Kingsbury Patient Representative Group
Thursday 6th October 2011
Sattavis Patidar Centre
Wembley, Middx
Interim PatientChair - Irwin Van Colle (IVC) – Patient Representative
Vice Chair - Angela Reeves (AR) Consortium Representative
- Welcome & Introductions
IVC welcomed those attending and invited attendees to identify which Kingsbury consortium practices patients represented.
Name of those attending are listed in Appendix A
- Apologies
Neil Woodnick, Ellis Practice Abraham Schaufeld, Forty Willows Surgery
Vera Schaufeld, Forty Willows Surgery Cllr Jean Hossain, Primary Care Medical Centre
PaulineCampbell, Forty Willows Surgery Mansukh Raichura, Brampton Road Surgery
Karu Karunadhara, Preston Road Surgery
Sarah Mansuralli – Associate director. The group were advised that they can meet with Sarah as a separate group if they wish to with regards to Commissioning.
- Declarations of interest There were no declarations of interest recorded.
4. Update on Action Points
Caroline Davidson brought along some information on diabetes for the group to take home to read.
Kingsbury PPPG Terms of Reference
AR fed back practices comments.
List validation
There will be more information available by December 2011.
A group member asked what SBS stand for: AR advised that it was an acronym fro Shared Business Services. Many Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) contract them for payment process to practices. For some services GP practices invoice SBS, the payment is then validated by the PCTand SBS pay the practice It was noted that a practice had been in the newspaper for charging for private minor surgery.
5. Minutes of the last meeting on the 4th August 2011
Phil Sealy asked that the issues of the re-written minutes that the note taker John Caygill raised be addressed. IVC explained the process of draft minutes. AR explained that the minutes were expanded so the group would understand the minutes from each meeting and know what is being referred to; minutes need to be understood by those that do not regularly attend meetings. AR also said that minutes should be able to be read alone without reference to a multitude of other documents and for any newcomers.
The secretary John Caygill has resigned, the group needs to think about a secretary rather than relying on the consortium coordinator to take the group meeting minutes.
Accuracy of minutes – P1 Cllr Sandra Kabir of the Stag Kane Medical Centre gave her apologies for the last meeting.
IVC acknowledged Mansukh’s adopted document, and will be addressed in the future.
P2: Ethnicity was referring to the Equalities Act in all aspects not just ethnicity
The meeting agreed to adopt the minutes.
6. Matters Arising
Tackling Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Early Stage Prevention Strategy
There is currently a national Programme for this. In Brent Vascular Risk Assessment (VRA) Health checks were first provided in the Harness consortium with a view to rolling them out across Brent. The programme started as a pilot, the programme is open for patients who have not had a diagnosis of a number of conditions with the
The five yearly heath checks are aimed at 40 – 74 year olds. Public Health is advertising.
Action (i) AS will check to see what is in the Public Health advert and see if patients can be included in helping.
Action (ii) AR will check to see if it will be advertised on the Life Channel which is on the TV screen in a number of healthcare settings.
Patients advised that the health checks should be offered to 30/35 year olds and in particular those that are afro Caribbean and those with a high risk.
The consortium has organised training and this will be offered to health care assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners and GP’s. Not all nurses manage motivational change about lifestyle; patients have to be responsible to make lifestyle changes.
7. Kingsbury TORs Appendix B
Discussion - Notes from mini group
IVC: At the last meeting people objected that they hadn’t had time to look at the document before the meeting. AR advised the group the questions will make sense once the group look at the survey results. After a discussion on the purpose of the draft list of questions it was agreed that a questionnaire should be prepared and sent to the practices.
AR explained that due to the dramatic cutback with PCT staff and the enormous amount of work that is needed to prepare for the switchover to Clinical Commissioning in 2013, there is minimal support from PCT staff for this.
GP Patient Survey Access & Experience Results, April 2010 - March 2011
Brent regularly scores badly on access. The Harness consortium scores well and it is thought it is because of their Walk In Centre facility that is open 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week. How Walk In Centres work was explained. Waiting time at A&E average 5 hrs, even though North West London Hospital A&E departments have a front of house Urgent Care Centre that signposts patients. The meeting recommended that all practices should advertise the Walk In Centre as some patients do not know about it.
Action (i) AR will share a poster that she uses in her practice to signpost when the surgery is closed
Gender survey responses, it was noted that there is higher response rate from females compared to males.
NHS Brent Access, Choice & Experience Results as of 1st April 2011
Final results discussed, most practices in Kingsbury have access to bookable appointments, prescriptions online, websites and text messaging service. Ordering prescriptions online is popular. Texting messaging is used to send patients reminders of their appointment details to decrease DNA’s. Forty Willows Surgery text patients to remind them of flu campaign and patients are able to text to cancel their appointments. Forty Willows Surgery DNA rate has decreased since introducing text message reminders
SMART abbreviated for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. IVC expressed tables the SMART were a good way of the KPRG working on how they can help improve Access
The group agreed to do its own survey to get a true reflection and a clearer picture.
