Monitoring Document

New Mexico Public Education Department

Career-Technical and Workforce Education Bureau

November 2008

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Instructional Grant Program

Secondary and Post-Secondary Instructional Grants

District, Consortium, or Institution:
Schools Visited:
Project Director: / Initials:
PED Project Monitor: / Initials:
Date of Review: / Technical Assistance Visit: / Formal Monitoring Visit:


Advanced Implementation – The strategy is integrated throughout the partnership and demonstrates program sustainability and/or growth.

Example: Governing Board minutes reflect approval of Perkins monies; one or more programs of study is available that leads to industry certification; dual and/or articulated classes are available to students; may reflect affiliation with career clusters; documents, websites, and other media are available for reference; professional development for teachers is aligned to instructional strategies or industry certifications; advisory boards comprised of secondary, postsecondary, and workforce representatives exist and meet semi-annually; student organizations may exist and are encouraged.

Corrective Action Required – Indicates that criterion in this partnership does not meet the requirements of the Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, New Mexico Administrative Code Rules, EDGAR, OMB Circulars and OSHA.

Criteria – from the Carl D. Perkins Career-Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006.

Documentation – a listing of suggested evidence for the indicators.

Indicators – gauge the level of implementation of criteria by the institution

Initial Implementation – The strategy is beginning to be carried out.

Example: Governing Board minutes reflect approval of Perkins monies; programs of study are in the process of implementation; dual and/or articulated classes are available to students; advisory boards comprised of secondary, postsecondary, and workforce representatives, exist and meet semi-annually; student organizations may exist and are encouraged.

Planning/Development – The strategy is being planned, designed, and/or field-tested. Goal setting, staff orientation, formation of committees, and the development of plans for the strategy are underway.

Example: Governing Board minutes reflect approval of Perkins monies; programs of study are being developed; dual and/or articulated classes are being planned. Advisory boards comprised of secondary, postsecondary, and workforce representatives exist and meet semi-annually. Potential use of career clusters and student organizations are being examined.


I. Local Plan Requirements
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(1) Local programs are carrying out career and technical education programs with Carl Perkins funding. / • Local plan is approved.
/ • Local plan evaluation sheet approved and signed and on file.
• Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) approved and on file
Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements(continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(2) Career-technical activities are carried out meeting state and local adjusted levels of performance. / • Documentation indicates the school district, consortium or post secondary institution is addressing state and local negotiated performance level indicators as related to Career-Technical Programs.
• The district, consortium, or institution has a procedure to insure accurate data collection.
  • Evidence reflects applicant is working to meet core indicator state adjustment levels of performance.
  • Graduation rate aligned with No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
  • Curriculum Standards and Benchmarks
  • Student reading/math performance rates aligned with .NCLB
  • STARS data being reported.
  • Career-Technical Education (CTE) supported via Educational Plan for Student Success (EPSS) or Post Secondary Performance Plans .
  • Participation/Completion in non-traditional programs
  • Documentation of skills/competencies

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(3) (A) Offer the appropriate courses of not less than 1 of the career and technical education programs of study described in section 122(c)(1)(A) / • Course catalogues and other media pertaining to program areas
• Documentation reflects career planning and development skills related to program(s) of study.
• State and local board policies reflecting certification or graduation requirements.
  • Course catalogues & descriptions
  • Class syllabi
  • Next-Step Plans
  • Transcripts
  • Student Teacher Accountability Reporting System.(STARS) data reports
  • Enrollment rosters Curriculum standards and benchmarks
  • Course catalogues & descriptions
  • Degree Plans
  • Exit skills and competencies

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(B) Improve the academic and technical skills of students participating in career and technical education programs by strengthening the academic and career technical education components of such programs through the integration of coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant career and technical education programs to ensure learning in the core academic subjects and career and technical education subjects. Section 134 (b) (3) (B)
  • Evidence reflects lessons, projects, curriculum to support integration of academic alignment with curriculum standards and benchmarks.
  • Documents reflect activities supporting exposure to a wide variety of career opportunities.
  • Course catalogues and other media pertaining to program areas reflect coherent, rigorous content aligned with NMSB in math, science, or language arts, Associate Degree requirements, or Industry Standard Certification requirements.
  • Course descriptions reflect contextualized learning.
  • Documentation reflects career planning and development skills related to program(s) of study.
  • Board Policies reflect rigorous local graduation requirements.(S)
  • Systemic use of curriculum standards and benchmarks.
  • Lesson plans reflecting NMSBs tied to rigorous academic curriculum.
  • Portfolios
  • Project-based activities
  • Common planning time or learning communities
  • Course catalogues & descriptions
  • Class syllabi
  • Next-Step plans
  • Transcripts
  • STARS data reports
  • Systemic use of curriculum standards and benchmarks.
  • Lesson plans reflecting NMSBs tied to rigorous academic curriculum.
  • Portfolios
  • Project-based activities
  • Common planning time or learning communities
  • Course catalogues & descriptions
  • Class syllabi
  • Degree Plans
  • Transcripts

