Google Earth KML File Creator Class

Title: Google Earth KML File Creator Class

Author: Ian John Grech


Member ID: 12345

Language: C# 2.0

Platform: .NET 2.0


Level: Beginner

Description: Provides an introductory class to create Google Earth KML files

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This projects provides a very simple class that can be used to create Google Earth KML Files. Only two formats are shown in the code, namely Point and LineString, but these should provide enough background to allow anyone to continue coding their own KML files based on the KML Object Model.


The KML Reference is available here.

Using the code

The core of the project is the KMLCreator.cs. This has three classes, KMLCoordinates, KMLPoint and KMLLine

KMLCoordinates is used by both KMLPoint and KMLLine. It contains the Longitude, Latitude and Altitude of a specific coordinate in space.

KMLPoint will create a Pin with location specified by the KMLCoordinates.

KMLLine will create a Line with locations specified by a Generic List of KMLCoordinates.

The classes have some hard coded attributes which a developer can amend if, and as required. Coding is very basic and should be easy to understand. the 'hardest' part is the use of the XMLTextWriter class.

Note: In writing I used curly braces to help segregate and ident the code in the same manner as it should appear in XML. This is for no particular reason other than to help visualize the output during coding.

Typical usage is as follows:

//Generic List of KML Coords

List<KMLCoordinates> l = new List<KMLCoordinates>();

//Sample KML Coords for a Line

l.Add(new KMLCoordinates(0.0, 51.0));

l.Add(new KMLCoordinates(0.2, 51.01));

l.Add(new KMLCoordinates(-0.1, 51.03));

l.Add(new KMLCoordinates(0.03, 51.01));

l.Add(new KMLCoordinates(-0.5, 51.05));

l.Add(new KMLCoordinates(0.5, 51.05));

l.Add(new KMLCoordinates(0.6, 51.06));

//Creates a Line file as C:\Line.kml

KMLLine kl = new KMLLine(l, "LineSample", "This is a Line Sample");


//Sample KML Coord for a Point

KMLCoordinates p = new KMLCoordinates(0.25, 51.25);

//Creates a Point file as C:\Point.kml

KMLPoint kp = new KMLPoint(p, "PointSample", "This is a Point Sample");



Revision 1.0 - Dated: 2007/04/22 – First Draft of Project