We believe that the Holy Bible, consisting of sixty-six books from Genesis to Revelation, is the divine revelation of God Almighty to man; that it is both verbally (each word) and plenarily (all the words) inspired by God (Ps 12: 6,7; 2Ti 3:16); that it was written down by holy men of God as they were supernaturally moved by the Holy Ghost (2Pe 1:19-21; Acts 1:16, 3:21, 28:25; 2Sa 23:2; Eph 6:17); that these words are free from all error and from all omission; thus every word is true and altogether infallible and inerrant; that it shall remain the only complete and final revelation of the will of God to man (Ps 119:89, 160, 12:6; Lk 24:25-27, 44, 45; Is 40:8; 1Pe 1:23-25; Jn 10:35, 17:17; Pv 30:5,6; Ro 3:4; Rv 22:18,19); and that it is the true center of all Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions should be tried (1Co 2:12,13; Mt 5:18; Ro 15:4; Jn 12:48; Hb 4:12; Ps 19:7-11; Jn 5:39; Ro 10:17; Jude 3). Thus, the Holy Bible is our sole authority in all matters of faith and practice in our church and in our individual lives. Also, God has supernaturally preserved the very words penned by the human writers of the holy scriptures so that mankind would always have access to the Word of God (Ps 12:6-7; 78:1-8; 119:89, 111, 152, 160; Is 30:8; 40:6-8; Ecc 3:14; Mt 4-4; 5:17-18; 24:35; 28:20; John 10:35; Col 1:17; 2 Ti 3:15, 1 Pe 1:23-25; 2 Jn 1:2). The King James Version of the Bible is the pure, preserved Word of God for English speaking people, without any error, and thus without any need for correction or retranslation. Its Old Testament is translated from the Hebrew Masoretic text; and its New Testament is translated from the “Textus Receptus”, specifically Stephanus’ 3rd Edition. Previous translations were used for diligent comparison and include: Matthew, Geneva, Great, Luther, Olivetan, Diodati, and Waldensian Bibles. All so called versions of the Bible not from this pure, preserved line are to be wholly rejected (i.e. including, but not limited to, the New International Version, the New American Standard Version, the New Revised Standard Version, and the New King James Version). Furthermore, any translation that is based in part or in whole on the Westcott and Hort translation (including manuscript codeces’ Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, and Alexandrinus) is to be wholly rejected.

We believe the Scriptures teach that there is one, and only one, living and true God, an infinite, intelligent Spirit, the Maker and supreme Ruler of heaven and earth; inexpressibly glorious in holiness, and worthy of all possible honor, confidence, and love; that in the unity of the Godhead there are three distinct Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; equal in every divine perfection, and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption and in the accomplishment of His eternal plan and purpose; all three of the Godhead having always been actively involved with mankind.

[Ge 1:1; 17:1; Ex 3:14; 15:11; 20:2,3; Jn 4:24; Ps; 90:2, 147:5; Je 10:10; Re 4:11; I Ti 1:17; Ro 11:33; Mk 12:30; Mt 28:19; II Co 13:14; Eph 2:18; He 12:29; De 6:4,5; Is 6:3; I Pe 1:15; 1Jn 4:8, 5:6-12]

We believe the Scriptures teach that God the Father reigns with providential care over His universe, His creatures, and the events of human history according to the purposes of His grace; that He is unchangeable in holiness, love and truth; that He is Father in truth to those who are the children of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and fatherly in His attitude toward all men, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and receive His gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ (1Co 8:6; Eph 4:6; Ps 83:18; and the above references of The True God).


General: The second Person of the triune God is the Son, the only begotten Son of the Father, whose name is the Lord Jesus Christ. He existed eternally with the Father and is equal with the Father (Jn 1:1,14; Jn 8:58; Jn 17:5,24; Php 2:6-11). He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary (Mt 1:16-25; Is 7:14). He is both perfect God and perfect man, living a sinless life (Hb 2:9-15; Php 2:6-11; Jn 5:27; Jn 10:30, 20:28; 1Jn 3:9; Hb 4:15). He died a substitutionary death on the cross securing redemption for man through His shed blood (Ro 5:8; Mk 10:45; 1Jn 1:7; 1Pe 1:19, Col 1:14); and was buried and then physically rose again from the grave the third day with a glorified body (Mt 28:1-9; Jn 20:20,27; Jn 21:7; 1Co 15:3-5). He was seen of many and then ascended into Heaven to be exalted and seated at the right hand of the Father where He is the Head over His churches, the Mediator and Advocate with God the Father for all believers (Act 1:8-11; He 10:12; He 7;25; 1Jn 2:1; Col 1:18). He has promised to return to “rapture” the saved, prior to the Tribulation, at the conclusion of which He will personally and visibly reign over the earth (1Th 4:16; 1Th 5:9; Zech 14:3-7; Rv 19:11-21, 20:2-6).

