
English 1



Loose leaf paper, colored paper


·  Make the logs: stack ten pieces of paper and a cover (both halved), fold the stack in half, and staple it in the middle.

·  On the inside cover, write the following sentence starters, designed to help you get started writing about your reading process:

While I was reading

I got confused when…

I was distracted by…

I started to think when…

I got stuck when…

The time went quickly because…

A word/some words I didn’t know were…

I stopped because…

I lost track of everything except…

I figured out that…

I first thought… but then I realized…

·  Record the following at the top of each page:

Date Book Title Page # Started Page # Ended Time Spent Reading

·  After each SSR session, you will fill out your log using the heading and one or more of the above sentence starters.

·  On the inside back cover, record the following:

Date Book Title Page # Started, Ended Status

You will record this information at the end of every two weeks. For status, mark 1 if you are still reading, 2 if you started but stopped to choose another book, and 3 if you finished the book.

SSR Book: TEST Assignment


You will be sharing your SSR book in two ways. The first way is by writing a letter to me about the book and what you have learned about yourself as a reader by reading this book. The second way is by creating a book poster in which you choose quotes from the book to illustrate.

1.  The Letter

Write a letter to me. This letter should be at least one page long and include the following information:

About the book. Give the title, author, and a brief summary of the book’s plot. Choose one character that you liked or disliked most in the book. Describe this character, and explain why you felt the way you did about this character. How did this book compare to other books you have read so far? Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?

About yourself as a reader. What, if anything, are you noticing about yourself as a reader that is different from the way you read at the beginning of the semester? Are your interests, skills, or habits changing in any way? What, if anything, is surprising you? What are your goals for the next book?

2.  The Book Poster

Choose six quotations (usually a sentence or two) from your book that you found interesting. Divide a large sheet of paper into six sections, and copy one quotation onto the bottom of each section. Then illustrate each quotation, either symbolically or literally. You may draw or use magazine or newspaper pictures or computer graphics. Be prepared to explain your choice of quotations and illustrations.

3.  Reading Logs

You will need to turn in your completed reading logs along with your project.


Dear Parent/Guardian:

For the last six weeks in English, students will pick out a novel for our Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) time in class. At least 3-4 days a week, they will read for 15-20 minutes in class, and students should be reading a little bit of their books every night. This is in addition to other assignments for English, but students will have the opportunity to read in class as well as at home. Please read the description of the SSR guidelines as well as the project requirements (given to your student), which is due Friday, January 4th, 2013.

Your son’s or daughter’s book choice is ______by


Please indicate by your signature below that you have read the guidelines and requirements, and are aware of these responsibilities, thank you,


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