Clymer Borough Council

March 10, 2015

Members Present: President James Marsh, Vice-President Louis Tate, Councilman Joseph Krolick, Councilwoman Stephanie Brilhart,Rob Barto, Manager-Secretary, Mayor Dennis Clawson, Police Chief Joseph Douglas

Members Absent: Councilman Vernon Felton, Councilman John Hughmanic, Councilman John Buterbaugh

Approval of the Agenda: A motion was made by Councilman Tateand seconded by Councilman Krolick to approve the agenda. Motion passed unanimously 4-0

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: A motion was made by Councilman Tate and seconded by Councilman Krolick to approve the minutes of the previous meetings of January and February 2015. Motion passed unanimously 4-0.

Approval of Fund Balance Report: A motion was made by Councilman Krolick and seconded by Councilman Tate to approve the Fund Balance Reports from January and February 2015. Motion passed unanimously 4-0.

Presentation of Bills: A motion was made by Councilman Krolick and seconded by Councilman Tate to authorize payment of bills for February and March 2015. Motion passed roll call vote unanimously4-0.

Public Participation:

Nate Coughonour from the Clymer Fire Department thanked Clymer Borough Maintenance for helping them keep their area plowed over the winter. Nate also asked Council to work with his committee and to help secure grants to replace the Fire Department’sSiren Tower, it is old and deteriorated. The Clymer Fire Department is working toward reenacting the curfew that was once used in the Borough. Borough Manager Barto said that he would work with the Fire Department on the grants they need.

Mayor's & Police Reports: -

Mayor Clawson presented his summary report for the month.

Mayor Clawson reported that the first meeting of the Fishing Derby Committee will be held on Friday, March 13, 2015 and he will attend to represent the Borough.

Police report was presented by Chief Douglas for the month.

Motion was made by Councilman Krolick and seconded by Councilman Tate to approve both reports as read. Motion passed unanimously 4-0.

Manager’s Report: Rob Barto Manager

Manager Barto asked council to ratify the wage increases for the Borough employees for 2015. Full time employees will receive .40 cents per hour and part time employees will receive .35 per hour. A motion was made by Councilman Krolick and seconded by Councilman Tate to ratify the wage adjustments for 2015 .The motion passed roll call vote 4-0.

Manager Barto presented the Comcast franchise agreement to council. The franchise agreement is for 15 years and the Borough will receive a 5% fee. A motion was made by Councilman Tate and seconded by Councilman Krolick to accept the agreement. The motion passed roll call vote 4-0.

Manager Barto presented a letter from Penelec stating the mistake they made on Clymer Borough’s Street Light bills over the past four years. The Borough is obligated to repay Penelec for their mistake according to Public Utility Commission regulations. The bill was negotiated down to $7773.91 and Borough will have to make monthly payments of $216 for the next three years. A motion was made by Councilman Krolick and seconded by Councilman Tate to repay Penelec the $7772.91 as requested in their letter. The motion passed roll call vote 4-0.

Old Business:

Nothing reported


Finance Committee – John Buterbaugh, Chairman, absent,reported by Manager Barto

The winter budget is currently about $5000 over budget due to the bad winter. The funds will have to be made up in other areas.

Municipal Committee: - Stephanie Brilhart, Chairwoman

Councilwoman Brilhart made a motion to council that the merger agreement with CBMA be ratified. The motion was seconded by Councilman Krolick. The motion passed roll call vote 4-0.

Councilwoman Brilhart reported that the Zoning Permit Agreement Application fee needed to be ratified by council. Councilman Krolick made a motion that the fees be set at $50 for a general application fee, and a Special Approval Application Fee be set at $350 plus any costs incurred in excess of the application fee .The motion passed roll call vote 4-0.

Police Committee: - Vernon Felton, Chairman, (absent)\

. Nothing to report

Property Committee: -Joseph Krolick, Chairman

Nothing to report.

Parks and Recreation Committee: - John Hughmanic, Chairman (absent)

Nothing reported

Street Committee: Louis Tate, Chairman

Councilman Tate made a motion to ratify the Tractor bid award to James Brink for $2101.51. The motion was seconded by Councilman Krolick. Motion passed unanimously 4-0.

Councilman Tate also wanted to commend the Clymer Maintenance Department of the great job they did of dealing with the large amount of snow and freezing temperatures that we had this winter. They did an excellent job.

Next Business Meeting Schedule: Committee Meeting, March 24, 2015 Business: April 14, 2015 both at 7:00 PM

Correspondence – Nothing reported.

Motion to Adjourn: A motion by Councilman Krolick was made and seconded by Councilman Tate to adjourn at 7:45PM. Motion passed4-0

Respectfully submitted:

Shirley K. Simpson, Asst. Secretary/Treasurer