Molly Horn

Partner: Erica O’Hagan

Fall 2016

Nutrition For Fitness

Nutrition Project

Dr. Biren

1. Medical Health and History Form

Form 1:

  1. What food allergies do you have? none
  2. Do you have high blood pressure? no
  3. Are you diabetic? No
  4. Do you have a family history of diabetes? no
  5. Do you have a gluten intolerance? no
  6. How tall are you? 5foot 10
  7. How much do you weigh? 145lbs
  8. Do you have high cholesterol? No
  9. Do you notice you get light headed easily?
  10. Do you have a sensitive stomach to certain foods?
  11. Are you lactose intolerant?
  12. Do you have high cholesterol?

Form 2:

1. Do you take any supplements, if so which ones? (ie vitamins) fish oil (omega 3) and womens daily vitamin

2. How many times a week do you consume fruits/vegetables? Everyday

3. On average how often do you eat fast food? 1 time a month

4. Who buys the groceries at your home? At school I food shop for myself

5. Do you make your own meals or do you get them on campus? I make my own meals

6. Do you eat organic foods? I try, but no not enough

7. Do you eat at least 3 meals a day, if so what meals are they? Yes

8. About how much water do you consume in a day?About 3 water bottles

9. Are there specific foods you do not eat, if so what are they? I am not a picky eater

10. What types of drinks do you mostly consume? Water, coffee( 3 times a week), organge juice, milk

11. Are you currently following a special diet, if so what it is? No

12. What to do you do to stay active, and how often? I play volleyball for Rowan so I participate in intense physical activity 6 times a week for at least 2 hours a day. Game days are about 3 hours.

13. What are limitations you face when it comes to your diet (ie cost, dislikes etc.)Limitations that I face are eating enough throughout the day because I work out a lot and drinking enough water throughout the day.


-Eat the correct things before and after exercise

-Maintain current muscle that I have/slightly increase muscle

-Get the right amount of vitamins and minerals in my diet

-Accomplish all 5 characteristics of a healthy diet.

Name:_Erica O’Hagan Date: Week day

Time / Detailed food/beverage description: brand name, restaurant, method of preparation, flavor, condiments, etc. / Amount / Calories (from food label if available)
7:30 / Shoprite eggs / 2 / 144
Avocado / Half of one / 140
Tropicana Orange Juice / 1 cup / 110
Multigrain bread / 2 slices / 220
Water / 16 oz
12:30 / Light and fit vanilla greek yogurt / ½ cup / 120
Strawberries / ½ cup
Blueberries / ½ cup
Nature valley granola / ½ cup / 210
Water bottle / 16oz
1:30 / Multi grain bread / 2 slices / 220
Shoprite Turkey / 3 pieces / 40
Avocado / Half / 140
Bowl of chicken noodle soup / 2 cups / 100
Water / 16 oz
3 / Almonds / ½ cup
Fig bar / 110
6 / Multigrain bread / 2 slices / 210
Skippy peanut butter / 1/4th cup / 190
2% milk / 1 cup / 122
Watter bottle / 16oz

