St Raphael’s Catholic Primary Half Term Overview

Year Group: Year 2 / Long Term Plan: Summer 1
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6
Literacy / Grammar Blast! / Information spotters!
(Reading and comprehension practice) / Information spotters!
(Reading and comprehension practice) / Information spotters!
(Reading and comprehension practice) / YEAR 2 SATS WEEK / What will the future be like?
Numeracy / Numbers and Fractions / Addition and Subtraction (Missing Number problems) / Money, Addition and Time / Multiplication and Division as the inverse / Mathematical reasoning
(Plants) / Plants- what is germination? / Can you label and describe a plant? / How do they grow? / What is it like inside a seed? / Can you carry out an investigation?
Easter / Let’s celebrate- Jesus rose from the dead! / Can you retell the story of Jesus’ appearance? / What are the symbols of the Holy Spirit? / What is the story of Ascension? / How does the Holy Spirit help us live our lives?
History / What can we learn about the past by looking at photographs and artefacts? / What would it have been like to have gone to school 100 years ago? / What do you think you would have been doing on Saturdays and Sundays 100 years ago? / Can you create a game that you may have played 100 years ago? / What will the future be like?
Printing / What are your favourite flowers?- Observational drawings / What are your favourite flowers?- Shading / What are your favourite flowers? / Can you make flower prints? / Can you say what is good about your friends Art work?
P.E. / Fundamental Movement Skills through Games / Games, games, games!
I.C.T / What is a photographer? / What makes a good photo? / Let’s take some photographs! / Which are your best pictures? / Can you make a portfolio using your best photographs?
Music / Do you like the song? / Can you learn the song? / Can we add instruments? / Can you improvise? / Let’s perform!
P.S.H.E. / Are rules important? / What is anti-social behaviour? / The role of money in your life. / How do people live in other parts of the world? / How can I make good choices?
Big Write / What did you do in the Easter holidays? / Jesus’ appearance retell / Flower/ garden descriptions / Tiny seed poems / My future world