His Sacrifice: We believe that, in infinite love for the lost, Christ voluntarily accepted His Father's will (Php 2:7,8; Jn 10:18; Ga 1:4) and became the divinely provided sacrificial Lamb (Jn 3:16; Is 53:4-7; He 12:2) whose shed Blood and death took away the sin of the world (John 1:29, 1Co 15:3); that He bore the holy judgments against sin which the righteousness of God must impose (Ro 3:25,26); that His death was, therefore, substitutionary in the most absolute sense, "the just for the unjust" (1 Pe 2:24, 3:18; 2 Co 5:14, 21; He 10:5-14; Mt 18:11; 1Jn 4:10; Is 53:11,12); that Christ's Blood is not a mere figure of speech or "metonym" to be equal to "death"; that it is the blood that makes "atonement for the soul" (Lev 17:11; 1Jn 2:2); that Christ's Blood was "shed for the remission of sins" (Mt 26:28); that Christ's Blood "purchased" the Church (Acts 20:28); that Christ's Blood provides redemption (Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; 1 Pe 1:18-19; He 9:12-15; Re 5:9); that Christ's Blood is incorruptible (1 Pe 1:18-19); that Christ's Blood justifies us (Ro 5:9); that Christ's Blood brings us near to God (Eph 2:13); that Christ's Blood gives us peace (Col 1:20); that Christ's Blood provides forgiveness (Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; Hb 9:22); that Christ's Blood provides reconciliation to God (Col 1:20); that Christ's Blood purges the conscience (Hb 9:14), purifies the heavenly things (Hb 9:23), cleanses us from all sin (1 Jn 1:7), and washes us from our sins (Rv 1:5; 7:14); that Christ’s shed Blood and death has given us victory over the Devil (Rv 12:11; He 2:14); that Christ's Blood is now in heaven as the "Blood of sprinkling" (Hb 12:22-24); that Christ's Blood gives us boldness and access to the holiest in heaven (Hebrews 10:19); and that Christ's Blood makes us perfect in every good work to do His will (Hb 13:21).


The Scriptures teach that the Holy Spirit is God (Act 5:3,4) and is co-equal, co-essential, co-eternal, and co-active with God the Father and God the Son (Hb 9:14, 2Co 3:17) and He is the present representative of the Godhead on this earth; that He was active in the creation of the universe (Gn 1:2,26); that He moved holy men of God to write the Bible (2Pe 1:21); that He convicts men of sin, righteousness, and judgement (Jn 16:8); that He testifies only of Jesus Christ and not Himself (Jn 15:26); that He is the agent of the new birth (Jn 3:5,6 Tit 3:5); that He seals (Eph 1:13,14), indwells (Ro 8:9), guides (Ro 8:14), teaches us all truth (Jn 14:17, 26; 1Co 2:10-13), comforts (Jn 14:16), calls to service (Act 13:2), sanctifies (1Pe 1:2), and bestows spiritual gifts upon the believer (the “sign” gifts having passed away around 100 A.D. with the completion of the New Testament canon {i.e. tongues, miracles, healing, special knowledge})(1Co 12:4-6, 13:8-12); that the baptism with the Holy Ghost was essentially a one time event to empower the church at Pentecost (Acts 11:16; Mt 3:11; Lk 24:49; Jn 1:33; 1Co 12:13; Act 1:8); and that the fullness of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is best shown in boldness to witness for our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8).


General: The Scriptures teach that God created man in His own image, distinct from all other forms of life (Gn 1:25-27; 2:21-23), and not from previously existing forms of life; that man was created for the purpose of glorifying God Himself (Is 43:7); that the Genesis account of creation is to be accepted literally and not allegorically or figuratively; that all animal and vegetable life was made directly and specially (Acts 4:24; Ex 20:11; Ne 9:6; Col 1:16,17; He 11:3; Jn 1:3), and God’s established law is that they should bring forth only “after their kind” (Gn 1,6); and that the teaching of evolution is to be wholly rejected (Gen1,2; Ro 1:20); that marriage is ordained by God and only involves a man marrying a woman (Gn 2:24); that “unnatural affection” is an abomination before the Lord (i.e. sodomy, ‘homosexuality’, ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ lifestyles) (Lv 18:22-29; 20:13; Ro 1:24-32; 1Co 6:9-11; 13:6; Col 3:5; 1Ti 1:10; 2Pe 2:7; Jude 7); that man is a tripartite being (1Th 5:23) having an everlasting soul (1Jn 5:12, Mt 25:46); and that man will physically die and then be judged (Hb 9:27).

The Fall of Man: The Scriptures teach that man (Adam) was created in innocence under the law of his Maker, but by voluntary transgression through an act of deliberate disobedience fell from that sinless and happy state; in consequence of which all mankind are now sinners (Ro 5:12,19), not by constraint but of choice, being by nature utterly void of that holiness required by the Law of God, positively inclined to evil; and that all men are under just condemnation without defense or excuse (Romans 1:18, 20).

