
Name: Hans Dirk Rübcke

Address: Bgm. Schallenkammer Weg 7, 82402 Seeshaupt, Germany

Date of Birth: 1950/01/24

Place of Birth: Hamburg, Germany

Status: Married, 2 children, born 1980 and 1981

Nationality: German


1956 – 1966 Secondary school in Hamburg, highschool graduation



March 66 – Sept. 69 Electrical technicians apprenticeship with licensing

July 71 – June 72 American english language intensive. Living in the USA.

Oct. 73 – March 75 Electrical engineer school, national certification as electrical engineer

April 79 – May 83 Electrical business and management school with certificat

1980 – 1983 French course in Lübeck, language school Inlingua

Sept. 84 – Nov. 84 Technical English with certification. Foreign language school Lübeck

Dec. 84 – Nov. 85 Attendance of computer school “Informatica”, Hamburg software

EDV-software training for the practical informatician, with certificat.

1986 RKW-Bavaria, practical salesman training.

Jan. 97 – Jan. 98 Business and management school with certification, bfz-München.

Innovative management methods for engineers. International sales, business english, technical marketing, project management,

communication, economy, internet telelearning, Windows, Word etc.

Special Talents: Certificated trainer for mental fitness, by DGMT

Foreign Languages: English, good business conversation

French, un peu conversation

Leisure Interests: Fitness, sailing and traveling




Since October 01 Managing Director for used Laser and Lasersystems.

May 00 – August 01 Computype GmbH, Global Auto ID Solutions

Sales Manager Germany and countries adjoining

Febr. 98 – May 00 Held Lasertechnik GmbH Heusenstamm

in the free lancer position, international sales engineer for laser and laserbased systems for material processing in the shipyard, automotive, aerospace and industriel field

Oct. 94 - Dec. 96 Zarges Leichtbau GmbH Weilheim

International sales engenieer of the division „Systems and Components” for individual products. Responsible Fields: Individual constructions for shipbuilding, waggon and vehicle, container, claddings and covering for technical installation and maschinery, special cladding for facades inside walls and ceilings and antenna for satelite transmissions leightweight suporting constructure and shelters

July 91 – Sept. 94 ELCEDE GmbH Kirchheim-Teck

International sales and marketing engineer for material processing CO2-laser systems.

Jan. 86 – June 91 Baasel Lasertech GmbH Starnberg

International sales and marketing engineer for CO2- and YAG- laser and laserbased systems for material processing.

Aug. 79 – Nov. 84 Drägerwerk AG Lübeck

Product support manager of oxygen equipment for aviation.


Field service, aerospace ground equipment and support, product improvement, realiability, maintainability,repair overhaul technical publications, training, warranty non con conformance management and complaint inspection for english and french customers.

Since Febr. 83 Electrochief in the department pressure chamber technics.


Design, construction, order, production control leading and advising personel. Installation and acceptance of electric components and systems for diving pressure chamber.

Oct. 76 – July 79 Electrician on major sea voyages

July 72 – Sept. 73 Technical repair, service and overhaul toward the

July 71 – Juni 72 USA altenator up to all kind of electricity and electronics parts, cranes,

Oct. 69 – Juni 71 winches and on ocean going container ships and vessels.