / SL111 / TS10009353 / 2.1 / Gold Coast
Commercial - Digital TV / BTQ / 53 / 25 kW / - / SL109 / TS10009445 / 2.2 / Gold Coast
Commercial - Digital TV / QTQ / 59 / 25 kW / - / SL110 / TS10009447 / 2.4 / Gold Coast
*National – Digital TV / ABC / 62 / N/A / Gold Coast
*National – Digital TV / SBS / 36 / N/A / Gold Coast
Unassigned / - / 38 / 25 kW / - / N/A / TS10009469 / 2.7 / Gold Coast
Unassigned / - / 50 / 25 kW / - / N/A / TS10009357 / 2.8 / Gold Coast
Commercial – Digital TV / TVQ / 56 / 1 kW / - / SL111 / TS10010141 / 2.9 / Currumbin
Commercial – Digital TV / BTQ / 53 / 1 kW / - / SL109 / TS10010140 / 2.10 / Currumbin
Commercial – Digital TV / QTQ / 59 / 1 kW / - / SL110 / TS10010142 / 2.12 / Currumbin
*National – Digital TV / ABC / 62 / N/A / Currumbin
*National – Digital TV / SBS / 36 / N/A / Currumbin
Unassigned / - / 38 / 1 kW / - / N/A / TS10010134 / 2.15 / Currumbin
Unassigned / - / 50 / 1 kW / - / N/A / TS10010139 / 2.16 / Currumbin

* National digital TV details have been included in the Schedule for information only.

Note 1: The restricted ERP value is based upon calculations performed using the information contained within the “Nominal Transmitter Site Information” section of the Technical Specifications. Further details about the restrictions that apply are included in the individual technical specifications.

Note 2: The information contained within the Technical Specification section titled “Nominal Transmitter Site Information” reflects the data used in preparing the Digital Channel Plan (DCP). This information is a guide only, may be varied by the ACMA and transmitter licence specifications need not be identical.

Note 3: The ACMA has the power to impose conditions on a licensee’s commercial television broadcasting licence and/or its transmitter licence(s). In considering whether to impose any such conditions, the ACMA may have regard to any agreements reached between broadcasters about interference and any undertakings given to the ACMA.

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