Meeting Logistics April 9, 2017 7:00 pm @ Skyline Lanes ______

Attendees: Ted Kiefat, Dan Summers, Karri Kiefat, Mark Lau, Troy Ter Meer, Jeff Laspi, Josh Martalock, Marcus Lane

Members Absent: Lana Arro, Jay Juusola, Seth Daggett

Others Present: None

Call to order: 7:05 pm

Approve the Agenda: Added 3. Batting Cage to New Business. Motion made by Dan to accept the agenda. Seconded by Jeff. Motion passed unanimously.

Review of Previous Minutes: Motion made by Dan & seconded by Troy to accept the March 12, 2017 minutes. Motion passes.

Public Discussion: None

  1. Treasurer’s Report for March 2017: Karri reported

General Checking: $43073.29

Savings Account/Money Market: $13214.80

Concessions Account: $4019.03

Motion made by Mark to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by Troy and the motion passed unanimously.

  1. Old Business:

Coaching Clinic (Meeting for each level):

Rules and expectations were discussed. If any foul language from coaches, players, umpires, or parents are heard they will be asked to leave the complex. There will be zero tolerance this year.

Registration Update:

267 players total signed up as of meeting. 90 less than expected.

A few 13s are playing up @ Juniors. We asked if anyone wanted to move down since Juniors team has too many players and Intermediates teams need a few players. NO one was interested.

Spring Clinic:

2 dates left. Younger kids will go from 9:00-10:00. Older kids can come anytime and stay till noon.

2017 Drafts:

Minors, Majors, Intermediates, and Junior drafts are complete. T-ball and Rookies will be done by the end of the week.


Second year umps have all responded that they would like to continue. Ted is working on umping shirts. Ted is also working on a date for the ump clinic. Minor level umps will receive $10 per game.


Minors, Majors, Intermediates, and Juniors have been ordered with Advantage Emblem.

All Star Process:


Quad City Update:

Majors level is adding Cloquet, Carlton, Moose Lake, and Barnum. Carlton, ML, and Barnum games will start at 6:00 pm to give enough drive time.

Schedule should be coming out for majors next week.

Quad Cities really wants our Minors level to join next year.

New Helmets:

They are in the shed. They are RED so no one walks off with them. Tell coaches to watch them.

Baseball Day:

HLL Clothing will be ordered by Karri from Advantage Emblem: Dri-fit short sleeve shirts, Dri-fit long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, and hats.

Stokke’s Meats is on board to provide food like in the past.

______looking into a dunk tank and gaga ball. (Games)

Team pictures will be taken by Cody Lau. He will have samples and pricing at the next meeting.

Team Basket Silent Auction headed by Karri

Ted will be writing a letter to the Mayor inviting him to throw out the first pitch.

  1. New Business:

Portable Mound:

The amount of maintenance on the Majors Field mound was brought up and a suggestion was made to purchase a portable mound to build into the field. It would save 8-10 bags of clay each year and time spend by workers and coaches to build it up on a daily basis. Mark made a motion to have Ted purchase a new portable pitching mound for the Majors Field not to exceed $1500. Jeff Laspi seconded the motion. Motion passes unanimously.

Baseball Set Up Day:

April 29, 2017 from 9-noon. We need to walk the park picking up trash, getting trash cans out, and getting up batting cages.

New Batting Cage by Majors Field:

Approved by Park Board to put the new batting cage by the outfield fence of Majors Field by the scoreboard.

A discussion was also started about Soft Toss nets instead of a cage. Going forward with the cage.

Code of Conduct Signs:

Ted would like to have Advantage Emblem produce some Code of Conduct signs to put at all the entrances to Fitgner Field. This way no one can say “They didn’t know the rules of the park”.

Safety/First Aid Training:

Troy was wondering about safety and first aid training for the coaches. This is not required by Little League. However Concussion Training is required. Ted will be sending an email to all coaches with a link to send in their concussion training certificates.


Ted is working on the custom HLL scorebooks. They will be done before the season starts.

  1. Meeting Closed: 8:27 pm – Dan made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Mark.

Next meeting Sunday, May 14, 2017 @ 7:00 pm Skyline Bowling Lanes

Respectfully submitted by Karri Kiefat