Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5:00 PM


5:00 PM

  1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Saunders called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. Members present: Brad Gunderson, Paul Weber, Jared Gapinski, and Bill Bard. Others present: Ross Olson, City Administrator, Adam Ripple, City Attorney, Perry Beise, Police Chief, Terry Wotzka, City Engineer, Pete Eckhoff, UtilitiesDirector, Todd Schultz, Community Development Director, Jack Kahlhamer, Finance Director, and Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator

2.Additions or Changes to the Agenda


3.Approve the Agenda

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weberand seconded by Councilperson Gapinski to approve the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

4.Approve Minutes

A. 5-14-12 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gapinski and seconded by Councilperson Gundersonto approve the 5-14-12 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

5.Receive and File


6.Mayor’s Communications

  • Rapids River Days, June 21-23, 2012

Mayor Saunders encouraged everyone to attend the 9th Annual Rapids River Days festival in Sauk Rapids. He noted the events taking place throughout the celebration. All information regarding Rapids River Days can be found on the City’s website.

  • Verso Paper Mill in Sartell

Mayor Saunders extended thoughts and prayers to all of those impacted by the fire at the Verso Paper Mill in Sartell.

7.Audience Items/Visitors

Total Time Limit 10 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda


8. Public Hearings


9.Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Hiring of Seasonal Employee
  2. Approve Mayhew Creek Park Maintenance Agreement with ISD #47
  3. Approve Ordinance Amending Charitable Gambling Regulations and Summary of Publication Resolution—Pulled For Discussion
  4. Approve Windscreen Donation From Sauk Rapids Baseball Association
  5. Approve 2012 Plumbing Contractor License
  6. Approve Construction and Installation of Oil Recycling Center At Public Works
  7. Approve Repairing Well at Mayhew Creek Park
  8. Award 2012 Sealcoat Project to Caldwell Asphalt
  9. Approve Purchase of IWP25 Lift
  10. Approve Amended Service Agreement For Racetrack
  11. Approve Waiving Rapids River Days Temporary Sign Permit Fees

Motion: Moved byCouncilperson Gapinskiand seconded by Councilperson Weberto approve agenda items 9A, 9B, 9D-9K. Motion carried unanimously.

9-C. Approve Ordinance Amending Charitable Gambling Regulations and Summary of Publication Resolution

Councilperson Weber stated that he pulled this agenda item because the ordinance states that there will be local benefits for charitable gambling, but the Minnesota Fishing Museum, which conducts charitable gambling at the BP station, is ran out of Little Falls. Jack Kahlhamer explained that the City could require across the board that 10% of BP station’s charitable gambling profits be directly given to the City, but then that requirement would have to be enforced for all organizations. He noted that many of the organizations give back to the local area much more than 10% of profits and they may not appreciate if the City reassigns this money back to the City.

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weber and seconded by Councilperson Bard to approve the ordinance amending charitable gambling regulations. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Weber and seconded by Councilperson Gapinski to approve the summary of publication resolution. Motion carried unanimously.

10.Regular Agenda

A. Feasibility Study For 2012 Street Overlay Improvement

Terry Wotzka advised the Council that included with the meeting packet was a Feasibility Report and Preliminary Assessment Worksheet (PAW) for the 2012 street overlay improvements. Wotzka explained that when determining which roadways would make good candidates for an overlay improvement, they look at the most heavily traveled streets to be the most cost effective ones to tackle. According to the City’s Assessment Policy, the plan is to assess the equivalent of a standard 32 ft. wide residential street. Wotzka noted that because this project has streets that are greater than 32ft. wide, the City is unable to assess 25% of the project costs to benefitting properties as stated in the Assessment Policy. The resulting assessment is approximately 20% of the project cost. Wotzka said that the assessment method that staff feels best applies to this project is the “per lot” method that assesses each benefitting residential property the same amount. He explained that there are three commercial lots on the project, and how these assessments would be calculated. Wotzka presented the estimated costs for the project and the total amount that is proposed to be assessed. The City’s cost of the project is part of the City’s 2012 street budget.

Councilperson Weber asked how long the assessment would run. Wotzka noted that for this type of project the assessment would stretch five years. Councilperson Weber questioned why the project was cut off in the location that it was. Wotzka said that simply this is all that the budget allowed for in terms of the stretch of the roadway that could be done with the money allotted. Councilperson Weber questioned why some addresses were assessed and others were not. Wotzka explained that driveway access on to Summit is what determined those assessed versus those not assessed.

Councilperson Gapinski questioned if the project could be extended if it comes in way under budget. Wotzka explained that in order to assess those impacted would need to be notified at this stage of the project, so that makes it nearly impossible to add to the project after bids come in.

Councilperson Bard questioned Summit Way and why those addressed were not being assessed. Wotzka explained the rationale behind this.

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gapinski and seconded by Councilperson Bard to approve the Resolution Receiving the Report and calling for a Hearing on the Proposed Assessment for the 2012 Street Overlay Improvements. Motion carried unanimously.

11.Other Staff Items

A. Community Room Rental Fee Discussion

Ross Olson said that he and the Personnel and Finance Committee will be reviewing rates for the new Community Room in the new Sauk Rapids Government Center. The Committee will be talking about current users and what the appropriate fee is for this type of use as well as the politics behind the fees.

Mayor Saunders noted that the non-profits were not charged in the former City Hall for the use of the old Community Room. Olson stated that not only were they not charged for the use, but they also did not pay a damage deposit. Mayor Saunders requested that examples of different types of uses and possible fees be illustrated on the Request For Action (RFA) when this item is presented to the Council.

Councilperson Weber noted that non-profits are being charged for the use of other City buildings.

Councilperson Gapinski noted that the cleaning a room as large as the new Community Room will add up if the City is to hire this out.

Olson said that staff hopes to bring this item back to the Council at their next regularly scheduled meeting or as soon as possible thereafter.

12. Other Council Items and Communications


13.Approve List of Bills and Claims

Motion: Moved by CouncilpersonBardand seconded by CouncilpersonGundersonto approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion: Moved by Councilperson Gunderson and seconded by Councilperson Weber to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Saunders adjourned the meeting at5:25p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dana Furman

Administrative Services Coordinator

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