Course unit title / Code
Master’s Thesis Seminar in Differential Equations / MM24MTS2
Lecturer(s) / Department where the course unit is delivered
Coordinator: prof. habil. dr. Konstantinas Pileckas
Other(s): - / Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Department of Differential Equations and Numerical Mathematics
Naugarduko St. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania
Study cycle / Type of the course unit
Second / Optional
Mode of delivery / Period when the course unit is delivered / Language of instruction
/ 2nd year,semester 4
/ Lithuanian
Requirements for students
none / Additional requirements (if any):
Course volume in credits / Total student’s workload / Contact hours / Self-study hours
5 / 130 / 32 / 98
Purpose of the course unit: programme competences to be developed
The aim of the course is to learn how to present investigation results in modern mathematical language and methods as well as to prepare the Master’s Thesis.
Learning outcomes of the course unit / Teaching and learning methods / Assessment methods
To think abstractly for solving various problems and decide whether existing methods are applicable. / Regular presentations of research results integrating new results, discussion,
individual reading of scientific literature in chosen field of investigation, consultation / Exam (in word) of presentations
To apply critical thinking skills to solve problems that can be modelled mathematically.
Generate and clearly communicate mathematical ideas, research ideas in appropriate contexts both orally and in writing, to range of audience, integrate knowledge and skills.
To use pure mathematical or applied methods to understand some aspects of the frontiers of mathematical knowledge.
To search scientific literature and do ethical citation. / Instruction of ethical norms for scientific work and literature citation.
Content: breakdown of the topics / Contact hours / Self-study work: time and assignments
Lectures / Tutorials / Seminars / Exercises / Laboratory work / Internship/work placement / Contact hours / Self-study hours / Assignments
1. Preparation and presentation of research results in modern mathematical language both orally and writing. / 20 / 20 / 40 / Introduction to requirements [1,2]; regularly preparing, correcting and improving presentation of obtained research results, graphs, tables, structure of presentation (if needed); discussion on students investigating research problems and methods; other practical aspects.
2. Survey of scientific literature and recent results, related to investigating problems. / 2 / 2 / 15 / Student individually do the survey and present new scientific results during presentations.
3. LaTex and other popular systems for presentation of scientific results. / 2 / 2 / 10 / Studying [2,3] and chosen scientific literature examples.
4. Ethical norms in scientific work, literature citation. / 2 / 2 / 2 / Analysis of information [4,5], studying examples
5. Presentation of Master’s Thesis. / 2 / 4 / 6 / 28 / Studying requirements for Master’s Thesis [1,2] and preparing preliminary presentation for defence.
Total / 2 / 30 / 32 / 98
Assessment strategy / Weight,% / Deadline / Assessment criteria
Exam of presentations / 100 / Second part of semester / Presentations are done during the seminars. Quality (3 points), comprehensiveness (3 points) and presentation (4 points) are evaluated. This evaluation is considered as the mark of Exam.
Author / Year of publication / Title / Issue of a periodical
or volume of a publication / Publishing place and house
or web link
Compulsary reading
1. Vice-Rector of Vilnius University / 2015 / Commandment
No. R-446 (2015-11-17)
Baigiamųjų darbų rengimo, gynimo ir saugojimo tvarka /
2.P. Drungilas / Recommendations and requirements for coursework bachelor and master thesis /
3.Helmut Kopka,
Patrick W. Daly / 2004 / A Guide to LaTeX and Electroning Publishing / 4th edition /
4. David B. Resnik, J.D. / 2015 / What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important? /
5. European Mathematical Society / Code to Practice /
Optional reading
Ethics in Mathematics Research /