June 2017



Family Fun Night

Following the success of last year’s Family Fun Night, we will be holding another fun night on Thursday 22 June 2017, from 6.30 – 8.30 pm. With everything from ‘Bouncy Castles to BBQs’ and ‘Pony Rides to Penalty Kicks’, this event should be a fantastic night of fun for all the family.

This year, we have decided to continue with the ticket entry (or charge at the gate) but once you are in, all of the activities will then be FREE OF CHARGE (excluding food and/or refreshments).

Therefore, in order to facilitate planning and to help to estimate numbers, we are asking families to pre purchase tickets before the event (although payment at the gate will be gratefully accepted on the night).

A separate letter will be sent to all families regarding these arrangements.

P1/2 Shared Education Trip

On Thursday 6 June, P1/2 will be going on a trip to President Grant’s Homestead to take part in a ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’. Children will be back in school for dinner on that day. Please complete and return the consent form over leaf.

Eco School Inspection

On Thursday 8 June, our school will be undergoing an Eco Inspection in the hope of retaining our ‘Green Flag’ status. Many thanks to all of those who helped with our day of action on Friday 19th May. Your time, effort and on-going support is very much appreciated.

Congratulations P7

Congratulations to our P7 pupils who were all accepted to their first preference Post Primary school. We are very proud of all that you’ve achieved.

Leavers’ Assembly/Prize Giving

Our annual prize giving and P7 leavers’ assembly will be held on Wednesday 29 June.

Parents of children in P5-7 are invited to attend the KS2 prize giving and leavers’ assembly at 9:30am.This will be the last day of school for the P7 children who will be free to leave school after the assembly.

The Foundation and KS1 prize giving will be held at 1:30pm in the afternoon.

Sports Day

Our annual school Sports Day will be held on Friday 9th June at 10:00am. Everyone is welcome to come along and spectate.

Carntall’s Summer Scheme

Following last year’s success, we are delighted to confirm that our Summer Scheme will run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00am-2:00pm, from 17 July-11 August (Except for 26th July which is the day of the Clogher Valley Show). The cost will be £5 per child, per day and include a mid-day snack and refreshments.


2 June:New P1 induction Day (9:00-12:00pm)

5 June: Football Tournament at Aughnacloy PS

6 June: P1/2Shared Education Trip

7 June: Tots’ Time-Parent and Toddler Group

9 June: Sport’s Day (weather permitting)-10:00am-12:00pm

20 June: School Nurse visiting P1

22 June: P1/2 Trip to the Zoo

22 June:Family Fun Night (6:30-8:30pm)

28 June: Prize Day and Leaver’s Assembly- P5-7=9:30am (P7’s Last day)


30 June: ½ day-School ends at 11:30am. (This is a non-uniform day and no dinners are provided)

17July-11August: Summer Scheme every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00am-2:00pm (excluding CV Show Day-26/7/17)

Reply Slips – June 2017

P1/2 Shared Education Trip-Teddy Bear’s Picnic (President Grant’s)

I consent to my child (name) ______attending the P1/2 trip to President Grant’s on Tuesday 6th June 2017.

Signed (parent) ______

