This applicationmust be filled out completely, accurately, and legibly. To complete your application, submit this form, along with a current resume, two reference letters, and answers to the questions in Section III. Email application packet to Kate Starr at Application deadline is Dec. 15, 2016.
Contact Information
Legal Name (Last, First, Middle initial)
Preferred Name
Home Street Address
Home City, State, Zip
Personal Phone
Personal E-mail
Employment Information
Position / Title
Supervisor name, title and contact information
Employer’s Address
Employer’s City, State, Zip
Work Phone
Work Email
Please provide answers to the following questions in an attached Word document.
1. What competencies and skills do you want to gain through this experience and how will you apply those going forward?
2. What is your proudest accomplishment, either community related, at work, or personally?
3. What current community issue do you feel most passionate about, and how might you recommend addressing it?
Signature and acknowledgement
Signatures below validate that information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, that I am willing and able to fulfill the time obligations of Philanthropy Forum (two full days and three ½ days), and that my employer has approved.
Signature of Applicant: / Date:
Signature of Employer: / Date:

Criminal Justice Reform


ELS mission is to attract and cultivate the next generation of Tulsa-area philanthropists. We do this through a variety of programming, including volunteer opportunities, educational activities with United Way partner agencies, and mentoring opportunities in large and small groups as well as one-on-one.

As ELS continues to grow, we want to offer a more focused educational and leadership development program. Similar to other respected leadership programs, this initiative will have a limited number of class members per calendar year (approximately 12-15) and an established curriculum, leaning heavily on community experts on the topic as well as TAUW agency partners.

The purpose of this program is to more deeply expose young philanthropists to a key issue in our community, equipping themwith the necessary tools to be an effective philanthropic leader and, ultimately, to pave the way for them to deliver a long-term and meaningful impact in the Tulsa area.


Criminal Justice Reform is the first issue we will explore. Oklahoma is number 1 for incarcerated women and number 2 in the nation overall. People on both sides of the legislative aisle and courtroom, from prosecuting to defense attorneys as well as judges, agree that our current system needs reform. It is a hot topic among many TAUW partner agencies, and is an issue that could benefit from harnessing the altruistic energy young professionals bring as well as increase our membership’s motivation to advocate, volunteer, and give.


December 15, 2016 – Applications due to TAUW offices

January – Evening Social FunctionandTeam Formation

February – Full-day overview of Criminal Justice System @ David L. Moss Criminal Justice Center

March – ½-day session on Advocacy & Diversion

April – ½-day session on Female IncarcerationChildren of Incarcerated Parents

May –½-day session on Reentry & Prison Economics

June – Full-day planning session on Where do we go from here?

August – Keynote Presentation from Class I on Project Results