Information System Management Institute (ISMA)
Professional bachelor study programme “Tourism Business Manager” and Professional study programme “Business Administration” for obtaining Master’s degree in Business Administration
Final Evaluation Report of the Joint Commission
February 20, 2005
This is the report of the joint commission consisting of dr. Virginijus Kundrotas, team leader, prof. Alastair H.Forbes, prof. Bo Ohlmer, and prof. Tatjana Volkova.
Each member of the commission also submitted an individual reports on the study programmes with concrete recommendations for improvements.
This report is based on a visit to the Information System Management Institute (ISMA), Riga on 27-28 of January and on written materials presented to commission members by ISMA
The report expresses the opinion of the commission on the following areas: aims and objectives, curriculum, students, faculty, feedback and quality assurance, facilities and the international aspects of ISMA’s activities. The report is finalized by the joint conclusions.
Aims and objectives
The commission evaluated 2 study programmes: Professional bachelor study programme “Tourism Business Manager” and Professional study programme “Business Administration” for obtaining Master’s degree in Business Administration
Both programmes have clearly stated aims and objectives. The aims and objectives are broken down to each course as well. At the same time, the suggestion is that they could be formulated in a more measurable way in order to better control if they are reached.
The members of the commission evaluated the professional study programme “Tourism Business Manager” noted that the curriculum generally corresponds to the standard business and management programmes nationally and internationally. It is obvious that ISMA took into consideration and made the necessary curriculum changes based on the recommendations of the previous expert’s visits. For example, more attention was paid to the financial management, etc. However, such courses as Business ethics (or Corporate Social Responsibility), Intercultural management, and Change management could be added to the curriculum.
The content of some courses also should be reviewed. For example, course “Tourism Economics” according to the observations of expert’s do not cover the economic impacts of tourism.
The bachelor programme analysed has many small 2-credit courses, which does not give the possibility for the students to learn more deeply the subject. The recommendation would be to merge some of those courses into larger 4 or 3 credit courses.
The experts also recommend to change the title of the programme from “Tourism Business Manager” into “Tourism Management”, which would be better recognised and accurately reflects the content of the programme.
The members of the expert’s team evaluated professional Master programme in Business Administration note that the curriculum of the program improved, based on the previous experts recommendations and generally corresponds to the standard business and management programs nationally and internationally. In order to meet the internationally accepted standards some courses in the area of Business ethics or Corporate Social responsibility should be implemented. Also more attention to Strategic management course should be paid enlarging it to 4-credit course. Course on Strategic marketing also could be suggested to add to the curriculum.
The serious attention should be paid to the literature used for the realisation of Master programme in Business Administration to assure that it would meet the Master level studies requirements. This applies both for the textbooks as well as for the periodicals, especially in English.
More attention should be paid to the development of both Bachelor and Master theses. Both types of theses in general meet the official requirements set-up by the Ministry of Education of Latvia. However, some of the topics of the theses are better related to the Economics rather than to the Business administration.
The experts also paid attention that though self-evaluation reports contains information about 2 similar study programmes from the EU countries, as required, still better analyses comparing those programmes subjects and their size would be recommended.
The experts had a chance to meet different students studying in Professional study programme “Tourism Business Manager” as well as in Master of Business Administration programmes. The students expressed their general satisfaction concerning the level of studies at ISMA. They pointed out good relationship between students and faculty members at ISMA, professionalism of professors and variety of study methods used during the lectures. The students also expressed satisfaction concerning the good access to the Computer labs.
The members of the commission had a chance to meet the members of the Student’s Council, who explained the activities of the Council and it’s important role in the student’s life at ISMA. They expressed a great satisfaction concerning the positive attitude towards students from the Administration of ISMA. Students were open and generous in conversation. They presented different level of English language skills.
The faculty members teaching on both programmes are qualified and experienced. Many of the faculty members have a Ph.D. or Masters degree. However, the degrees they are holding are not necessarily in the areas directly relevant to the courses under consideration.
According to the opinion of the students, the faculty members are easily accessible, and are helpful both inside and outside of the classroom.
The experts paid attention that the English language skills of the faculty members should be improved, which would facilitate to include more international textbooks and journal articles in course literature.
The members of the commission feels that ISMA should continue to devote resources to the participation of faculty members in international workshops and conferences, joint international course development, etc. in order to be acquainted with the newest trends in Management education.
Experts also should admit the hospitality and professional support of the staff and faculty of ISMA during the whole evaluation process.
Feedback and Quality Assurance
During the meetings with students the experts got the impression that students are taking part in the development of the courses at ISMA. They fill in evaluation questionnaires at the end of the semester, where opinion about the course content, form of teaching as well as professionalism of lecturer is expressed. It is important that the students have a chance to see the results of their faculty evaluation at the end of the semester as well as instructors should be also able to see the results and read the comments in order to improve their teaching.
The friendly relationship between the staff and students is obvious. It creates good and professional atmosphere at ISMA.
The positive fact assuring connections between Employers and ISMA is Carrier Centre, created for the purpose of obtaining work placements for the students as well as collecting job offers.
ISMA has about 145 modern PC’s available for the study purposes. The labs are well prepared and have a good working schedule for the students. However, computer facilities of the faculty members are not sufficient, as faculty members are mostly reliant on using the student’s computer labs or doing computer work at home. The serious attention should be paid at ISMA providing more PC’s in the Academic Departments of ISMA.
