Stockbridge High School

CCGPS Analytic Geometry Syllabus



K. Andrews – Room 219 ()

J. Carrera – Room 222/ ()

E. Jones – Room 222 () Tutoring: Tuesdays 7:45 – 8:15am 8/12/14 to 12/2/14

V. Kandala - Room 218 ()

G. Kasam – Room ()

S. Williams- Room 217 ()

B. Thevar – Room ()

Course Description / Content:

CCGPS Mathematics II is the second course in a sequence of courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics. Concepts will be presented in multiple ways such as concrete/pictorial, verbal/written, numeric/data-based, graphical, and symbolic. The focus of Analytic Geometry on the coordinate plane is organized into 7 critical areas covered in the following units:

1st Semester / 2nd Semester
Unit 1: Similarity, Congruence, and Proofs / Unit 5: Quadratic Functions
Unit 2: Right Triangle Trigonometry / Unit 6: Modeling Geometry
Unit 3: Circles and Volume
Unit 4: Extending the Number System / Unit 7: Applications of Probability

Technology Information:

Students will make extensive use of their scientific/graphing calculator in the solution of both homework and class work assignments. Students should bring their calculator to class daily, as the sharing of calculators will not be permitted. It is important for students to keep the same calculators all year since different calculators function differently and we will be teaching them how to correctly use their specific calculator. Further, students may use their scientific calculator on the EOCT. It is suggested that each student have their own personal tablet for access to the resources online material.

Text: There will not be a hand held textbook for this course. Students will be able to access class materials via the SHS Mathematics webpage.

Standards for Mathematical Practice:
1.  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2.  Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3.  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4.  Model with mathematics.
5.  Use appropriate tools strategically.
6.  Attend to precision.
7.  Look for and make use of structure.
8.  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. / Grading:
20% Final exam /EOC (Georgia Milestones in May)
80% Standards Based Grading of Semester Grade
PRACTICE WORK Counts 47% of the semester grade
(Such as class work, homework, formative assessments, diagnostic assessments, written reflections)
ASSESSMENT TASKS Counts 53% of the semester grade
(Such as constructed response assessments, selected response assessments, reflective assessments, summative unit assessments, culminating performance tasks, projects

Standards based grading of the semester grade will be subdivided evenly throughout each unit.

Example: Unit 1 25% Unit 2 25% Unit 3 25% Unit 4 25%


1 ½” 3 ring binder Dry Erase Markers Ruler Graph paper Index cards Notebook paper

Binder pouch Colored pencils Pencils Protractor 1 pack of copy Paper Highlighters

Scientific calculator (ex.: Casio FX 115ES Plus, TI 36X Pro) Graphing Calculator ( TI-inspire Preferred)

(Recommended Technology Aids: Personal Tablet MathXl for school homework help program)

Attendance / Make-up work:

Make up work is YOUR responsibility. The day you return you should obtain the missed assignments, notes, and worksheets from your instructor before or after school, not during class time and review assignment notebook or board in room. The number of days given to make up work follows those guidelines given in the student handbook. All grades are final at the end of each 6 week grading period. Students present in class are required to do assignments

Classroom Procedures / Behavior / Expectations:


1. Respect yourself - Be prepared. Come to class with the necessary materials, energy, and enthusiasm that determines your ability to learn. Be attentive and participate. To participate effectively, you will be expected to participate fully and actively in class discussions, exercises, and assignments. Failure to demonstrate active class participation will result in point deduction that will affect final grades.

2. Respect others- Be polite. Respect everyone’s property, personal space, and ideas. Be on time. You are tardy and must go to lock out if you are not completely in the room when the bell rings. Be attentive. Do not disrupt the education of your classmates.

3. Respect Stockbridge High School- The materials, the facilities, and the staff are here to support your education. Be very aware that this is an exceptional privilege.

Parents are encouraged to review the Student Handbook. Section I, II, and III offenses- result in immediate referral to the school administrator.

Less than section I offenses and 4th period tardies

1st offense- Verbal Warning Teacher/ Student conference/Parent contact

2nd offense- Detention Parent Contact

3rd offense- Referral Parent Contact/Administrator notice


Each student will be required to keep a notebook divided into sections containing Tab 1 – Daily Notes,

Tab 2 – Assignments, Tab 3 - Tests/Quizzes, Tab 4 – Practice Problems, Tab 5 – Handouts/Others This helps with organization of work and makes reviewing/studying easier. Notebooks will be checked periodically.

Cheating Policy

Any cheating/copying/dishonesty will result in a zero grade and an office referral. Students utilizing an unauthorized electronic device during assessments will not receive credit.

Classroom Procedures:

a. Bring textbook, math binder, pencil, paper, and calculator to class daily.

b. You must show all your work and label your paper accordingly (name, period, date, assignment number, page number and problems). No work, No credit!

c. Be in your desk and working on the warm-up when the bell rings.

d. Sharpen your pencils before the bell rings.

e. The bell does not dismiss you, the classroom teacher dismisses the class. Please do not stand until you are dismissed.

f. Passes are only for emergency situations. Handle all business like going to the bathroom or locker during hall passing time. Students must sign in and out of the classroom when provided a pass.

g. Food, drinks and gum are not allowed in the classroom.

h. Keep the classroom and your desks area clean and pick up any trash.

i. All work must be done in pencil.

j. Respect of self, peers, and teachers are an absolute must.

*Do not interfere with learning or teaching. *No profanity or verbal abuse.


I have read and understand all of the objectives, requirements, and expectations for the Mathematics II course.


Student’s Last Name First Name

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Work Phone Home Phone

E-mail address: ______