Board Meeting

5:00 – 7:00 Tuesday 7 February 2017

Room 1 Beaumont House

Mile End Hospital, Bancroft Road, E1 4DG








Welcome, introductions and apologies



/ Chair

Business Items

2 / Minutes of the meeting of 13 December 2016 /


/ Chair
3 / Review of contract process /


/ John Cook (LBTH)
4 / Review job descriptions /


/ All
5 / Business case and income generation planning process /


/ All
6 / Representational roles /


/ Di
7 / NEL Sustainability and Transformation Plan
HWTH engagement and outcomes /


/ All
8 / AOB /


/ All

Date of next meeting:To be confirmed in March

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets Advisory Group Meeting

Minutes 13 December 2016

Members: David Burbidge (DB), Randal Smith (RS), Charlie Ladyman (CL), Karen Bollan (KB), Myra Garrett (MG), Iain Macleod (IM), Tim Oliver (TO)
Staff: Dianne Barham (Di), Rebeka Miah (RM)
Apologies: Abdullah Al Zuned, Mahbub Anan
Agenda Item & discussion / Actions
1 / Welcomes, introductions
2 / Minutes and actions from last meeting
Minutes of 4th October 2016 agreed as accurate
Feedback on actions
  • Di to send out doodle poll for Board Away day/ Induction
  • Peter did look into the time off from work policy. We are statutorily not allowed time off for Healthwatch roles, however employers at their own discretion should give you time off. Peter to explain.
  • DB apologies for inaction of the board since the last meeting. HWTH was waiting the outcome of the tender application. The tender has been successful and now the board can swing into action
Members Feedback
RS noted that his name is spelt with one ‘L’ / DI Send out Doodle Poll for away date.
3 / Outcome of HWTH Tender and Planning
Di went through the tender acceptance letter.
  • Agreed to hold an away day to look at what board needs to do, to set our work programmes and structures so everything is set for 1st of April 2017 (new contract).
  • There is a lot to be done as we have suggested changing staff structure and HWTH will be fully independent. We will need to change from Urban Inclusion to Healthwatch financial management.
  • An accountant is in place (Margaret Trotter).
  • Various committees need to be set up.
  • Set up new information and database analysis system
/ Di- formal invite for Saturday 28th January to be sent out for Away day.
  • The new tender is for 4 years
  • HWTH will be operating 50k less than the last tender. It has gone from £242k-£180k. That’s a 25% drop from the current funding.
  • Focus for the board will be to set priorities for the year
  • We have detailed processes to set priorities that we need to go through.
  • We will need to bring in HWTH members to help with this process, so we are clear where our influence needs to be and where we will have most impact.
  • Di noted that the impact, influence and outcome flowchart is quite important to setting our priorities.
  • The away day will look at how we make a solid work programme and work from the tender specification.
  • Di to provide JSNA, population information, all the feedback that we have got, what the commissioners have got as their priorities.
  • Other partners do not understand clearlywhat our role is and the work we do.
  • The plan is that HWTH move to David Hughes House at the Royal London Hospital. This is next door to the hub at RLH. Where we will be co-located with the social workers LBTH in an open plan office. Proposed to a lean to at the hub, to be used as storage.
  • One of the things that we agreed to was that we would collaborate with our neighbouring Healthwatchs. We need to put £30k aside to do this
* Hackney Mainly Covering Barts
*Waltham Forest (maybe) patch
  • Proposal is that we will look at how we could share information systems and communications.
DB- Plans for the Hospital
  • DB- Plan of the old Royal London Hospital building to become the new council office. Should be completed in 2021.
  • Entrance for the Royal London will change to the space between the Hub and the RLH Stepney way.
  • Looks like HWTH could be located in David Hughes house for the next four years securely.
  • On Saturday 28th there needs to be a formal board meeting to ratify any changes that we need to do, such as staffing, finance, companies house returns etc.
Members Feedback
  • IM –Will there be a review of HWTH over the next four years? Part of quarterly reporting process and LBTH undertake review after two years.
  • RS commented on the importance on knowing who works on what and responsibility, looking at strengths and weaknesses. Everyone needs to be singing from the same hymn sheet.
  • IM- There needs to a measure of impact from the work we do. Some people claim all the credit, when maybe we should claim more.
