Job Description and Person Specification
Job Title: Cook
Accountable to: Head of Home, responsible to the Deputy Head of Home.
This post is based at establishments across Nugent Care.
Nugent Care
The origins of Nugent Care date back to the 1800’s and the pioneering work of Father James Nugent (1822-1905) in relation to child welfare, relief from poverty and social reform. The work of Father Nugent had a dramatic impact on the lives of thousands of vulnerable people and his work continues to this day through Nugent Care. We are the social welfare arm of the Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool.
Today, Nugent Care offers a diverse range of support to adults and children in Merseyside through our schools, care homes, community and social work services and social enterprise. As a health and social care provider, we work at the heart of some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. We strive, not only to provide the best possible service to individuals and their families in these areas, but to generate interest, awareness and an understanding of the issues they face and the impact of this on our wider communities.
Nugent Care supports on average 6,000 people each year. We are a major employer in the area, employing 650 staff and supporting 350 volunteers. We courageously advocate on issues of justice and fairness.
Our Mission:
· To care, educate, protect and inspire those in need.
· To be an employer of choice.
· To be an advocate: A voice for the voiceless.
· Our vision is be an entirely dignified & outstanding organisation by 2020.
Our Values:
· Integrity, Ambition, Courage, Compassion, Optimism, Respect and Dignity.
Nugent Care celebrates diversity in our organisation and in society as a whole and is an equal opportunities employer welcoming all people with a positive view of age, caring responsibilities, gender, disability racial origin, religion, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.
Overall purpose of the post:
· To be responsible for all activities in the kitchen and adjacent kitchen areas. These duties will include the preparation of menus, portion control and the provision of any special diet, control of hygiene, health and safety in the kitchen, cleaning of the kitchen and utensils, ensuring the safety of equipment within the home.
Main duties and Areas of responsibility
Duties will include skilled cooking activities connected with the full range of meals, or catering for specific events, stocktaking, security of the kitchen at end of the shift.
To prepare all menus after consultation with the Senior Staff of Home and residents;
To prepare food to a high standard for each menu;
To have food prepared for the residents at the appointed time;
To keep a record of all menus served to the residents;
To ensure that there is good portion control and waste food is kept to a minimum;
To ensure that all orders are processed in good time to the suppliers;
To ensure that records of all supplies are correct;
To check all incoming food for quality standards;
To ensure that food stocks are rotated;
Any food that appears to be below standard (on delivery or before use) should be brought to the attention of the Person in Charge and if necessary returned to the supplier;
To ensure that all food is stored at the correct temperature and a record of the temperatures is kept;
To ensure that anti-discriminatory practices are maintained throughout Nugent Care;
Training and development
To ensure that kitchen cleanliness is at its highest at all times;
To ensure that all correct working surfaces are used for food;
To maintain the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cleaning schedules as directed by the Cook in Charge;
To ensure that all equipment in the kitchen area is in a safe working order, record any faults to the Head of Home or Deputy Head of home immediately;
To maintain stock of cleaning materials for the kitchen;
To ensure that waste food is kept to a minimum, i.e. food is cooked and presented well;
Food that is not acceptable to residents is not prepared;
Ensure that regular meetings are convened with the Head of Home to discuss strict budgetary control of food and provisions.
Additional Duties
It is the nature of the work of Nugent Care, Liverpool that tasks and responsibilities are, in many circumstances, unpredictable and varied. All staff are, therefore, expected to work in a flexible way when the occasion arises, when tasks not specifically covered in their job description have to be undertaken. These additional duties will normally be to cover unforeseen circumstances or changes in work and they will normally be compatible with the regular type of work. If the additional responsibility or task becomes a regular or frequent part of the member of staff's job, it will be included in the job description in consultation with the member of staff.
Person Specification for (position)
Please use these specifications to define you application statement.
All areas assessed through application form, interview and references.
· City & Guilds Certificate in Cookery.
· Food hygiene certificate.
Experience and Knowledge
• To have worked in a large kitchen environment
• Basic cooking skills for an establishment of up to 30 persons
• Ability to deal sensitively with the resident client group
• Ability to cater for specialist diets
• To maintain a close working relationship with other members of the staff team
• To respond flexibly to changing needs
Personal qualities
• Interpersonal and relationship abilities.
• Adaptability and flexibility to work demands
Nugent Care is a Charity and as such relies on its good reputation and voluntary contributions and donations from members of the public, from grant making bodies and corporate sponsorship.
All employees of Nugent Care are expected to behave in a way that enhances the reputation and image of the Charity. In addition staff are expected to be responsive to fundraising initiatives, attend public events whenever possible and generally take seriously their role in raising income for the Charity at every opportunity.
Nugent Care affords all employees equal opportunities in employment irrespective of disability, gender, race, religion, age, sexuality, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status etc. Nugent Care will ensure that discriminatory practices are identified and removed and non-discriminatory practices introduced in all areas of employment.
It is expected that all Nugent Care employees will understand that their work is confidential and that personal details about residents and their families must NOT be divulged to members of the public.
The post holder is expected to be familiar with and work within the Basic Principles of Nugent Care. He/she must be prepared to operate within a Catholic Agency, while ensuring that people of other denominations and religions have their spiritual needs met.
The Conditions of Service are set out in the Nugent Care Handbook.
Nugent Care has a probationary period of up to 12 months. A probationary appraisal will take place
at 9 months with an initial performance review at the 6 months stage.