Welcome to…
Literature of the Americas/Composition
Ms. Kinney
Office: A 308
Voice Mail: 651-683-6969 x8817
Expectations: Be an active student who takes advantage of the opportunities presented!
- Treat all members of our classroom community with respect.
- Come prepared for class with all necessary materials including a positive attitude and a focused, thinking mind.
- Leave food and beverages outside the academic wing—water (and ONLY water) is okay.
- Leave any non-class related materials (cell phones, calculators, cosmetics, etc.) in your locker or bag.
- Always, always, always do your best(my biggest pet peeve is watching people waste their time, talent, and the opportunities which have been given to them).
Attendance and Tardy Policy:
This class will adhere to the Eastview policies on attendance and tardies (3 tardies =1 absence and detention, 8 absences = no credit). You are considered tardy once I close the door. Since I am a traveling teacher, you should have plenty of time to get to your seat.Tardies will have a negative impact on your participation grade.
Grading:Your final grade will be based on the following categories.
40% Quizzes and Tests40% Writing20% Daily Work
Grade Scale:
B83-86%C-70-72% F (no credit) 59% and below
Late Work:
- Daily assignments are given a 10% reduction for each day they are late up to 50%. Please note that some assignments are necessary for classroom activities and cannot be made up.
- You have until the final two days of the quarter to turn in missing work and/or take missing tests.
- If you miss a test you have five days to make it up. After that, the best you can get on it is a D-.
- If you have an UNEXCUSED absence OR YOU KNEW YOU WOULD BE GONE the day before a test, you need to take the test with the rest of the class.
Extra Credit:
- Students are highly encouraged to take advantage of extra credit opportunities (see separate policy) as grades are NOT rounded up. Extra credit will not be counted if a student has ANY missing assignments.
Make-up Work:
- If you are sick, you are given two days to complete the work for every day you are ill.
- If your absence from class is UNEXCUSED, your make-up work will be considered late and graded according to the late work policy.
- Students who know ahead of time that they will be absent MUST see me about completing the work and tests before the absence.
- It is your responsibility to talk to me about make-up work. I will not seek you out. The best time to talk to me is before or after school.
In order for this course to be its most successful, EVERYONE’S active, constructive participation is vital. EVERY DAY I expect you to: be alert, follow the discussion, take notes, be ready to answer when called upon, be respectful of all people and ideas, and volunteer your ideas in discussion and activities. Participation can affect your grade at the end of the quarter.
Academic honesty:Each student has a responsibility to promote an academic culture that respects and fosters individual achievement. This course will adhere to the EVHS Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy. This policy is printed both in the Eastview Planner and the school calendar
Additional Help:
If you have questions, concerns, or need additional help, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with me. I am more than willing to work with you before school or during my free period. Do not wait until a project is due to tell me you are confused or need help. I am not a mind reader and will not necessarily know your concerns unless you tell me. Please keep the lines of communication open!
Afinal note on our classroom community:
The cornerstones of EastviewHigh School are Respect, Teamwork, Trust, Integrity, and Communication. It is paramount that our learning environment reflects these principles. I expect you to treat everyone in our class as you would like to be treated and to be a positive, contributing member of our community. Behavior which compromises the values of our classroom community, prevents me from teaching, or prevents other students from learning will not be tolerated. This is a garbage-free zone!