TeacherTrainingShort Course ApplicationForm

The completed form should be emailed to . Please keep a copy for your records.

Which course and start date would you like? / CLIL (2018: 22 Jan-2 Feb, 23 July-3 Aug, 20 Aug-31 Aug*) *9 study days / £710 / Enter date. /
Classroom Skills for Teaching Young Learners (2018: 8-19 Jan, 9-20 July, 6-17Aug) / £710
Life in Britain - Bringing Culture to the Classroom (2018:, 8-19 Jan, 9-20 July, 6-17 Aug) / £765 / Enter date. /
Practical Teacher (2018: 8 Jan- 19 Feb, 22 Jan – 2 Feb, 9-20 July , 23 Jul – 2 Aug, 6 Aug – 17 Aug ) / £710 / Enter date. /
Current Trends - Theory and Practice
(2018: 22Jan-2Feb, 23Jul-3 Aug, 20-23 Aug) / £710 / Enter date. /
ADD ON: Technology for Language Teachers
(2018: 9-20 July, 23 July-3 Aug) (£50 discount if booked with another course) / £250 / Enter date. /
Saturdays:Language Teaching Refresher
(2018: 17 Feb-10 March , 8 Sept-29 Sept / £550 / Enter date. /
Managers: Academic Manager Development
(2018:13-17 Aug) / £665 / Enter date. /
Trainers: Teacher Trainer Development
(2018:6-17 Aug) / £860 / Enter date. /
IH London Experts on Current Practice / Sarah Cunningham - Writing Professional Materials (30 July- 3 August ) / £650
Adrian Underhill – Pronunciation and Performance (6-10 August) / £650
Are you purchasing Student Insurance? / Yes ☐No ☐
If yes, from: (select date) to (select date)

Agent bookings only / Agent name / Enter agent name. /
Agent email / Enter agent email. /

Application form

Personal details
Title / Click here to enter text. /
First name / Click here to enter text. /
Last name / Click here to enter text. /
Address line 1 / Click here to enter text. /
Address line 2 / Click here to enter text. /
Town or city / Click here to enter text. /
County or state / Click here to enter text. /
Country / Click here to enter text. /
Postcode or zip code / Click here to enter text. /
Telephone / mobile / Click here to enter text. /
Email address / Click here to enter text. /
Skype address / Click here to enter text. /
Date of birth / Click here to enter text. /
First language / Click here to enter text. /
Nationality / Click here to enter text. /
Country of birth / Click here to enter text. /
Main country of residence / Click here to enter text. /
Do you requirea Visa to study in the UK? Please see our website for advice and check the visa office for your country. / Yes, no or I don’t know. /
Student Insurance
If you have purchased insurance, it is important that you read the document accessed by this link;
I have read and accepted the Declaration for travel Eligibility Statements on the link above
I have read and agreed to the important conditions relating to health on the link above
I declare the answers given to question asked in the application form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I confirm that my travel details have been provided
Sign by: Enter your name here.
Date signed: Click here to enter a date. Date of birth: Click here to enter a date.
Emergency contact details
First name / Click here to enter text. /
Last name / Click here to enter text. /
Telephone/ mobile / Click here to enter text. /
Email / Click here to enter text. /
Education and experience
Current teaching role / Click here to enter text. /
Gender / Female or male. /
Higher education/ university / professional qualifications / Click here to enter text. /
Other relevant qualifications / Click here to enter text. /
Please let us know how you found out about International House London / Click here to enter text. /
To the best of my knowledge, the information in this application form is accurate. / Click here to enter text. /
Have you read our terms and conditions? / Yes or no. /
Application task
We would really like to know about you as a teacher and what you would like to get from the course you have chosen. Please tell us about your context and teaching. Please provide some background on your teaching experience. (Approximately 300 words).
Click here to enter text.

Please email this form to.

Please keep a copy yourself. We will contact you with your booking confirmation within three working days.

Thank you for your Application

The Teacher Training Team