  • CL- Statistics to measure impact are important. Our role is to bring things to the table and address them.
  • Di gives example of the nutrition project and where it had real impact and what has changed as a result of the findings
  • DB We have had an incredible impact on soft services, transport and 111 contract.
  • All agreed to have the away date 28th January2017 .
  • Di will give the board members different roles for the day i.e. Randal would like to read up on the strategies…
  • CL have we got a review of what feedback our stakeholders and partners have received from the community events we have had. Do we use PALs data?
  • Di the issues that have come out from the last two health and wellbeing events have not really been about GP’s, hospital services or clinical issues, but rather air pollution, walking, exercise etc
  • MG – These issues are the ones that have been preached at them.
  • DB raises the issue of a national healths priority for this year is how to simplify the complaints procedure nationally.
  • IM- Enter & Views – Sharing best practice ie care homes, GP surgery needs to continue.
/ Di to give a cross section on the different bits of feedback that we have had so far, so board can get a picture not just using our reports but from pals data, also picking up what other voluntary sectors are doing around health and wellbeing.
4 / Representations, Roles and Responsibilities (DB presents)
Co- Chairs
  • HWTH has always had two co-chairs, the board are asked to think about their involvement of becoming a chair.
  • DB then refers to document on all the committees that HWTH have representation on.
  • In January we will officially make a decision on which board member is designated a post & who is interested in which committee.
Key committees are
  • H&W Board
  • Health Scrutiny Board
  • CCG Primary care Board
  • THT Stakeholder Panel
  • CQRM RLH and ME
  • We are being badgered to sit on the safeguarding committee.
  • Think about the committees and what you’re interested in and we can make a decision at on 28th January about which committee suits who and which committee we need to have members on.
Members Feedback
KB- Part of our strategic priority setting I think we need to say that we don’t go onto each committee but rather only the ones that are important to HWTH.
DB- One of the committees’ we said we would be involved in was the interfaith forum, housing forum.
Di- So long as we have people on the key committees’ than anything else left we try and spread them out in accordance with peoples interests.
5 / Health & Wellbeing Startegy- (Report Attached)
Tonight Somen Banerjeei will present the H&W Strategy, with an update on the surveys that have come back from the HWS event.
RS suggested we do something as Healthwatch, as we have been heavily involved in developing the strategy, but we can sit back and scrutinise it.
RS some critique of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • Part of scrutinising is that we need to look at the strength and weaknesses that HWTH brings to this strategy.
  • Are there expectations that are unrealistic for HWTH which need to be clarified.
  • The strategy as it reads is not clear in who is accountable for what and how its measured?
  • The strategy should be honest from HWTH perspective. If we have not been able to collect community intelligence on an issue then we should feel comfortable enough to state we do not know and that we will be doing A,B & C to find out, giving realistic time scales of feedback.
  • RS gives the example of how the problem in Hackney we identified the reason that life expectancy was so low was because of Turkish and Kurdish men were smoking and was the single biggest factor to low life expectancy. We bought in lots of external consultation which didn’t work until we got people from the community itself to run smoking sessions programmes which made a change. Its ways of making change and defining success.
  • Di- they tried to move away from the old style of strategy which was heavily focused on measuring every detail and now have designed a strategy which has no measure in it. Waiting to see where it gets to.
  • HWTH should think about what good would look like? With realistic times i.e. 10 years and not four, if you’re tackling something like low birth expectancy.
  • How do you measure community’s making change?
  • HWTH has two roles in the strategy
  • Quality assurance- reviewing, monitoring., making sure that everyone is doing what they’re meant to be doing and it can be measured
  • Community Voice- how can we engage people, how do we make them own this and how is the strategy led by the community. Much more of a community development role.
