Organisation / Ipswich Community Media / Business Type / Community Interest Company
Address / International house, 6 south street, Ipswich / Postcode / IP1 3NU
Contact Name / Cad Taylor / Job title / Outreach and community Development
Telephone No. / 07814235111 / Email Address /
Job Title / Radio Station Assistant / Type of job / Paid Internship
Duration of job / 6 months / Location of job / South Street Studios, Ipswich
Hours (weekly) / 30 / Salary (hourly) / Minimum wage for age
Name of Employer if different to above / Same
Number of vacancies / 1
Required Start Date / March 2016.
Recruitment process detail / Please apply with CV and covering letter, by 14 March 2016 to
via email.
Or by post:
Cad Taylor
Ipswich Community Media
International House,
Please provide your national insurance number on application.
We will shortlist and interview during the week of 14th March.
At the time of applying candidates must be aged 18 to 24 years old and be registered as unemployed with Jobcentre Plus.
If you would you like to have an informal chat about the role, please call Cad on 07814235111
Role Description / Job Title: Radio Station Assistant
Radio Assistant:
·  Will ensuring the smooth day to day running of the station, including meeting presenters, checking the studio running and keeping good order.
The Radio Assistant will:
·  Make sure our full radio schedule is broadcast, and be a point of contact for members of the public who may enquire about the station, interact with all the different elements of the radio station; including broadcasting, journalism, social media, producing, editing audio.
Person Specification / Person Specification:
·  Be able to organise your time effectively
·  Computer literacy
·  People skills
·  Attention to detail
·  Communication skills
Desirable Skills:
·  Experience in managing a studio
·  Experience in managing people
·  Knowledge of Adobe Audition or other audio editing software
·  Experience in journalism
·  Social Media skills