504 / Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
ACT / American College Testing
ADA / Americans With Disabilities Act
AI / Autistic Impaired
AP / Advanced Placement
ASD / Autism Spectrum Disorder
AT Magnet / Academically Talented Program For Grades 3-5, Housed At Brummer Elementary School
AYP / Adequate Yearly Progress
BIP / Behavior Intervention Plan(Special Ed.)
CA 60 / Student Cumulative File
CCSS / Common Core State Standards
CHEERS / Citizens Helping Educators Encourage Responsible Students
CI / Cognitively Impaired
CITA / Curriculum, Instruction, Technology, Assessment
CMS / Centennial Middle School
COT / Cultures of Thinking
DAS / Division Of Accountability Services (MDE)
DPPD / District Provided Professional Development
DRA / Developmental Reading Assessment – Reading Comprehension Assessment For Grades K-5
ECC / Early Childhood Center
ECDD / Early Childhood Developmental Delay (Special Ed.)
ECSE / Early Childhood Special Education
EI / Emotionally Impaired
EL / English Learner
EO / Early On: Birth – 3 Years (Special Ed.)
ESL / English As A Second Language
FBA / Functional Behavior Assessment (Special Ed.)
FERPA / Family Educational Right To Privacy Act
FMLA / Family Medical Leave Act
FOIA / Freedom Of Information Act
GLCE / Grade Level Content Expectation
GOC / Griswold Operation Center
GSRP / Great Start Readiness Program
HI / Hearing Impaired
HOM / Habits Of Mind
HOTS / Higher Order Thinking Skills
HQ / Highly Qualified
HSCE / High School Content Expectation
IA / International Academy
IDEA / Individual With Disabilities Educational Act
IDP / Individualized Development Plan
IEP / Individualized Education Program
IEP / Individual Education Plan (Special Ed.)
LAN / Local Area Network (Computer)
LD / Learning Disability
LOTS / Lower Order Thinking Skills
MDE / Michigan Department Of Education
MDR / Manifestation Determination Review (Special Ed.)
MI-ACCESS / M-Step For Some Special Ed Students
MLPP / Michigan Literacy Progress Profile – Literacy Assessments For Preschool To Grade 3
MMS / Millennium Middle School
MPSERS / Michigan Public School Employee Retirement System
M-STEP / Michigan Student Test Of Educational Progress
MTSS / Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
NCA / North Central Accreditation
NCLB / No Child Left Behind - Federal Legislation
OHI / Otherwise Health Impaired
OS / Oakland Schools (ISD)
OT / Occupational Therapist
OTC / Oakland Technical Center
PAC / Parent Advisory Committee (Special Ed.)
PD / Professional Development
PL / Professional Learning
POHI / Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired
PSAT / Pre-SAT Test
PT / Physical Therapy
PTO / Parent Teacher Organization
QRI / Qualitative Reading Inventory – reading inventory for grades 1-12
RR / Resource Room
SAC / Subject Area Committee – Committee member teachers meet to develop curriculum
SAT / Scholastic Achievement Test (College Board)
SBAC / Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
SCECH / State Continuing Education Clock Hours
SIP / Shared Involvement Process
SL / Speech and Language
SLEA / South Lyon Educational Association
SLEHS / South Lyon East High School
SLHS / South Lyon High School
SLMA / South Lyon Math Assessments
SLRA / South Lyon Reading Assessment –grades 1-5
SSW / School Social Worker
TC / Teacher Consultant
VI / Visually Impaired
VSP / Vision Service Plan
WAN / Wide Area Network (Computer)

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