Name: Erica Date:weekend

Time / Detailed food/beverage description: brand name, restaurant, method of preparation, flavor, condiments, etc. / Amount / Calories (from food label if available)
10am / Regular special K
1 bannana
2% milk / 2 cups
1 cup / 240
Water bottle ( Poland spring ) / 16 oz
Light and fit vanilla greek yogurt
Nature valley granola / 130
Water bottle / 16oz
12 / Almonds
Water bottle / 16oz
6 / Purdue grilled chicken
Fresh spinach
Mushroom couscous / 3oz
1cup / 97
2% milk / 1cup / 122
8 / Multigrain bread
Skippy peanut butter / 1slice
1/4th cup / 210
Water bottle / 16oz
11pm / 3 coors light / 12 oz / 360
2 slices of pizza / 117
Erica's Weekend Nutrients Report
Your plan is based on a 2000 Calorie allowance.
Nutrients / Target / Average Eaten / Status
Total Calories / 2000 Calories / 2909 Calories / Over
Protein (g)*** / 46 g / 149 g / OK
Protein (% Calories)*** / 10 - 35% Calories / 20% Calories / OK
Carbohydrate (g)*** / 130 g / 313 g / OK
Carbohydrate (% Calories)*** / 45 - 65% Calories / 43% Calories / Under
Dietary Fiber / 25 g / 36 g / OK
Total Sugars / No Daily Target or Limit / 96 g / No Daily Target or Limit
Added Sugars / < 50 g / 23 g / OK
Total Fat / 20 - 35% Calories / 32% Calories / OK
Saturated Fat / < 10% Calories / 8% Calories / OK
Polyunsaturated Fat / No Daily Target or Limit / 7% Calories / No Daily Target or Limit
Monounsaturated Fat / No Daily Target or Limit / 15% Calories / No Daily Target or Limit
Linoleic Acid (g)*** / 12 g / 21 g / OK
Linoleic Acid (% Calories)*** / 5 - 10% Calories / 6% Calories / OK
α-Linolenic Acid (% Calories)*** / 0.6 - 1.2% Calories / 0.3% Calories / Under
α-Linolenic Acid (g)*** / 1.1 g / 0.8 g / Under
Omega 3 - EPA / No Daily Target or Limit / 10 mg / No Daily Target or Limit
Omega 3 - DHA / No Daily Target or Limit / 5 mg / No Daily Target or Limit
Cholesterol / < 300 mg / 155 mg / OK
Minerals / Target / Average Eaten / Status
Calcium / 1000 mg / 1927 mg / OK
Potassium / 4700 mg / 4816 mg / OK
Sodium** / < 2300 mg / 2903 mg / Over
Copper / 900 µg / 2634 µg / OK
Iron / 18 mg / 37 mg / OK
Magnesium / 310 mg / 797 mg / OK
Phosphorus / 700 mg / 2405 mg / OK
Selenium / 55 µg / 195 µg / OK
Zinc / 8 mg / 15 mg / OK
Vitamins / Target / Average Eaten / Status
Vitamin A / 700 µg RAE / 1795 µg RAE / OK
Vitamin B6 / 1.3 mg / 7.0 mg / OK
Vitamin B12 / 2.4 µg / 16.5 µg / OK
Vitamin C / 75 mg / 126 mg / OK
Vitamin D / 15 µg / 6 µg / Under
Vitamin E / 15 mg AT / 41 mg AT / OK
Vitamin K / 90 µg / 916 µg / OK
Folate / 400 µg DFE / 2115 µg DFE / Over
Thiamin / 1.1 mg / 2.8 mg / OK
Riboflavin / 1.1 mg / 4.8 mg / OK
Niacin / 14 mg / 53 mg / OK
Choline / 425 mg / 490 mg / OK
Erica’s Weekday Nutrients Report
Your plan is based on a 2000 Calorie allowance.
Nutrients / Target / Average Eaten / Status
Total Calories / 2000 Calories / 2263 Calories / Over
Protein (g)*** / 46 g / 105 g / OK
Protein (% Calories)*** / 10 - 35% Calories / 19% Calories / OK
Carbohydrate (g)*** / 130 g / 239 g / OK
Carbohydrate (% Calories)*** / 45 - 65% Calories / 42% Calories / Under
Dietary Fiber / 25 g / 41 g / OK
Total Sugars / No Daily Target or Limit / 95 g / No Daily Target or Limit
Added Sugars / < 50 g / 47 g / OK
Total Fat / 20 - 35% Calories / 43% Calories / Over
Saturated Fat / < 10% Calories / 8% Calories / OK
Polyunsaturated Fat / No Daily Target or Limit / 9% Calories / No Daily Target or Limit
Monounsaturated Fat / No Daily Target or Limit / 22% Calories / No Daily Target or Limit
Linoleic Acid (g)*** / 12 g / 22 g / OK
Linoleic Acid (% Calories)*** / 5 - 10% Calories / 9% Calories / OK
α-Linolenic Acid (% Calories)*** / 0.6 - 1.2% Calories / 0.4% Calories / Under
α-Linolenic Acid (g)*** / 1.1 g / 0.9 g / Under
Omega 3 - EPA / No Daily Target or Limit / 5 mg / No Daily Target or Limit
Omega 3 - DHA / No Daily Target or Limit / 44 mg / No Daily Target or Limit
Cholesterol / < 300 mg / 495 mg / Over
Minerals / Target / Average Eaten / Status
Calcium / 1000 mg / 1207 mg / OK
Potassium / 4700 mg / 3262 mg / Under
Sodium** / < 2300 mg / 3742 mg / Over
Copper / 900 µg / 2419 µg / OK
Iron / 18 mg / 16 mg / Under
Magnesium / 310 mg / 585 mg / OK
Phosphorus / 700 mg / 1829 mg / OK
Selenium / 55 µg / 143 µg / OK
Zinc / 8 mg / 13 mg / OK
Vitamins / Target / Average Eaten / Status
Vitamin A / 700 µg RAE / 358 µg RAE / Under
Vitamin B6 / 1.3 mg / 1.6 mg / OK
Vitamin B12 / 2.4 µg / 3.3 µg / OK
Vitamin C / 75 mg / 130 mg / OK
Vitamin D / 15 µg / 4 µg / Under
Vitamin E / 15 mg AT / 28 mg AT / OK
Vitamin K / 90 µg / 55 µg / Under
Folate / 400 µg DFE / 471 µg DFE / OK
Thiamin / 1.1 mg / 1.4 mg / OK
Riboflavin / 1.1 mg / 2.9 mg / OK
Niacin / 14 mg / 21 mg / OK
Choline / 425 mg / 472 mg / OK