ISMA shares a library with Latvian University. The library is spacious, and has several places where students can sit and study. The students also have an access to the ISMA’s own library resource. However, the book stock in both libraries is limited, particularly with regard to Tourism Management texts. There is a definite shortage of recent Tourism texts in English, and no refereed journals in the Tourism field are available. The subscription of at least one or more of these journals, either conventionally or electronically would be welcomed.
The same still should be said about the development of library in the area of Management and Business administration, especially English texts.
International Profile
Since the last experts visit ISMA made a number of steps developing it’s international contacts. Joining Professional development associations, participation in various international seminars and conferences, joining Socrates Erasmus as well as Leonardo programmes already made a good impact on the development of the institution. Those efforts should be continued.
The English language skills of the faculty members must be improved and more courses in English should be developed.
Final conclusions
Based on the above, the expert’s team recommends that both programmes, Professional bachelor study programme “Tourism Business Manager” and Professional study programme “Business Administration” for obtaining Master’s degree in Business Administration would be accredited for 6 years taken into consideration the recommendations of the experts presented in this report as well as in their individual reports.
On behalf of the expert’s team:
Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas
Individual Evaluation Report ON ACCREDITATION OF
Professional Bachelor Study Programme “Tourism Business Manager”
Professional Study Programme “Business Administration” for obtaining Master’s degree (professional) in Business Administration (4634509) of ISMA
(Site visit January 27-28, 2005)
Professor, Dr.oec. Tatjana Volkova
During the visit the following study programms were evaluated:
· Professional study program Master of Business Administration ( code 4634509)
· Professional bachelor study program Tourism business Manager ( code 4234517)
1. Information sources used in the analysis
During the visit the Self Evaluation Reports for both programs were examined; Interviews with faculty staff, administration, students, graduates, employers took place. The library and study facilities were visited; as well the study courses of study programmes were analyzed. The few lectures were visited and a conference of students was observed.
2. Assessment of the study programm
The study programms are in compliance with legislation requirements of Republic of Latvia for the professional Bachelor and Master study programs. The standart of profession Company manager is accepted and form a good basis for the goals of study programms needed to be achieved.. The quality of the study programms are in line with most Western European study programmes. Motivation of students is good, satisfaction with relation between students and academic as well administrative staff is high. Employers’ expressed also high satisfaction with the skills, competence of hired graduates. Therefore both above mentioned study programmes can be evaluated as good.
3. Comments to the assessments of both programmes
3.1. Aims and objectives
The aims of study programs are clearly stated and are connected with the knowledge, competences and skills needed to be developed in accordance with the standart of profession Company manager. It is necessary to emphasize, that a rector of ISMA Professor Marga Zhivitere was a member of group for developing the standard of profession in year 2002.
3.2 Content and organization of the studies
The content of bachelor study program is in accordance with the rules of Cabinet of Ministers No 481 ( 2001, 20 November) and covers such essential spheres as general study courses ( 20 CP), theorectical and IT study courses ( 36 CP), branch specialization courses ( 60 CP), courses of free schoices ( 6 CP), professional practise ( 26 CP), diploma paper ( 12 CP).
The content of Master program consists of three series of study courses: obligatory courses ( 34 CP) , the courses of limited choice ( 6 CP) and selective courses ( 4 CP). The Mater paper gives 30 CP. The content structure of study program is in compliance with the regulatory acts.
The titles of study courses of Bachelor study program could be improved in Latvian – Firmu menedžments replaced by Uzņēmumu vadīšana, as well there should be he same terminology used for management translation into Latvian and used for the titles of courses. ( Vispārējais kvalitātes menedžments – Vispārējā kvalitātes vadīšana, Menedžmenta datortehnoloģijas – Vadīšanas datortehnoloģijas, Finanšu menedžments – Finanšu vadīšana, utt.)
The content of study program can be evaluated as good as it was mentioned above, but at the same time both study programs could give more emphasizes on management, as, for example, to such study courses as innovation management, change management, leadership, corporate social responsibility, intercultural management could be included in the study programs. Also new study courses could be introduced in bachelor program as – Tourism products, Consumer Behaviour. The title of some study courses need to be improved or renamed. For example, the study course Total quality management could be replaced by course title Quality management, which covers also quality assurance system based on ISO standards and reflects the existing content of the study course more precisely.
Some topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis are in economics, what doesn’t correspond with the aims of the study program. It means that more careful selection of the themes for diploma and master paper shoul be given.
The self-evaluation reports contains information about two study programmes from EU countries, as required, however in order to facilitate furthure improvements of study programs, such comparisons could be more detailed with comparing tables of credit points and contact hours in various study courses as well as comparisons of literature lists and teaching methods.
The amount of credit points in management subjects is OK in both study programmes, with the exception that some thesis has too little management content as pointed out above. The library stock is rather carefully selected and for the further improvement could subscribe more international magazines in Management, as well more books regarding research methods, methodology of research.
The number of academic staff members giving lectures abroad could be increased and it woold help to bring the acquired experience back to the ISMA.
3.3. Teaching and learning
Teaching methods include traditional and non traditional forms as lectures, seminars, including group work, presentations, etc. The assessment of the study results is based on the accumulative basis, what makes students to concentrate on the studies during whole semester. During studies the theoretical and practical approach should be balanced. Students are very motivated and satisfied by the results achieved..
3.4. Management and support of the studies
The relations between the staff and students are very friendly. International relations are developing and give the possibility for students to study abroad under Socratus/Erasmus and Leonardo de Vinci program.
Students have possibility to access the internet (computer rooms are equipped with latest version of computers and programs), availability of electronic data basis such as Ebsco give additional opportunity to use the electronic catalogue for the study purposes. At the same time the library could increase the stock of international journals and textbooks in management.