Minutes Clifton/Clifton East PACT meeting

Wednesday 30th September 2009, 7:00pm

Location: The New Hall, Clifton High School.

Persons Present

Stephen Perry (Chair) (SP)

Sgt 2449 Mark Alderton (MA)

PC 1171 Nick Shaw (NS)

PC 278 Jez Burtsow (JB)

PCSO 9758 Richard Yule (RY)

PCSO 7068 Susan Passmore (SP1)

Cllr Trevor Blythe (TB)

Cllr Mike Popham (MP)


Cllr Barbara Janke

Cllr Simon Cook

Ariaf Hussain


SP thanked everyone for attending, introduced representatives present and apologised for the non-attendees. SP then briefly explained PACT.

Review of previous priorities

SP went over what the 3 priorities were from the previous PACT meeting:

1.  ASB/Noise around licensed premises

JB - The council pay licensing visits on a regular basis and take action against offending premises.

A formal police caution was issued against one of the managers of a licensed premise who was subsequently replaced.

There has been an overall drop in the number of complaints received regarding licensed premises on the Whiteladies Rd strip.

Meeting held on 30/09/09 to discuss the possibility of implementing a Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) in the Clifton Village area – await update.

Will the Police support a CIZ? MA – No reason why we shouldn’t.

TB – Will aim to pass on any licensing applications to local residents.

2.  Car vandalism – All Saints Road/Thorndale.

Since the last PACT meeting, no further reports of car vandalism on either street.

3.  Cycling on Footpaths – Mardyke Wharf, Victoria Square, Christchurch green and The Promenade.

After numerous emails back and forth between PC Shaw and the council, we have been unable to establish who can enforce pavement cycling along Victoria Sq, Christchurch or The Promenade, or, whether it can be enforced. Mardyke Wharf is a designated shared footpath/cycle route.

Attendees were then asked to raise issues that could be put forward as possible PACT priorities for the next 3 months.

General discussion

·  Mortimer Road – Student parties, noise, Anti-social Behaviour (ASB), vandalism. Oakfield Road Residents Assoc. has liaised with Bristol Uni to discuss a similar issue. A representative from Bristol Uni stated that they would be looking into dealing with cases of ASB more seriously. They would also look into the Mortimer Road incident and establish whether it involved any students from Bristol Uni. Over the next 9 months they will be creating the capacity to look into ASB on a more personal level.

·  Car Arson – Mortimer Road, Sion Lane and Hensmens Hill – to be dealt with as criminal investigations.

·  ‘A’ Boards and pavement obstructions – Clifton Village – Street furniture. Council are in the process of looking into this and adding ‘A’ boards onto part of the licensing application – citywide initiative.

·  No Police Presence in Clifton Village – more police in the village; around Princess Victoria Street and The Mall, to coincide with the night time economy.

·  Heavily intoxicated patrons from specific Licensed premises – Can action be taken to enforce landlords to stop serving alcohol to these individuals?

·  ASB around ‘Luna Club’

·  Better communication between Police, council, Fire Brigade, universities etc

·  CCTV Richmond Hill – use to have a camera there, but was taken away for no apparent reason. Is it possible to replace it, due to the amount of vehicle crime along Richmond Hill?

·  BBQ’s/Fire’s on the Downs – Who enforces this?

There is a New Down’s ranger who is reorganising staff.

Downs committee held a meeting a few weeks ago and the minutes can be viewed on the website.

SP then asked everyone to vote for an issue to decide on what the next 3 priorities should be. They are as follows:

1.  Mortimer Road/Grange Road – ASB

PC Shaw has a meeting arranged with Greg DERHAM, Council ASB team, to discuss what action to take against relevant properties. Police to patrol above locations more frequently and deal with any ASB in a swift and appropriate manner.

  1. More Police presence – Police to patrol more frequently around Clifton village, especially Fri/Sat nights after 11:00pm.
  1. ‘A’ Boards – Princess Victoria Street, Whiteladies Road, Clifton Wood, The Mall and Regent Street.

SP then finished the meeting by thanking everyone for coming.

The date of the next PACT meeting is Wednesday 13th January 2010, to be held at the New Hall, Clifton High School, College Road, time to be confirmed.