NOVEMBER 12, 2009
Frank called this evenings meeting to order. All board members were present. Leslie read the minutes from last month’s meeting. Francis made a motion to approve October’s minutes as printed, Neil 2nd Carried.
They are asking for the board approval to rezone the land from Restricted Commercial to Commercial. Dale Amundson is going to open a business. There will be a joint agreement to split the driveway. The board has no objections to the rezone. Francis made a motion to approve Dale Amundson’s rezone request located in the NE ¼ of the SW ¼, SEC11, T28N, R13W, Town of Menomonie, Dunn County, Neil 2nd Carried.
The County is redoing and changing its zoning ordinance. Because the Town of Menomonie is zoned under that ordinance, our zoning will change. The Plan Commission has been working to write a new zoning plan for our township. The Commission has been working closely with the County in a pilot project to make a plan that fits our Township.
The Sub-Committee presented the board with the first draft of a rezoning plan. The board agreed with the draft plan and directed the sub-committee to seek public comment and input. The sub-committee is to report back to the plan commission and will develop a public participation plan.
The board sent Mike Schmitz a letter and he did not contact the board. They will go and inspect the fence problem November 18th. The next step is to have Ford build the fence and bill Schmitz for the cost. If he does not pay, the township will pay the bill and then it will be added to his taxes as a special assessment. The board will inspect the fence the same day they inspect Tom White’s road.
- 99% done mowing
- Ron was patching roads
- The boom broke and the tractor broke again.
- Ron bladed the Town of Dunn’s roads.
- 600 tons of salt/sand was purchased
- Nelleson plans to start the Bongey Drive culvert next week.
- The end-loader had two bad tires, they were replaced with some used ones the township had. One tire will be fixed because of a sidewall blow out and the other one will be sent in by Bauer Built to see if there was a defect in the rib where it failed. It will be several weeks for both to be taken care of.
- TRIPP-D: submitted a request for Rudiger Road. The township will have topay ½ of the funding.
- TRIPP: submitted a request for the hot mix asphalt ($40,000.00) for 520th street (Cedar Falls Road). The grant request is to pay ½ of the $40,000.00
Francis made a motion to approve applying for the TRIPP-D and TRIPP grants for the above purpose, Neil 2nd Carried.
The City of Menomonie’s Plan Commission supports the Town of Menomonie’s official mapping/cooperative agreement efforts and they recommended City Council approval.
Neil moves to approve the Town of Menomonie’s Ordinance for the Official Map for Alternate Hwy’s and to approve the Cooperative Official Map Agreement between the township and the City of Menomonie, Francis 2nd Carried.
The Ordinance will be published in the Dunn County News.
Dave MavesLinda Schafhauser
Wendy Mac Dougall
Mary Labs
Alice Evenson
Marie Koch
Jill Noreen
Diane Long
Ann Jorandby
Bernie Orfield
Mary Orfield
Mary Ann Baily
Mary Hensley
Barb Hulback
Arla May
Terry Kuester
Lisa Hoff
Tom Birthman
Highlighted in yellow are the new names submitted.
Neil made a motion to appove the above Poll Workers for 2010-2011, Francis 2nd Carried.
Set date for Road Inspection – 572ndAve. Tom White: The board will meet November 18th at 10am.
Land Fill Information: Cedar Corp found some new detections chloride and trichloroethene. These were not tested before- but with the approval to test the landfill only twice a year, the tests were required. Information was sent to the state and it may be required to be tested again to confirm. It is unknown what action the state may want the township to do. Cedar Corp felt there would not be any further action at this time.
Zoning Violation:
- Jamie Boerner was sent a letter from Zoning about him opening a Bait Store on his property. He was asked to contact zoning to make sure the proper permits are obtained.
- Frank Herrmeyer: Zoning contacted him regarding a second mobile home on the property that was occupied by Todd Wang. Mike Helgeson went to Herrmeyer’s property and he determined that it was unoccupied but asked him to contact him to discuss the second dwelling. Herrmeyer stated he was going to connect the second dwelling to his current home. Herrmeyer contacted Frank and stated a person stayed in it a couple times, but now has contacted our building inspector to see how the building can be attached. Zoning advised his he could not have two residents on the parcel of land without a divided CSM
Junk Vehicle Violation Update: Mike Olson called Frank and said he will register the cars on the property. The board will look at it in the spring.
Pipeline: This pipeline was built in 1956 and it runs through Irvington and it is coming out of the ground. Gas and oil runs though the pipe. Earl Wildenberg asked if the Plan Commission can do a further research on how to get this fixed.
Frank made a motion to approve the Plan Commission to do research on the pipeline for safety where it crosses the township, Francis 2nd Carried.
Newsletter: The newsletter will be ready to go when the Mill Rate is completed.
Building Permit Update: Nothing issued this past month.
Frank: The new truck is in and will be picked up next week. A check for $75,000.00 will be cut to pay for it.
Francis made a motion to approve voucher #13432-13477 and prewritten 1195, Neil 2nd Carried.
Neil made a motion to adjourn at 10:05pm, Francis 2nd Carried.
Next meeting will be held December 10, 2009 at 7pm.