Bibliography of Important Anticoagulation Related articles

  • Shortell SS and Singer SJ. Improving patient safety by taking systems seriously. JAMA 2008; 299:445-447.
  • Gurwitz JH, Field TS, Radford MJ, Harrold LR, BeckerR, Reed J, De Bellis K, Moldoff J and Verzler N. The safety of warfarin therapy in the nursing home setting. J Gen Intern Med 2007; 120:530-544.
  • Fang MC, Go AS, Chang Y, Hylek EM, Heualt LE, Jenswald NG, Singer DE. Death and disability from warfarin-associated intracranial and extracranial hemorrhages. AJM 2007; 120:700-705.
  • Budnitz DS, Shehab N, Kegler SR and Richards CL. Medication use leading to ED visits for ADE’s in older adults. Ann Intern Med 2007; 147:755-765.
  • Visser LE, Penning-Van Beest FJA, Kasbergen AAH, De Smet PAGM. Vulto AG, Hofman A and Stricker BHC. Oral anticoagulation associated with combined use of antibacterial drugs and acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon anticoagulants. Thromb Haemost 2007; 88:705-710.
  • Ansell J, Caro JJ, Sala M, Dolor RJ, Corbett W, Hudnot A, Seyal S, Lordan ND, Proskorowsky I and Wygant G. Quality of clinical documentation and anticoagulation control in patients with chronic nonvalvular atrial fibrillation in routine medical care. Am J Med Qual 2007; 22: 327-333.
  • Siefenhofer, A, et al. Self management of dose adjustment in A/C in the elderly: Rationale design, baselines and oral A/C after 1 year follow-up: A randomized controlled trial. Thromb Haemost 2007; 97: 408-416.
  • CMS: Decision memo for prothrombin time (INR) monitor for home anticoagulation management (CAG-00087R); 03/18/08.
  • Shurin SB and Nabel EG. Pharmacogenomics-ready for prime time? NEJM 2008; 358:1061-1063.
  • Gandara E, Moniz T, Ungar J, Lee J, Chan-Macrae M, O’Malley T, Schnipper J. Deficits in discharge documentation in patients transferred to rehabilitation facilities on anticoagulation: results of a system-wide evaluation. Abstract presented at Society of Hospital Medicine Conference, 04/03/08; and 05/12/08 personal communication from Dr Terry O'Malley documenting substantial improvement in the percentage of patients transferred on warfarin from each of the Partners acute care hospitals to an extended care facility.
  • Mant J, Hobbs FD, Fletcher K, Roalfe A, Fitzmaurice D, Lip G, Murray E. Warfarin Verses Aspirin for Stroke Prevention in an Elderly Community Population with Atrial Fibrillation (The Birmingham Atrial Fibrillation Treatment of the Aged Stud, BAFTA): A Randomized Controlled Trial.Lancet 2007;370:493-503.
  • GladstoneDJ, BuiE, Fang,J, LaupacisA, LindsayP, TuJV, SilverFL, and KapralMK.Potentially Preventable Strokes in High-Risk Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Who Are Not Adequately Anticoagulated, electronic publication Stroke Aug 28, 2008.
  • AmericanAcademyof Orthopaedic Surgeons Clinical Guideline on Prevention of Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism in Patients Undergoing Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty.Rosemont (IL): American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS); 2007, .
  • Reduce Adverse Drug Events Involving Anticoagulation, IHI. Accessible at at .
  • Delivery of Optimized Anticoagulant Therapy: Consensus Statement from the Anticoagulation Forum, Ann Pharmacotherapy 2008 Jul;42(7):979-88.
  • Future Drugs Ltd, “Outpatient Management of Oral Vitamin K Antagonist Therapy: Defining and Measuring High-Quality Management”.
  • Managing Oral Anticoagulation Therapy: Clinical and Operational Guidelines, 2nd Edition.
  • CHEST 2008 – Antithrombotic Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation: AmericanCollege of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition).
  • Mihas C, Alevizos A, Arapaki A, Mariolis A., Warfarin versus aspirin for stroke prevention (BAFTA), Lancet 2007 Nov 10;370(9599):1606.
  • Mitka M.,Medical News and Perspectives, Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Often Receive Improper Levels of Warfarin, JAMA 2008;300(14):1640.
  • The Perioperative Management of Antithrombotic Therapy; CHEST/133/6/June, 2008 Supplement; pages 299S-339S.
  • Millican EA, Lenzini PA, MilliganPE et al. Genetic-based dosing inorthopedic patients beginning warfarin therapy. Blood 2007; 110:1511-1515.
  • FDA’s changes in warfarin labeling and decision on genetic testing:
  • FDA approves updated warfarin prescribing information. FDA Press Release, 8/17/07.
  • FDA clears genetic lab test for warfarin sensitivity. Press Release of the FDA, 2/11/08.
  • McWilliam A, Luther R and Nardinelli C. Health care savings frompersonalizing medicine using genetic testing: the case of warfarin. JointCenter of the Brookings Institute for Regulatory Studies. 11/06 WorkingPaper 06-23. (This important report helps explain the background thinkingthat led to the widely criticized position the FDA has taken with its black box warning.)
  • Canadian Agency for drugs and technologies in health. Issues in emerging health technologies: pharmacogenetics and warfarin treatment. Report #104, 10/07.