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(C ) Provide students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry. / Evidence reflects lessons, projects, and curriculum to support integration of industry perspectives, processes, organizational systems, and skills. /
  • Job Shadowing
  • Guest speakers
  • Career fairs
  • Internships
  • Co-Op program
  • Work-based program
  • Textbooks
  • Field Experience
  • Distance Learning Field Trips
  • Curriculum standards and benchmarks
  • Lesson plans
  • Portfolios
  • Project-based activities including simulations, school based enterprises,
  • * Results from skill tutorial programs and assessments, such as Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN), KeyTrain, WorkKeys, National Occupational ComptetencyTesting Institute (NOCTI) results

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(D) Ensure that students who participate in such career-technical education programs are taught the same challenging academic proficiencies as are taught for all other students. /
  • Policies or handbooks reflect access and opportunities for all students.
  • Evidence reflects lessons, projects, and curriculum taught to proficient or advanced levels and includes integration of academic alignment with curriculum standards and benchmarks.
  • Policies and handbooks
  • Curriculum Standards and Benchmarks
  • Lesson Plans
  • Portfolios
  • Project-based activities
  • Common planning times
  • Job Shadowing
  • Guest speakers
  • Career fairs
  • Internships
  • Work-based learning programs
  • Results from skill tutorial programs and assessments, such as WIN, KeyTrain, WorkKeys, NOCTI results
  • Textbooks
  • Distance Learning Field Trips

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(E) Encourage career and technical education students at the secondary level to enroll in rigorous and challenging courses in core academic subjects (as defined in section 9101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965).
  • Developed Continuous Program of Study
  • Individual program evaluations are conducted on an annual basis.
  • Each student has completed an educational plan, Next Step plan.
  • Dual credit courses are offered
  • District, consortium, or institution evaluation plan
  • Enrollment rosters for CTE students
  • Next Step Plans
  • Transcripts
  • Career Assessments
  • Current instructional materials
  • Inclusion of technology
  • Articulation and dual credit agreements
  • District, consortium, or institution evaluation plan
  • Enrollment rosters for CTE students
  • Transcripts
  • Career Assessments
  • Current instructional materials
  • Inclusion of technology
  • Articulation and dual credit agreements

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(4) Comprehensive professional development (including initial teacher preparation) for career and technical education, academic, guidance, and administrative personnel will be provided that promotes the integration of coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant career and technical education (including curriculum development).
  • Instructor licenses, certifications, or endorsements are appropriately related to program of study.
  • Instructor is working on attainment of industry certification.
  • Local professional development agendas reflect opportunities for collaboration between CTE and academic course instructors.
  • Local professional development agendas reflect opportunities for curriculum integration among CTE and academic courses.
  • Personnel file reflects appropriate licenses, certifications, or endorsements
  • Documentation reflects enrollment in or completion of industry certifications courses; may include teacher internships/externships
  • Professional development agendas
  • Professional Development Plans

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(5) Parents, students, academic and career technical education teachers, faculty, administrators, career guidance and academic counselors, representatives of tech prep consortia (if applicable), representatives of business (including small business) and industry, labor organizations, representatives of special populations, and other interested individuals are involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of career and technical education programs assisted under the Act, and how such individuals and entities are effectively informed about, and assisted in understanding, the requirements of the Act. /
  • Documentation of a minimum of two meetings of the advisory committee during the program year.
  • Documentation of communiqués.
  • Membership rosters reflect diversity within advisory committee to include secondary/ post-secondary/workforce participants.
  • Documentation reflects guidelines and diverse membership to include members from business, industry, and special populations/education programs
  • Meeting invitations
  • Meeting Sign-In Sheet
  • Meeting Agendas
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Evaluation Instruments
  • Survey outcomes
  • E-correspondence, printed media, websites, news articles
  • Membership rosters

