EDU 383 Technology Availability Assignment

Purpose: This assignment is designed to integrate the interactive qualities of computer-based productivity applications with learning of information technology content for educational and training settings.

Assignment Summary

This part of the assignment is designed for student to learn and demonstrate the use of word processing applicationsfor producing documents with hyperlinks, digital images and other multimedia effects, especially the creating of video clip (this link is for Android phones, for using an iphone click here) from an educationally-relevant source. As with all the activities in this course, there is a dual purpose for this assignment. In this assignment, the learner will compose a documentinvestigating the knowledge and skills necessary to promote learning in a chosen area of concentration and how information technology can help enhance that learning.


  1. Identify five major concepts you believe are important for your area of concentration (education majors will choose their content area major; others choose their major or area of concentration). Students may choose more but everyone should choose at least five.
  2. Research using the Internet, library, or other personal resources potential IT resources or methods that can serve to enhance or directly promote the learning in each major concept. Students must identify at least three such methods or resources for each concept.
  3. Write a professional paper discussing 1 and 2 above using advanced word processing features in applications like MS Word or other major integrated office suite programs.
  4. This paper must be written and formatted using appropriate heading, layout, and stylistic features in the word processing application and must follow current writing and annotation guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) found in the APA writing manual.
  5. The paper must include formatted tables, at least one visual and one audio-visual object (e.g., video) to highlight information in the text, and hyperlinks based on bookmarks and links to Internet resources to supplement information in the paper.
  6. One section of the paper should be devoted to discussing accessibility issues for individuals with disabilities and individuals who speak English as another or second language. This section must be discussed in context of your chosen area of concentration. That is, what are the accessibility issues for use of IT resources in your field and how might they occur in your field of expertise.
  7. Finally, a section must be included discussing at least two controversial issues on the use of IT in education and how such issues may affect the use of IT in your field of expertise.