Agenda for 2017 ROG AGM

Call Meeting to order

  • On behalf of the board of directors, welcome to our Annual General Meeting!
  • Everyone is welcome ,but only charter or regular members can vote.
  • Any non members of the ROG at the meeting are welcome to join the group
  • Copies of agenda, bylaw changes and other required documents are posted on ROG website.


  • A brief summary of the agenda to be discussed
  • A motion to be made to approve the agenda, and a seconder to approve the motion and then conduct a vote by show of hands

Previous AGM Minutes:

  • The 2016 AGM minutes are posted on the ROG website, questions and discussion are entertained
  • Motion to be made to approve the minutes, and a person to second the motion followed by a show of hands to vote on the motion.

Presidents Report:

  • report to be posted on the ROG website
  • VP asks for any questions

VP's Report:

  • Report to be posted on the ROG website
  • questions and answers

Secretary's Report:

  • Report to be posted on the ROG website
  • questions and answers

Treasurer's Report:

  • Report to be posted on the ROG website
  • questions and answers

Open the Floor for any members questions or issues:

Board of Director's Elections”

  • Members who are up for election stand down.

The process will be explained, the slate of nominees will be announced and a vote for the entire slate will be taken by a show of hands, if slate is rejected then an individual vote for each nominee will be done.

  • New board will then assume their positions.

By Law Changes:

  • Proposed By-law Changes to be posted the ROG website.
  • One group of By-law package changes are “housekeeping” changes and the other is a change to the membership criteria.
  • “housekeeping” changes, will be discussed and voted upon.
  • Membership criteria by-law change will be discussed and voted upon.

Closing Remarks:

  • Open a discussion on the need for volunteers, asking for comments on suggestions to improve the ROG and ask for feedback on this rally, compared to our previous one, how can we improve?