Software changes:

  • Automatically upgrading software. Starting from this version older software version settings and templates will be upgraded automatically if needed. Operator will see the software is upgrading and will be informed after the upgrade if upgrade was succeeded.
    Upgrade only works from software version
  • AP3800 Multi and AP3800 Multi COD running from the same software package. During upgrade software automatically detects if old version was COD or normal AP3800. In revision settings in AP3800 settings configuration can be checked and modified.
  • Import function implemented. Importing data from LIMS (with a acsii based file) can be imported into a table and no further loading samples manually with loading samples window is not needed. Documents with info to setup the import are separately created and downloadable.
  • Reprocess cuvette routine. Besides remeasure function the repeat the measurement step of a test it is also possible now to reprocess the whole cyclus of the cuvette. Software will show a message to replace the cuvette with a new one and the whole process of the cuvette is prepared and restarted.
  • The message after loading a sample in the loading samples window is removed.
  • Automatic cleaning routine with APA Acidic surfactant is implemented into software. Software will clean the tubing with this solution the set times in the application settings from the second cleaning vessel and afterwards the tubing is cleaned with dilution liquid above the first cleaning vessel the outside of the stirrer/needle is cleaned into the first cleaning vessel. This option can be selected in the flushing window and the preparation routines. Also the option in the application settings can be enabled to do this cleaning automatically at the end of each run.
  • Correction factor for dispenser calculations is changed to “Correction factor Z” and calculations are changed on this parameter value.
  • Tolerances for samples: Proposals page in application settings is changed. At the proposal page you can set now besides the method and the test also the multiples number and an overrange underrange value. These tolerances can be used for sample validation. The values will overrule the set ranges at the method settings.
  • Operational hours counter: Software is not counting the time the system is running. This information is shown in the information window of the software which can be opened with the menu item Help – About. Technical Engineers does have to possibility to reset this counter in the information window.
  • In the information window also if defined in the application settings some documents can be connected and opened. These documents are called the Quick Guide, the Parts document and the Maintenance document. If defined in the application settings and available on the computer at the defined location operator can open the document by clicking on the link.
  • Automatically starts (QC) run after running a preparation routine: When a table is set ready for a run and the operator starts a preparation routine an option is available in the setup for the preparation routine to start the prepared run automatically when the preparation routine is finished.
  • In the application settings at the profiles (proposals) page it is now possible to define sample id proposals. When adding a sample id proposal select first the method proposal you want to connect in the list above and then add a new proposal id. When using this id in the samples loading window you can select the identification in the drop-down list with identification for Blanks and QC’s. When selected the proposal connected to this identification will be set up in the loading samples window.
  • In the toolbar of the mainmenu a new button (R) is added. With this button operators can open/close all reagent covers for reloading and/or refilling reagents cups.
  • Message in case of stop of the robot is changed. The text on the button “Ignore” is changed to “Ignore and Continue”. The button “Retry” is changed to “Retry and Continue”. The button “Stop” is changed to “Solve and Continue”.
  • Solving issue expiry date information of reagent cups get lost.
  • Drop on tip bug solved: When adding Acid(s) to the cuvette directly after adding sample to the cuvette is could be possible a drop falls down into the tip and this could affect the results. This problem is solved now.
  • Issue solved operators could not write into added columns by operator. Add samples window was opened in the past. All customer added columns needs to be recreated to make this option works correctly.
  • Inverted action in sample cleaning routine is corrected. AP did not clean after processing sample when this option was selected in the method settings in the application settings and this should work the other way around.
  • Bug solved wrong reagent cover was opened when two reagent cups of one reagent type were loaded and first one was empty and the AP needs to use the second one.
  • Write/Copy/Export mode for added columns implemented. When creating a new column and enabling the menu item Table – Edit data. The copy mode can be selected when do a right mouse click on these columns. A message will appear to enter the default value in this column when creating new records. After the value is entered a confirmation will appear if the value needs to be auto filled in this column when new lines are created. In new added columns the operator can change data without appearing the load samples window. When setup the export save the new table a template and use this template as export table in the export settings and the these new columns can also be selected in the export settings and the data of these columns can also be written in export files.
  • Revision parameters moved from application settings to AP3900 configuration window on the tabpage “Revision”.
  • Calibration Results report modified: Actual correction is changed to “Previous correction”. Now this field shows the previous used calibration formula and not the actual used formula. If the previous used formula is the same as the actual the text “Previous correction” will be changed to “Actual correction”.
  • Calibration Results report modified: In Calibration report window now is shown if the calculated correction is in use or has been used (Use correction button has been pressed). Behind the formula of the “calculated correction” now the text “Used” is added if the calculated correction has been used otherwise the text will be “Not used”.
  • Automatically flush interval can be set for tip. Tip tubing will be automatically flushed to keep tubing filled up correctly.
  • Make “new tray” button available for trayholder if no sample filling is needed for processing sample/cuvette by AP. Till now the button was locked when processing cuvette connected to sample in sampletray.
  • Correct saving and usage of actual reagent volumes.
  • Correct reading of auto startup/shutdown heaters timing settings when loading settings for first time after new installation or upgrade. (Italian language settings using dot symbol for dates and this occur unneeded error message).
  • Correct movements to reagent cups with level detection if tray is not straight positioned according to YZ bar. In the past the X position of the first cup in the reagent tray was used during the mainrun, the level detection calibration and the level detection validation.
  • Routine move cuvettes into heater is changed. Robot will now move down slowly the last few mm in the heater with a cuvette with a very low power to avoid broken cuvettes when placing in heaters.
    Needed Firmware version 27.
  • Extra parameter “dZ placing cuvette in tray/pos” added to the AP3900 hardware settings. This parameter can be used to stop the set value earlier with the Z-gripper movement when moving a cuvette into a fixed position or position in tray. This value was fixed programmed in the past and set at 30 (is 3 millimeters). Needed Firmware version 27.
  • Robot will stop a bit earlier when placing a cuvette into the vertical shaker and the horizontal shaker. This avoid the bottom of the cuvette will ticks onto the bottom of the shakers when moving with a cuvette to the shakers.
    Needed Firmware version 27.