To the applicant: To the applicant: Please fill out the applicant information below and email or give this form to your current English, history, math or science teacher. Have them email it to us at or return to you in a signed and sealed envelope and mail along with your application and other materials. See checklist on the application for a complete list of all items to include with your application. Please type or print. Click in gray boxes to fill out electronically. Boxes expand as needed.


Last (family name: / First: / Middle:
Street and number: / City:
State/Province: / Zip/Postal Code: Country (if other than US):
Under the terms of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, I waive do not waive any right of access to this recommendation.
Applicants’ signature (typed name is proof of signature) / Social Security Number: / Date:

Name and Number of Course you are applying for at Colorado College this summer:

Course Name: / Course Number


We are interested in information that will help us evaluate this student’s motivation, intellectual abilities, personal qualities, and potential to perform college level work since students in our pre-college program enroll in college-level courses for undergraduate credit. Please mention any circumstances in the student’s background that may help us evaluate the applicant (e.g., illness, family history). Please attach a letter if appropriate.

Directions: Please fill out electronically by clicking in gray boxes to type (they will expand) or clearly write the information requested below. Additional pages may be added as needed. Email this form to or provide in sealed envelope for student to mail with application. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you for your help.


School name: / Street and number: / City:
State/Province: / Zip/Postal Code: / Country (if other than US):


Name: / Title:
Email Address: / Phone number:
Signature: Typed name serves as electronic signature.

Please use the chart below to compare the student with other students in his or her secondary school class.

Below Average / Average / Above Average / Well Above Average / Excellent (top 10% this year) / One of the few I have encountered in my career.
Intellectual level
Verbal ability
Social maturity
How long have you know the applicant?
In what subject(s) have you taught him or her and what grade did he or she earn?
Is the applicant strong in this subject area of the college course chosen for this summer? (See course listed above by applicant.)
If not, what subject area would you recommend?
Any additional information you wish to provide?