W.E.B. DuBois Public Charter School

Home of the Colts

Principal, Joseph Perez




Charter Your Pathway to Success is a career readiness program that integrates common core academics with career pathways designed to lead to high-skill, high-wage, and high-growth jobs. Targeted students are from underserved, impoverished urban and rural areas of Fresno County that lack access to professional training opportunities. Students in K-8 will have exposure to the following pathways: Agricultural Business, Business Management, Education, Energy & Environmental Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Health Science & Medical Technology. Students will be exposed to career pathways through common core instruction, project-based learning, fieldtrips and career awareness activities. Middle School students will participate in Business Camps designed to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the classroom.


School of Attendance:

W.E.B. DuBois Public Charter School

2604 Martin Luther King Blvd

Student Legal Last Name ______Legal First Name M.I. ______

Address Apt# ____City ___Zip Code ______

Phone Number ______Alternate Number ______

DOB / / Gender: M F Grade: _____ Sch. Program: Site Base Independent Study

Ethnicity: Is this student Hispanic or Latino? No, not Hispanic or Latino Yes, Hispanic or Latino

The above part of the question is about ethnicity, not race. No matter what you selected above, please continue to answer the following by marking one or more boxes to indicate what you consider the student’s race to be.

Race: What is the student’s race? (Select one or more)

American Indian or Alaska Native


Chinese Japanese Korean Vietnamese Asian American Laotian Cambodian Hmong

Other Asian

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Hawaiian Guamanian Samoan Tahitian Other Pacific Islander

Black or African American


Permission to Photograph and Film and Release of Liability

Due to the nature of the Career Pathway Program, students may be photographed or filmed while participating in the various career activities. We need parental permission for our school to be able to use the photographs and/or video for school publications, website, and/or television.

I give Agape Inc./W.E.B. DuBois my consent to photograph and/or film my son/daughter on campus and/or at a school related events for the purpose of school publications, television and/or website advertisement. I release Agape Inc. from all liability relating to the image likeness and representation.

I do not give Agape Inc./W.E.B. DuBois my consent to photograph and/or film my son/daughter on campus and/or at a school related events for the purpose of school publications, television and/or website advertisement.


Parent/Guardian Date

By signing this application, you agree to allow your child to participate in the Career Pathways Program.


Student Date


Parent/Guardian Date


School Counselor/School Administrator Date

2604 Martin Luther King Blvd. Fresno, CA 93706 | PH: (559) 237-4100 Fax: (559) 442-5811