Dietary Analysis:

On average my clients eats about 2,500 calories a day. Consuming this amount of calories is good for her to maintain her current weight being as physically active as she is. On both days she was under is: carbohydrates, linolenic acids, and vitamin D. During the week Erica was under in 3 different vitamins but during the weekend she consumed enough of 2 out of the 3 of them. Erica stated that consuming the proper amount of vitamins and minerals is one of her goals so we will need to work on increases her vitamins so that each day she is consuming the proper amount. Not consuming the proper amount of vitamins could affect her daily performance especially as an athlete so it is very important she gets enough of then. During the week she was also under in iron and potassium but she got enough of both of them on the weekend. On both the weekend and the weekday she was over in sodium. On the weekend she was over in folate and during the week she was over in fat and cholesterol. Being under in vitamin D, linolenic acids and carbohydrates are an area of concern as well as being over in sodium both days.

Medical/Nutritional Summary:

My client is in very good health, she has no medical conditions that will affect her diet and she has no family history of medical conditions that will affect her diet. Erica reports taking 2 supplements daily, eating 3 meals a day, drinking 3 water bottles a day, consuming fast food only once a month and eating fruits and vegetables each day. She does most of the shopping herself and makes her own meals. She also plays volleyball for Rowan so she does intense physical activity 6 days a week. Her only limitation with her diet right now is because she is so busy she doesn’t always feel that she eats as much as she should.

5 Characteristics of a Healthy Diet:

Calorie Control: Client eats enough calories for someone as active as she is.

Balance: My client eats enough of almost all of the food groups except vegetables. She consumed spinach one of the days but she really should make sure she gets vegetables at least once a day if not 2-3 times a day.

Variety: My clients tends to eat the same types of foods (ie whole wheat bread and blueberries, there could be more variety in her diet)

Moderation: My client eats each type of foods in moderation.

Adequacy: My client needs more of her vitamins, like vitamin D and making sure she consistently gets all of them. On the weekend she was lacking A, D, and K. She also needs to work on consuming some more minerals like consistently getting potassium and iron and reducing her sodium intake for sure. Finally, she needs to work on getting more Linolenic acids.

Weaknesses & Strengths:Erica eats a lot during the day, which I would consider a strength because she is getting enough calories. Also, she stated that she is not a picky eater which is a definitely a strength because she her food options are not limited. She tends to eat similar foods, which would be a weakness because she isn’t getting much variety in her diet. She also consumes foods that are high in sodium so that is a weakness and also an area we need to focus on fixing.


-Eat the correct things before and after exercise

-Maintain current muscle that I have/slightly increase muscle

-Get the right amount of vitamins and minerals in my diet

-Accomplish all 5 characteristics of a healthy diet.

Diet Impact on Goals: There are some things that that Erica could add to her diet so that she could eat the right things before and after exercise. She is eating enough nutrients that should help her build more muscle. She gets a lot of vitamins and minerals as is, she just needs to add a few things to her diet to achieve this goal. For the most part she has all of the components of a healthy diets she just has to add a few things and maintain her current diet.

Assessment of Current Diet:

Currently my client has a pretty good diet. She is consuming enough calories so that she can maintain a healthy weight due to how active she is. She is very strong in her nutrients. On both days Erica consumes around the target amount of nutrients, only going over or under in Carbohydrate (% Calories) and linolenic acids where she was under and fat and cholestoral (during the weekend) where she was over. Erica’s vitamins and minerals were pretty good as well. What needs to be focused on is making sure se stays consistent with them. During the weekend she got almost all of them but was under with some on the weekend. Two areas that really needed to be focused on are lowering her sodium and also, making sure she is getting more vitamin D. All together tough my client has a strong base for her current diet.

Strategies: Erica will need to eat some more vitamins to help her achieve her goal of accomplishing the 5 characteristics of a healthy diet. Again, adding more vitamins to her diet will help her achieve her next goal of eating the correct amount of vitamins and minerals. Getting some fish in her diet will help her with her omega 3’s and her vitamin D. Fortified cereal can also be high in vitamin D, if she makes a trail mix with fortified cereal, some dried fruits, like raisins, and some nuts this can be a great post workout snack and it will also help her get some extra vitamins and minerals.