It was asked how many practices have PPG’s, a patient expressed that Uxendon Crescent Surgery does not have one.
9/15 practices were represented at today’s meeting.
Mini Group
IVC advised the group that he would like another mini group brainstorming session and wanted more volunteers for it. Michael Turner and Bijal Shah agreed to join. The topic to consider will be “Quality of Service Delivery”, the second heading in the list of five topics in the Kingsbury TOR.
It is clear that not all practices are not at the same state of readiness.
8. Feedback and other comments – There was none9. Date of the next meeting
Thursday 1st December 2011
Satavis Pattidar Centre
Forty Avenue / Junction of The Avenue
Wembley, Middx
10.CloseThe meeting closed at 20.00pm.
Action / Action / Who to action(i) / List validation -There will be more information available by December 2011 / AR
(ii) / Check to see what is on the Public Health advert for VRA risk assessments and see if patients can be included in helping to create this. / AS
(iii) / AR will share the poster displayed on the front door of Forty Willows Surgery for signposting services when the surgery is closed / AR
(iv) / AR and IVC to finalise the survey to go out to Practice Managers (PMs) re. access / AR/IVC
(vi) / AR to send these to PMs / AR
Kingsbury Commissioning Consortium Patient & Public Participation Forum Signed Attendance Register
Thursday 6th October 2011
6.30pm – 8pm
Boardroom-1st Floor
Sattavis Patidar Centre
Forty Avenue
Wembley Park, Middx
Interim Chair: Irwin Van Colle – Patient Representative
Vice Chair: Angela Reeves – Kingsbury Consortium Representative
No / Full name / Department / Practice patient representingAngela Reeves /
Kingsbury Clinical Lead, Practice Manager, Forty Willows Surgery
Dr Ajit Shah /Kingsbury Clinical Director, GP, Primary Care Medical Centre
Caroline Davidson /Kingsbury Consortium Improvement Manager
Irwin Van Colle /Chalkhill Family Practice
Valerie May Pope /Chalkhill Family Practice
Dennis Tyler /Primary Care Medical Centre
Ella Ng Chieng Hin /Primary Care Medical Centre
Arlette Tamin /Primary Care Medical Centre
Phil Sealy /Willow Tree Family Doctors
Ho-Ki Kwan /Tudor House
Christina Eddisford /Forty Willows Surgery
Ramji Patel /Stag Lane Medical Centre
Kishor Hirani /Stag Lane Medical Centre
Cllr Sandra Kabir /Stag Lane Medical Centre
Ravilal Gorsia /Stag Lane Medical Centre
S Khokhrai /Stag Lane Medical Centre
Bijal Shah /The Fryent Way Surgery
Deborah Lawson /TO BE CONFIRMED
George Toon /Preston Road Surgery
Hazel Lunniss /Willow Tree Family Doctors
Joan Channen /Stag Lane Medical Centre
Monica Barton /Chalkhill Family Practice
Irene Kessler /Fryent Medical Centre
Patrica Turner /Ellis Practice
Michael Turner /Ellis Practice
Lakhman Mepani /Stag Lane Medical Centre
Richard Wisdom /Forty Willows Surgery
Kingsbury Terms of Reference (TORs)
Kingsbury Cluster Healthcare Provision
“No decision about us without us being involved”
What do patients want from their local healthcare provision?
aAbility to see doctor when required
Emergencysame day
Non-emergencywithin 48 hours
bSystem capable of arranging referrals if and when required
Emergencysame day
Non-emergencywithin 7 days
cTrained support staff to cope with chronic conditions if doctors are not available
2Quality of Service delivery
aAvailability of extended appointments
bAdvice and guidance available for out of hours problems
cCommunication about methods of dispute resolution and assistance
dAvailability of advocacy if required
eAdequate support for patients with sensory, physical and communication impairments
aAlternative doctors to cover for absence of regular doctor
bAdvice always available over phone
cPrescription dispensing under control
aAdequate budget if patient needs are doctor proscribed
bLocal infrastructure capable of providing all but emergency support
What must any new system of local healthcare be able to provide?
aPublic Servants usually happier if accountable to their communities
bDefinitely not under local authority control, but with LA participation
cPatients in control of their own cases in partnership with their own
dThe local healthcare system accountable to its patient base in broad
Aims & Objectives of
Kingsbury Patient Representative Group
What is the aim of the group? What is our long term goal, statement of purpose etc?Aims / Objectives – to achieve exactly what? / Rationale – Why? / SMART checked? / Actions
S / Specific
M / Measurable?
A / Agreed?
R / Realistic?
T / Time Specific
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