Following are some ideas for Historica Projects that students could pursue in relation to topics studied in each Intermediate topic:


Topic: New France

-Social Life in New France

-Fur Trade

-Expulsion of the Acadians

-Political Life in New France

-The Plains of Abraham

-The Seven Years’ War

-New France’s First Settlements

-North West Company: Conflict and Cooperation

-Impact of European Immigration on First Nations People

-The Metis

-Getting Settlers to New France: The Trip

-Children in New France

-Acadian Life Style

-First Nations People Encounter European Disease

-Education in New France

-First Nation Spirituality

-Jesuits in New France

-Religion and Culture in New France

-The Economy of New France

-Seigniorial System

-Military Alliances: Conflict in New France

Topic: British North America


-Loyalist Migration

-Mackenzie’s March Down Yonge Street

-Significant People Involved in the Drafting of The B.N.A. Act

-War of 1812

-Lady Elizabeth Simcoe

-Laura Secord

-Ethnic Settlements in British North America

-The Battles of 1812

-Sir Isaac Brock

-Thomas Peters

-Achievements and Contributions in a Young Colony

-Life in English Canada


Topic: Conflict and Change


-William Lyon Mackenzie

-Political Change

-The Building of Canals

-The Durham Report

-George Etienne Cartier

-The Maritimes in the 1820’s and 1830’s

-Unions in Canada

-The Rebellion Loses Bill

-Louis Riel


-Fils de la Liberte

-Responsible Government

-The 1837 Rebellion


-Transportation Routes in a Colony

-Relationships between Upper and Lower Canada

-Types of Conflict in a Young Colony


-Change Resulting From the Rebellions; Legal, Social, Economic, and Political Change


Topic: Confederation

-First Nations 1850-1860

-Black Communities in the 1850’s

-The BNA Act

-Sir John A. MacDonald

-Fenian Raids

-Health Care

-British and Canadian Relations

-P.E.I. and Confederation

-The Canadian National Railway

-Louis Riel

-Canadian Boundaries Throughout the Years

-Groups Excluded from Confederation

-Political Unrest

-Coming of the Railway

-Charlottetown Conference

-U.S. Manifest Destiny Doctrine

Topic: The Development of Western Canada

-First Nations People

-Changes in Communities in the Late 19th Century

-Treaties and the Indian Act

-The Klondike Gold Rush

-History of the RCMP

-History of the North West Mounted Police


-DawsonCity During the Gold Rush

-The CPR Moves West

-Everyday Life in a Native Community in the mid-1800’s

Topic: Canada: A Changing Society

-Inventions in the New Country


-Alexander Graham Bell

-Change in Technical Knowledge, Politics, Globalization and Immigration

-Family Roles

-The Challenges of Farming in Early Canada

-The Chinese Head Tax

-Child Labour

-Emily Carr

-The Responsibilities of Children

-Lucy Maud Montgomery

-Who Started WWI?

-The Boer War

-The Achievements of Individuals in a New Country

-Women’s Rights Movement

-Social Working Conditions


-Inventors and Inventions

-John A. MacDonald



Topic: Canadian History Since WWl (CHC2D)

Strands include:

Communities: Local, National, Global

-The Metis

-The CBC

-The Kyoto Accord

-The Gulf War


-The October Crisis

-WWl Nurses

-The Holocaust

-The Battles of WWl

-The War Measures Act

-Trench Life during War

-The War Effort Overseas

Change and Community


-Changes of Government: the Flow of World Leaders



-The Baby Boom

-War at Home

Citizenship and Heritage

-The War Orphans

-Billy Bishop: Air Ace

-Discrimination in WWl and WWll

Social, Economic, and Political Structures

-Canadian Internment Camps

-Economic Development

-Robert Bordon

-The Statute of Westminister

-The Great Depression

-Mackenzie King