[Ge 1:11,31; Rv 10:6; Acts 17:23-26; Jer 10:12; Ecc 7:29; Ge 3:1-6,24; Ro 1:28,32; 3:10-19; Ez 18:19,20; Ga 3:10,22; Ps 51:6; Isaiah 53:6; Mt 20:15; Eph 2:1-3, 810; 1 Ti 5:6]


The Scriptures teach that angels are created spirit beings (Neh 9:6, Col 1:16, Hb 1:13,14); that one of these angels, Lucifer, fell through the sin of pride, taking with him a large company of now “fallen” angels (devils) (Ez 28:13-17, Is 14:12-17, 2 Co 4:4; Eph 2:2, Rv 12:9); that Satan is not a force or another name for evil, but is an actual created being; that Satan is not omnipotent or omnipresent but is limited as any other created angelic being is (Hb 1:1-14, 1Jn 4:4); that Satan (Lucifer), along with his devils, is the originator and instigator of sin (Gn 3:1-21), the tempter (Lk 4:1-13), the adversary (1Pe 5:8), the enemy of God and His Christ (Jn 8:44, 1Pe 5:8), the imitator of God counterfeiting the works of God by fostering religious movements and systems of doctrine (1 Ti 4:1-3, 2Co 4:4, 11:14,15), now rules as the "god of this world" (2 Co 4:3-4); and the accuser of God’s people (Rv 12:10); and that Satan is a defeated foe (Gn 3:14,15, 1Jn 3:8, Hb 2:14) and will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years (Rv 20:1-3, 10); that after the thousand years, he will be loosed for a little season (Rv 20:7); and that he will then be "cast into the Lake of Fire and brimstone," where he "shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever" (Mt 25:41, Rv 20:10); that God’s holy angels are sent forth to minister to the saints (Hb 1:14), to protect children (Mt 18:10), to transport the souls of believers at death (Lk 16:22). and to execute God’s judgement upon the world (Mt 13:41, Rv 7-18). The angels are subordinate to Jesus Christ (Hb 1:1-14), are not to be worshipped (Rv 22:8,9), and someday will be judged by the saints (1Co 6:3).
[Ps 148:2,5; 103;20; 104:4; Dnl 9:21,22; 10:13; 12:1; Lk 9:26; Mk 8:38; Jude 9; Rv 12:7; Ps 80:1; 99;1,11; Rv 4:6-8; Ezl 1:4-28; Is 6:1-3; II Th 1:7,8; Ps 34:7; Acts 12:7-11; II Ki 6:17; Jude 6; Eph 2:2; II Pe 2:4; Jn 14:30; I Th 3:5; Mt 4:1-3; I Jn 3:8; Mt 13:25,37,39; Lk 22:3,4; Rv 12;10; Mk 13:21,22; I Jn 4:3, 2:22; II Jn 7; Rv 13:13,14; 12:7-9; 19:11,16,20; 20:1-3,10; II Th 2:8-11]


We believe that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked (Pv 14:32; Mal 3:18; Gn 18:23; Ro:17-18); that only those who are justified by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and sanctified by the Spirit of our God are truly righteous in His sight (Jn 8:32; Ro 6:23); that all such as continue in impenitence and unbelief are in His sight wicked and under the curse (I Jn 5:19, Jn 3:18, 36); that this distinction holds among men both in this life and after death; that the saved will enter into the joys of heaven (Jn 14:1-3; Php 1:23; 2 Co 5:6-8); and that the lost will undergo everlasting conscious suffering in the Lake of Fire (Mt 25:41; Rv 20:14-15).


The Scriptures teach that sin is the transgression of the Law (1Jn 3:4, Ro 7:7-13) and that by one man (Adam) sin entered the world (Ro 5:12) and was passed upon all others (Ro 5:19) for all are indeed sinners (Ro 3:10,23); that the penalty of sin is death (separation) (Ro 6:23) and is seen in physical, spiritual, and eternal separation from God (Ro 5:12, Eph 2:1, 4:18, Rv 14:11, 20:15) which is in the Lake of Fire. That a saved person has two natures, the old nature (the flesh, sin), and the new nature (the indwelling Holy Spirit) (1 Cos 6:1920; Ro 7:15-25; Gal 5:16-17) that the flesh, with its fallen, Adamic nature, in this life is never eradicated (Gal 5:16-17; Jn 3:6); that it is with us to the end of our earthly pilgrimage (Jn 3:6; 1 Jn 1:8, 10); and that it needs to be kept by the Spirit constantly in subjection to Christ, or it will surely manifest its presence in our lives to the dishonor of our Lord (1 Pe1:14-16; 1 Jn 3:5-9).