ED Form 1/7
Nano-Tera.ch – ED Activities Proposal Form
Part 1: General Information
1. Submission deadline
ED(Education and Dissemination) activities proposals can be submitted at the end of every even month (or the first working day of the following month in case of holidays).
Proposals must be submitted to the Nano-Tera.ch management office in both Word and PDF format to:
A confirmation of reception will be sent.
2. Basic data
Activity titleActivity acronym
Requested Nano-Tera funding (CHF)
Activity date
Short activity description
Main Applicant
Surname, first name
Attachments / Curriculum vitae of the applicant(s)
List of 10 most relevant publications of the applicant(s)
The main applicant hereby confirms that all the information providedin this proposal, including the attachments, is true and correct, and with the consent of the involved applicants.
Place, date: / Signature:3. Applicants' data
3.1. Corresponding Applicant
Surname, first nameAcademic degree
Date of birth
Nationality / Gender
Street, Nr
PC, City
Direct line
Office line
3.2. Co-Applicant(s)
Surname, first nameAcademic degree
Date of birth
Nationality / Gender
Street, Nr
PC, City
Direct line
Office line
Surname, first name
Academic degree
Date of birth
Nationality / Gender
Street, Nr
PC, City
Direct line
Office line
4. Thematic orientation and dissemination strategies
Collaborations / yes no
If yes, with which persons/
In which context?
In which countries?
Connections to RTD projects? / yes no
5. Budget
Note that a more detailed budget forms might be requested if the project is selected.
5.1. Requested funding from Nano-Tera.ch
As of Feb.2, 2011, the following rules specify the limits to requested funding, with 2 options available:
- The name of workshop(s) or conference(s) must include in the text "Nano-Tera" to be eligible to a maximum requested funding of CHF 33'000. The Nano-Tera.ch logo shall be present in brochures and printed documents. Nano-Tera.ch shall be listed as part of the sponsors.
- The name of the workshop or conference does not have to include the text "Nano-Tera" and the maximum eligible funding is limited to CHF 10'000. The Nano-Tera.ch logo shall be present in brochures and printed documents. Nano-Tera.ch shall be listed as part of the sponsors.
Year 1 (CHF) / Year 2 (CHF) / TOTALEquipments
Total equipment (CHF)Consumables
Total consumables (CHF)Miscellaneous
Total miscellaneous (CHF)Personnel (salary)
Maximal eligible Nano-Tera funding level in CHF per personnel category (per year, per full-time position, including social charges)
Senior Researcher / 215'000Technician / 125'000
PostDoc / 100'000
PhD-Student / 62'000
Surname, First name / Function / % activity rate for Nano-Tera / Year 1 (CHF) / Year 2 (CHF) / Total
5.2. Own contributions
Financial support from nano-tera.ch to a given ED project requires matching funds, which must cover at least 55% of the total budget of the project.
Year 1 (CHF) / Year (CHF) / TOTALPersonnel
Institutional overheads
Third parties, in kind
Third parties, in cash
Personnel (salary)
Direct costs related to personnel paid from the institution’s own budget is eligible as in-kind contribution for that institution. Maximal eligible salariesin CHF for own contributions per personnel category (per year, per full-time position, including social charges):
Full professor (max 20%) / 325'000Associate professor (max 20%) / 290'000
Assistant professor (max 20%) / 255'000
Senior Researcher / 215'000
Technician / 125'000
PostDoc / 100'000
PhD-Student / 62'000
Surname, First name / Function / % activity rate for Nano-Tera / Year 1 (CHF) / Year 2 (CHF) / Total
Institutional overheads
Indirect costs linked to the project can also be consideredas in-kind contributions, notably consumables and various infrastructure services provided by each institution for the performance of the project. More precisely, the official institutional overhead rate (typically 40%) on the amount listed in 5.1 and the personnel of 5.2 can be considered as matching contribution.
Institutional overhead rate / Year 1 (CHF) / Year 2 (CHF) / TOTALTotal Nano-Tera funding
Own contributions for personnel
Matching funds from third parties
All support obtained from third party sources (e.g. industrial participation, but excluding nano-tera.ch and the institutions themselves) to support nano-tera.ch projects,can be considered as in-kind or in-cash matching funds.
In kind contributions:
Third party name / Year 1 (CHF) / Year (CHF) / TOTALTOTAL
In cash contributions:
Third party name / Year 1 (CHF) / Year (CHF) / TOTALTOTAL
5.3. Budget summary
TOTAL (CHF)Nano-Tera funding (5.1) = A
Own contributions (5.2) = B
Matching fund level = B/(A+B)
(this value must be at least 55%)
Nano-Tera.ch – ED ActivitiesProposal Form
Part 2 : Scientific Information
Corresponding ApplicantName, first name
Activity title
1. Summary
(1 page)
2. International standing of the applicant(s) in her/his/their field of research
(1 page)
3. Educational plan: state of the art, added value
(3-4 pages)
- Expected impact on Health-Security-Environment Systems Engineering
(1 page)