11thHonors- U. S. History and Geography

Continuity and Change in the 20th Century


Mrs. Avila


Course Description

This grade eleven course surveys the major turning points in American history in the twentieth century. The course begins with a review emphasizing two major themes—the nation’s beginnings and the industrial transformation of the new nation. Addressed throughout the course is the application of constitutional principles to contemporary issues. Topics covered are the expanding role of the federal government and the federal courts; the continuing tensions between the individual and the state and between minority rights and majority power; the emergence of a modern corporate economy; the impact of technology on American society; culture change in the ethnic composition of American society; the movements toward equal rights for diverse groups such as racial minorities, gays and lesbians, people with disabilities, and women; and the role of the United States as a major world power. The course investigates the diversity of American culture, including religion, literature, art, drama, architecture, education, and the mass media

See complete 11th grade Common Core Standards @


Through the study of history and by utilizing our listening, communication, and thinking skills, you will develop into critical thinkers. See School-wide ESLRs.


Assignments will vary. They will include

•Homework, quizzes = 30%

•Projects/Tests = 50%.

Late assignments will not be accepted. No exceptions.

Final Exam

Final = 20%

All students who are not present for the Midterm and Final will receive a zero.

Academic Honesty

Cheating and Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a parent teacher conference, an automatic zero, and a possible drop in one grade.

Absences and Tardies

Absences and tardies will affect your grade.


More than 3 tardies during a grading period will result in a “U” for cooperation AND work habits. More than 9 tardies during a semester will result in a “U”for cooperation AND work habits for your final grade.

Assignments that are not turned in when I collect them are considered late and will not be accepted. Therefore, it is important that you arrive to class on time. No exceptions.


Extracurricular activities

•If you are involved in sports, leadership, etc., you are responsible for taking tests, and quizzes on the day they are given and must turn in assignments on the due date.

Absences due to illness, family emergencies, or court dates (#1,2, and 5 only)

•Assignments, missed quizzes,and tests must be taken upon your return to school during my office hours or before school at 7:30 am. Any missing work not completed by Friday (during the week of your absence) will result in a zero.


100-89.5 = A

89.4-79.5 = B

79.4-69.5 = C

69.4-59.5 = D

59.4- 0 = F

Class Rules

Be Respectful.


Content taught in class is based on California State Standards, which covers the study of the human condition and human nature. Therefore, topics discussed in class may be controversial and as such, things said are not my opinion unless otherwise stated.


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