DSBM Phase 3 - Module 3: Planning strategic initiatives in schools

Participant Planning Template



You may wish to plan modules 2 and 3 together. The work you do in module 3 follows from your work for module 2.

Part 1 of the assessment of module 3
Produce an outline business case to address one of the key priorities for development (internal or external) that you identified in module 2 (1,000 words + additional evidence in appendices). This strategic initiative will be the focus of your business case.
Which strategic development need (priority for development) will you focus onfor Part 1 of the assessment of this module (refer back to module 2)?
Why have you chosen this strategic need? Why did you reject others?
How will you generate different options for action to meet the strategic goals you have identified in relation to this initiative?
How will you carry out an options appraisal process?
What are the major risks to the strategic initiative you will focus upon, and what strategies will you consider to manage these risks?
How will you link your proposed strategic initiative to the school’s financial planning processes?
What type of information will you include in your Business Plan?
Part 2 of the assessment of module 3
Produce a confidential report for the SLT summarising your assessment of key aspects of the school’s strategic and financial management (1,000 words + additional evidence in appendices).
How will you investigate the way in which the school currently manages the options appraisal and approval of strategic initiatives and development projects?
What techniques will you use to evaluate the school’s current approaches to risk management, particularly the management of strategic and financial risks and business continuity planning?
How will you investigate the school’s strategic financial management, and evaluate the alignment of financial forecasting and budget setting processes to the strategic direction of the school.
What kind of structure and format do you plan to use in writing your report for the SLT?