All content © 2006 DigiPen (USA) Corporation, all rights reserved.

Introduction 5

Story: 7

Interface Flow 8

Splash and Logo Screens 9

Main Menu Screen 10

Single Player Menu Screen 10

Multiplayer Menu Screen 11

Internet (matchmaking) game 12

LAN Mode 12

Host Private Game 13

Join Private Game (IP address) 13

Pre-Game lobby (client) 13

Pre-Game lobby (server) 14

Post-Game lobby 14

Game Flow 15

Multiplayer Games 15

Rumble Mode 15

Race Mode 16

Sumo Mode 17

Ball Bang Mode 18

Single Player Challenges 19

Control Introduction 19

Rolling basic movement 20

Ramp Mode (Single Player) 21

Game Mechanics 23

Balls (AI and Player Controlled) 23

Balls (Level Objects) 23

Cubes (Level Objects) 24

Super Physics Cubes (Level Objects) 24

Super Physics (object attribute) 24

Camera 24

Camera above the player 25

Camera below the player 26

Head-Up Display 27

Game Characters 29

Game Resources 30

Game Resources 30

Immediate Effect Power-ups 30

Speed Boost 30

Mass Increase 31

Super-physics 32

Weapon Power-ups 33

Speed Boost 33

Instant Stop 33

Super-dense BB Gun 34

Game Environment 35

Game Controls 36

Input 36

Game Play Input 36

Moves 37

A.I. 39

A.I. in All Modes 39

Rumble Mode 39

Cooperative Mode 39

Race Mode 40

Sumo Mode 40

Ball Bang Mode 40

Launcher Mode 40

Physics Design 41

Sphere-Sphere Collisions 41

Sphere-Plane Collisions 41

Rigid Body Collisions 41

Gravity 41

Super-physics Collisions 42

Ground Friction and acceleration 42

Wind resistance and air drag 42

Networking Design 43

Internet session 43

Local session 43

Host private session 43

Join session with IP 43

Game Initialization 44

Game play 45

Game End 45

Graphics Design 47

Risk Analysis 48

Risk Analysis 48

Networking 48

Physics 48

Water 48

Market Analysis 49

Competition 49

Katamari Damacy 49

Marble Madness 50

Super Monkey Ball 50

Target Demographic 51

Development Requirements 51

Target Platform Requirements 51

Development Time 51

Cost Analysis 52

Milestones 52

Engine Proof 52

Prototype 52

Alpha 52

Beta 52

Final 52

Estimated Cost 53

Estimated Sales 53

Glossary 54

Copyrights 55

Team Credits 56

Colin 56

Mark Burkart 56

Jeff Knecht 56

Bill Keen 56

David Franzi 56


Balls Out places gamers into a 3-D interactive environment where players compete in several different types of game play. The players control a ball similar to games such as Marble Madness, Super Monkey Ball and Katamari Damacy. The playing fields are built with interactive objects which play a part in the game modes, offering cover or even the means to reach otherwise unreachable areas. Power-ups strewn about the levels help the player, giving a player’s ball higher density for greater ramability against other players. Power-ups can also be detrimental to the players by making them spin uncontrollably or by reducing friction entirely.

The single player game mode is comprised of short obstacle courses showing off the capabilities of the physics engine. This offers a sort of training mode to teach players techniques utilized in the multiplayer mode.

In multiplayer mode players come together in one of several arenas to compete in one of several modes rumble, sumo, ball bang and race. The rumble mode contains rules in the same vein as Super Smash Bros. where players try to knock each other off of the map. Players can obliterate other players by knocking them off of high places or by using power-ups. Sumo mode pits players against each other on smaller, more hectic maps. Ball bang mode requires one team of players to score points against the opposing team. Race mode forces the balls to hit waypoints, first to finish all of the waypoints wins.

Balls Out is unique in that it ties several different play styles into a single, tight knit game. The ideas of power-ups and knocking other players off the map has been used, however, many game play aspects such as modifying the environment by moving objects to block passages or as a means to reach different areas puts a twist on the classic rumble mode equation. In the multiplayer mode players choose between several different balls with different attributes, such as diameter, density, cover stock (affecting friction and therefore maneuverability) which directly impacts how a ball will perform based on real physics principles. Balls Out is designed to utilize a robust physics engine, therefore the detail and precision in game play benefits players that have the slightest concept of real life physics.

From a marketing standpoint, the game concept combines several themes to introduce a fun, unique game, albeit not overly ambitious. Our team is very adept and capable of producing the quality of work required for this project. The game engine is DirectX-based, and also includes the use of pixel and vertex shaders for various effects and a robust physics engine which will handle rigid-body, spherical, and even water physics.

The project does not present a financial risk in the least. Our team’s competence, combined with simple game play, will make the cost of engine development very low. With a suggested retail price of $25, all gamers should find Balls Out to be a smash hit. Balls Out provides a simple, but addictively entertaining experience with a variety of power-ups and play modes. Players will have to find new ways to use the game’s physics against their opponents. Having minimal development cost, the project is a sure investment.


With the banishment of hand to hand combat in 2032, tests of strength and speed have been moved into a virtual arena, where balls are the new contenders. Training is intense and only the strongest survive long enough to enter their first bout. The spectacle is like none other, with contenders squaring off in a test of strength with two options, put your opponents off the map, or destroy them. Contenders prove their speed and agility by putting it all on the line at the racetrack. There is only one law in Balls Out competition, destroy or be destroyed.