  • Do we a have community development role or are we meant to be holding people to account?
  • In the meantime, some of us could brainstorm what is that HWTH want from the strategy?
  • DB suggests that RS attend the strategic advisory group.
  • RS suggested that a meeting is arranged outside of it with Di.
Members Feedback
  • DB- Signposting was a huge issue with the last tender. We have to understand the real expectations and use the same language.
  • CL- Feedback needs to be a patient led
  • KB- The statistics that we currently have on poverty are very skewed.
  • RS- we are there to mobilise the community, to do something for themselves but also to critique what is being done to benefit them.
  • IM- A lot of padding in these reports, which is hard to get your head around. The councils seem to want value for money that makes them look good. What are our roles and the budget against it.
/ Response from HW on the HWS to be submitted. RB and Di to meet to take this
6 / NEL Sustainabilty and Transformation Plan
DB presents
  • A collection of the providers are coming together Homerton, Barts, BERT to bring all their back office function together.
  • King George (Redbridge)Has been downgraded, has no longer a Maternity unit and will only be used for urgent care
  • Tower Hamlets is not really affected by any of these changes.
  • There will be an STP board of all the providers.
  • There will also be a community board for engagement, Healthwatchers, lay members, voluntary organisations. It will be split into two one for inner London and the other for outer London
  • Tower Hamlets will be inner London.
  • Currently the changes to Mile End Hospital are not known. We need to know what is happening.
  • Locally 111 cluster support will be changing.
  • Ambulatory care will also be changing
  • Changes in the STP for inner London have already made for 2-3 years ago.
  • There will be an opportunity to work with the other Healthwatchs on this community engagement.
  • The commissioners from the STP are commissioning this engagement and funding this community comitee.
  • HWTH would like to work with the other Healthwatches
  • together on this engagement.
  • There is a pot of money for community engagement.
  • There is also going to be some funding from the TSP to fund all the Healthwatch meetings for the TST.
  • We may not need to use the £30k set aside to work with the other Healthwatches.
  • Suggestions to move all green calls moved to private contractors (non urgent but needs to be transported to hospital)
  • Fall service for Tower Hamlets to be piloted, putting paramedic, physio in one place in blue light cars.
  • There’s a pot of funding that Redbridge has got at the moment to do some engagement on the STP.
  • There are specific themes under the STP.HWTH put a summary of the STP in everyone’s goody bags at the last event
  • Di will package all the feedback that we have got from the last six months into their themes, this will meet our responsibility to feedback, that will include a range of data.
  • There will be a survey which we will conduct during our outreach at the RLH.
  • One of the things I wanted to include is about cutting funding and services not increasing resources.
  • We have a moral obligation to say this is what people want.
  • HWTH needs to put a strong statement together about the lack of funding
Members Feedback
  • IM- Is there a chance for us to benefit from their services

Barts Health- Di
  • CQC report has been delayed, will not be issued till end of January.
  • Expected to be moving in the right direction but not out of special measures.
  • Waiting for report for Barts ,which is still in special measures.
  • There is a vacancy for a Patients Panel Chair, if anyone wants to apply to be put on the panel at the Royal London please contact Sarah Silverton head of engagement.
  • Definitely need involvement from HWTH on the patient panel
  • Barts Hospital also need a patient panel chair.
IM- Collaborative Pairs presents a pilot project where you work collaboratively, patients and community working with the NHS to affect change within the NHS.
The idea is to work on a project together, but it’s more about the learning.
They would like to roll out this collaborative learning out on a national level.
IM has had two days so far out of five. IM is working with Caroline Chambers who is the community dietician.
Caroline Charmers will be shadowing IM to see how and Enter and View takes place.
IM will feedback once he has finished and IM will share the learning.
Members Feedback
CL may be interested in patient panel Chair. / IM to share learning and outcome- Collaborative pairs
  • None