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(6) Provide assurances that the eligible recipient will provide a career and technical education program that is of such size, scope, and quality to bring about improvement in the quality of career and technical education programs. /
  • Course catalogues and other media pertaining to program areas reflect coherent, rigorous content aligned with New Mexico Standards & Benchmarks (NMSB) in math, science, and/or language arts, Associate Degree requirements, or Industry Standard Certification requirements.
  • Documentation reflects career planning and skills development related to program(s) of study.
  • State or Local Board Policies reflect rigorous local graduation requirements.
  • Laboratory and course content reflect adherence to current industry standards and regulations.
  • Instructor possesses licensure and/or certification appropriate for the course.
  • Systemic use of curriculum standards and benchmarks.
  • Lesson plans reflecting .NMSB tied to rigorous academic curriculum include:
  • Portfolios
  • Project-based activities
  • Common teacher planning time
  • Course catalogues & descriptions
  • Class syllabi
  • Next-Step plans
  • Transcripts
  • STARS data reports
  • Enrollment rosters
  • Industry guidelines, e.g. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), student/teacher ratios,
  • License, certification documents
  • Course descriptions reflect how technical skills are integrated into an academic course
  • Systemic use of curriculum standards and benchmarks.
  • Common teacher planning time
  • Course catalogues & descriptions
  • Class syllabi
  • Transcripts
  • Enrollment rosters
  • Industry guidelines, e.g. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), student/teacher ratios,
  • License, certification documents
  • Course descriptions reflect how technical skills are integrated into an academic course

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(7) Describe the process that will be used to evaluate and continuously improve the performance of the eligible recipient. /
  • Assessment rubric(s) provided by State.
  • Assessment rubric(s) provided by Local Education Agency (LEA), Higher Education Department, (HED), or consortium.
  • Performance Measures rubric(s).
  • Statewide NCLB performance goals
  • Statewide EPSS
  • Perkins Request For Application (RFA) completed and approved
  • Monitoring document provided by State Task Force and reviewed/ approved annually by Task Force
  • Required Performance Measures and accompanying definitions
  • Carl Perkins Annual Report
  • Local NCLB performance goals
  • Local EPSS
    * Perkins Request For Application (RFA) completed and approved
  • Monitoring document provided by State Task Force and reviewed/ approved annually by Task Force
  • Required Performance Measures and accompanying definitions
  • Carl Perkins Annual Report
  • HED performance goals.
  • HED strategic plan for student performance

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(8) Describe how eligible recipient will—
(A) Review career and technical education programs, and identify and adopt strategies to overcome barriers that result in lowering rates of access to or lowering success in the programs for special populations
(B) Provide programs that are designed to enable the special populations to meet the local adjusted levels of performance; and
(C) Provide activities to prepare special populations, including single parents and displaced homemakers, for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency. /
  • Policies, procedures, and documentation exist for selection of participants to ensure equal access to all programs.
  • Advisory Boards for Programs of Study
  • Persons collecting data receiving and following instructions regarding confidentiality per Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • Evidence of differentiation of instruction.
  • Supplementary services and documentation is provided.
  • Programs exist to enable the special populations to meet the local adjusted levels of performance.
  • Activities are conducted to prepare special populations, including single parents and displaced homemakers, for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency.
  • Local EPSS addressing student performance.
  • Program reviews.
  • Agenda/Minutes of advisory boards reflecting work sessions to address local high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations.
  • Staff Handbook
  • Student Handbook
  • Written policies and procedures addressing access to support services
  • Plans written into Next Step Plans and Idividual Education Plans (IEP)
  • Data used for planning curricula
  • Individual career guidance
  • Individual course offering information for students.
  • Program reviews.
  • Agenda/Minutes of advisory boards reflecting work sessions to address local high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations.
  • Staff Handbook
  • Student Handbook
  • Written policies and procedures addressing access to support services
  • Data used for planning curricula
  • Individual career guidance
  • Individual course offering information for students.

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(9) Describe how individuals who are members of special populations will not be discriminated against on the basis of their status as members of special populations. /
  • Parameters guiding district provision or institutional policies for educational opportunities for special populations are implemented.
  • Access to special/support services.
  • Enrollment Data
  • Placement and scheduling procedures.
  • Testing results Proper equipment
  • Proper and adequate facilities
  • Institutional policies and program materials outlining access to support services.

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments
(10) Funds are used to promote preparation for non-traditional training and employment. /
  • Promotion of non-traditional occupational education opportunities.
  • Recruitment reviewed to eliminate gender bias.
  • Institutional policies and recruitment publications
  • Non-discrimination statement.
  • Program reviews

Advanced Implementation / Initial Implementation / Planning/Development / Corrective Action Required
I. Local Plan Requirements (continued)
Criteria / Indicator / Documentation / Comments