Our class will develop a social contract as we get to know each other and our needs. Generally, each class finds the below behaviors necessary for a productive and positive year:

The students and teachers will: kind and encouraging respectful and courteous of each other productive and positive


All homework assignments are due the next day the class meets. If you have missed school and your absence was excused, you will have one additional day for each day you were absent plus one day to turn in the assignments you missed and received full credit for complete work. If you miss a test due to an absence, you should talk to me and we will set up a time for you to take the test. Students are responsible to retrieve missed assignments from assignment center and missed notes from a study partner. Please see the teacher at the beginning and/or end of class about any missed assignments. If you are leaving on vacation, I will make every effort to give you your homework before departure. Assignments are expected to be done upon return.


Cell phones are not to be used in class unless directed by the teacher. Students will have a Google Chromebook that meet all of their technological needs. A computer use contract will go home the first week of school.

All other policies align with the Susitna Valley school handbook. Please see the handbook for policies on attendance, dress code, eligibility, technology, behavior and etiquette, and more.

Parent Communication

I know that for many of you keeping a line of communication open is important. I feel the same way and have several options available for you to contact me. The easiest way to contact me is through email at . You can call me at 733-9333 and I will try to return your call as soon as possible. I am also available through messenger on Facebook. Additionally, I have an account set-up with REMIND.COM. You will receive messages via text and email with reminders about tests, projects, and important dates. You can unsubscribe from the messages at any time.

Grades can be accessed through iparent and istudent. We will show students how to access their account. If you have trouble accessing iparent please contact the school for assistance. I will write notes next to low or missing work to explain the score. Percentage grades are translated into the standard grading system below.

A: 100-90% B: 89-80% C:79-70% D: 69-60% F: 59-0%

Other grades that may appear on aICUE grade sheet:M – Missing (0pt. value)

L- Late

Ex- exempt (no effect on grade)

Abs- absent, not yet turned in

Please sign and date the form below and have your child return it to school tomorrow.

5 point daily assignment

We have read Mrs. Harrison’s Classroom Guidelines and the class syllabi.The syllabus for each class is attached, and can be found on my school website:


Student Name (please print) Parent Name (please print)

______Date______Date ______

Student Signature Parent Signature

Parent Email Address ______

_____ email is not a good way to contact me, please ______instead.

Please sign and date the form below and have your child return it to school tomorrow.

5 point daily assignment

We have read Mrs. Harrison’s Classroom Guidelines and the class syllabi. The syllabus for each class is attached, and can be found on my school website:


Student Name (please print) Parent Name (please print)

______Date______Date ______

Student Signature Parent Signature

Parent Email Address ______

_____ email is not a good way to contact me, please ______instead.