Interface Flow

Splash and Logo Screens

The interface in Balls Out is a simple interface that the most novice of computer users can easily navigate. At the start of the program a splash screen appears. The splash screen is a short rendered clip from Balls Out with a ball rolling horizontally across the screen. Then from the other side of the screen another ball comes rolling quickly out and hits the first ball toward the camera, which then gets knocked over. The camera is left pointing at the ROCO games logo sideways on the screen and then the camera rights itself to show the logo.

ROCO Games logo

Digipen Logo Screen

Main Menu Screen

Now, after the logo screen has faded away, the Balls Out main menu appears which gives the player four options: single player, multiplayer, options or exit. To select an option just press UP until the desired option is found and then press ENTER to select that option. When the user presses UP their ball will roll forward to the next option and when the option is selected the ball will crash into the words causing them to scatter.

Main Menu Screen

Single Player Menu Screen

The Single Player option takes a player into the single player mode which is a relatively small map similar to one that would be in battle mode. The player can select the single player “training missions” by rolling their ball into a target zone indicated by a glowing green light shining up into the sky. When the ball is on the target, a message pops up telling the player the rules of the mission and asks for confirmation before starting. As the player passes these tests, more become unlocked.

Multiplayer Menu Screen

When Multiplayer mode is chosen the user is presented with four options, Internet (matchmaking) game, LAN Session, Host Private Game and Join Game with IP. The options on this menu are accessed by using the directional buttons or mouse and selected by pressing the ENTER button.

Internet (matchmaking) game

This option takes players to a dedicated matchmaking server where the players can view and join game servers waiting for players. When the player chooses a server to connect to they are taken into the pre-game lobby interface. If a player wishes to be a server then they are taken to the game setup menu. After a game completes the players are taken to the post-game lobby interface. If a player exits out of the server they are connected to they are brought back to the matchmaking server. Exiting the matchmaking server takes the player back to the multiplayer menu.

LAN Mode

The interface for LAN mode is very simple. When a user chooses LAN play, Balls Out automatically searches the LAN for available servers and connects to one when it is found. If no server is found on the LAN then a message is displayed saying that no server was found and the player is given the option to start their own server or to exit LAN mode. If the player chooses to start their own server, then they go to the game setup menu. If the player connects to a server on the LAN then the pre-game lobby interface is displayed. After a game completes the players are taken to the post-game lobby interface. If a player disconnects from the server they are connected to, they are brought back to the multiplayer menu.

Host Private Game

This option sets the users computer as a server and puts the user into the game setup menu. After the user sets up the game they are taken to the pre-game lobby and after each game the players are taken to the post-game lobby.

Join Private Game (IP address)

The join private game screen simply displays an input box for an IP address, a connect button, and a back button. If the player connects to the server the pre-game lobby interface is displayed. After a game completes the players are taken to the post-game lobby interface. If a player disconnects from the server they are connected to, they are brought back to the multiplayer menu. If the IP address entered is not actually a server then an error message is displayed notifying the user that the IP address needs to be re-entered and the user is taken back to the Join Private Game menu.

Pre-Game lobby (client)

The pre-game lobby is a meeting place for players to chat while waiting for the game to start and also where the players choose teams for team based matches. When the player is ready to for the game to start they press the “Start Game” button. The game doesn’t start until all players have pressed this button.

Pre-Game lobby (server)

The server pre-game lobby is similar to the client pre-game lobby except that the server interface has game setup options, where the host can choose game type and the ball type (all balls are the chosen type for the game) and the server can force a game to start using the “Force Start” button. This button starts a five second countdown and then starts the game.

Post-Game lobby

After multiplayer games end, the players are taken to the post-game lobby where there is an overview of the game, including individual and team stats. Players are given the option to replay again. All of the players that choose to replay start back at the pre-game lobby. If the server chooses to not play again then the next player in the list becomes the server. Players can also choose to not play again, in which case they are taken back to LAN mode game select, or matchmaking for internet mode based on which mode they are in.

Game Flow

Multiplayer Games

Rumble Mode

Map Description

This mode will be played in larger arenas. Some maps will be multi-leveled with ramps leading to the higher levels. There will be holes at certain parts of the level that the player can fall through. All power-ups will be enabled by default on this map.


2 – 8


The objective is to acquire as many points as possible by destroying enemy balls. This can be accomplished by pushing the opposing balls off of the edge of the map or through holes in the map. Acquiring temporary power-ups will aid the player in destroying enemy balls. The first player to reach the point limit will win. This limit will be ten kills by default.

Starting Conditions

To start off a level in Balls Out multiplayer rumble mode, players are spawned in different spawn points that are located at different points in the level. In each of the multiplayer levels there are eight different spawn points, which is the max number of players in any of the multiplayer modes, and the location of these spawn points does not change over the course of the game. The spawn points are spread out so players are not spawned right next to one another, giving the players the option to go after power-ups.

Game play

When a player is knocked off the map, they will re-spawn in whichever spawn area is least populated by enemies. Each time a player knocks another player off of the map they receive a point, and if a player falls off of the map on their own, they will lose a point.


·  The host can choose to play on any of the game’s maps.

·  Any of the power-ups can be disabled for this style of play.

·  Cooperative Rumble Mode can be enabled. In this mode, players will battle in the same manner, but they will be grouped into up to four teams. Each team shares a common number of points.

·  The host can choose multiple AI players that will function similar to human players.

Race Mode

Map description

Race mode will be played on a specialized map. The map will have multiple waypoints set up around the map. A few power-ups will be enabled. The immediate speed boost and acceleration power-ups will be scattered about the map.