Our Lady of Guadalupe School
2405 Navigation Blvd., Houston, TX 77003, (713) 224-6904, fax (713) 225-2122
Dear OLG Third Grade Parents,
Please review the notes listed below before purchasing items. If you have any questions please call the school office.
- Students may use a tote or backpack to carry their things to and from school.
(We prefer no rolling backpacks due to limited storage space).
- 2 Reams of copy paper (500 sheets, 20lb)*
- 1 Ream color copy paper*
- 2Containers of Clorox wipes
- 1 Bottle of Elmer’s glue
- 1 Zipper pencil pouch
- 2 Rolls of paper towels (1 for Art)
- 3 Bottles of hand sanitizer
- 3 Packs of Post-it notes (any color)
- 4 Boxes of tissue paper
- 2 Pairs of Fiskar scissors
- 1 Ruler
- 3 Personal pencil sharpeners
- 1 Package of black pens
- 1 Box of colored pencils
- 1 Box of 16-pack crayons
- 1 Box of water-based colored markers
- 1 red folder (homework folder)
- 1 yellow folder (desk work folder)
- 1 blue folder
- 1 green folder
- 2 Packs of number 2 pencils or mechanical pencils
- 2 Large erasers
- 5 Composition notebooks
- 4 Single-Subject Spiral Notebooks
- 1 Pack of black Sharpies
- 1 Box of Expo dry-erase markers
- 1 Dry-erase eraser
- 3 Packages of loose leaf notebook paper
- 2 Orange and yellow highlighters
- 1 Box of Scotch magic tape*
Art Supply List
- 1 12X18 Pkg. of Black heavy duty sulfite construction paper (found at Hobby Lobby or Michael’s)
- 2 Black ultra fine point sharpies
- 1 12 pencil pack (preferably Ticonderoga)
- 2 Handheld pencil sharpeners
- 1 Non-spiral composition book
- 3 Glue sticks
- 2 White gum erasers