Week / Focus Point / Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner / Snacks
1 / Vitamins, particularly Vit D. / Raisin Bran
1 bannana
2% milk / Multigrain bread
Skippy peanut butter / SalmonSpinach / -Light and fit vanilla greek yogurt
Nature valley granola
2 / Minerals / Cheerios
1 Banana
2% Milk / Chili With Beans / -Ground beef
-Baked potato / -Light and fit vanilla greek yogurt
Nature valley granola
3 / Pre Workout Snack / Fortified cereal
2% milk / Multigrain bread
Skippy peanut butter / -Tuna
-Vegetables / Whole grain bread with peanut butter.
4 / Post Workout Snack / -Light and fit vanilla greek yogurt
Nature valley granola / -Grilled chicken
-Carrots / -Baked potato
-Red / Trail Mix: fortified cereal (cheerios), dried fruit (almonds), nuts (peanuts)
5 / Increase Muscle (NEED 116 g of protein) / 2 Eggs
Banana / Multigrain bread, lunch meat turkey / -Grilled Chicken
-Spinach / -Light and fit vanilla greek yogurt
Nature valley granola
6 / Omega 3’s / -Light and fit vanilla greek yogurt
Nature valley granola / Multigrain bread
Skippy peanut butter / Salmon
Cauliflower / -Walnuts

All of these are a general idea of what Erica should be eating during the week to reach her goal for the week. In the paragraphs it will explain in more ideal.

Week 1: Erica was only under it vitamin D on the weekend, she was sufficient in the rest of her vitamins. I used her food log from her weekend as a basis for what her diet should look like and I made a few adjustments. I said she should eat raisin bran as her cereal for breakfast because it’s high in vitamin D. I also said that she should eat salmon for dinner because that is high in vitamin D. Making sure she gets a fortified cereal (like raisin bran) or a fatty fish like tuna or salmon will help her get vitamin D. Eating dark leafy greens like spinach will help her get vitamin A, K and vitamin B. Eating a banana with breakfast will help her get vitamin B. Erica eats fruits, which will help her get vitamin C. Erica also eats almonds and they are high in vitamin E. If she makes sure to incorporate foods like this in her daily diet she will get all of her vitamins.

Week 2: Erica would like to increase the minerals she eats. On the weekend she was only over in sodium but she was fine with the rest of her minerals. Eating a fortified cereal like cheerios is high in iron. Magnesium is high in foods like chili and beans so that could be a good lunch meal one day. Ground beef is high in zinc, potassium is high in foods like baked potatoes, and broccoli is high in calcium. If she eats foods like this she was get the proper amount of minerals.

Week 3: Erica would like to know a good pre-workout snack. Before she works out she should eat a snack that is high in carbohydrates so that her body will use those carbs as her source of energy and not start breaking down muscle. An example of a snack that is high in carbohydrates would be a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, this way Erica is getting proper fuel for her workout. Another example would be yogurt with granola and dried fruit.

Week 4: Erica would like to know a good post-workout snack. After her workout she should eat a fortified cereal because that is high in iron because iron is absorbed better in the small intestine right after exercise. Adding some dried fruits and nuts to the cereal and having this as a trail mix will help to replenish glycogen. About 20 minutes after working out, having a meal high in protein will be a good post workout snack.

Week 5: Erica would like to increase her muscle. In order to do that she should be eating about 116 grams of protein given her weight and her intensity of exercise. Making sure to have some protein at every meal she should reach her goal of 116 grams per day.

Week 6: Erica was under in Linolenic Acid so therefore she needs to increase this area of her diet. If she eats foods like fish it will increase the amount of linolenic acid. Also, eating cauliflower and walnuts will be good because they are high in linolenic acids.

Erica 2nd Food Log


Breakfast : 2 eggs, 1 piece of whole wheat toast, 1 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2cup blueberries, ½ cup peanut butter granola

Lunch-2 slices of multigrain bread, 3 slices of turkey, 2 slices of American cheese, apple, 1 cup of water

Dinner- 3oz grilled chicken, ½ cup mozzarella cheese, 2 slices of tomato, 3tbs of pesto, ½ cup rice.

Snacks: almonds, trail mix, clementine.


Breakfast-2 eggs with half an avocado, 1 piece of whole wheat toast, 1 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2cup blueberries, ½ cup peanut butter granola

Lunch- grilled chicken sandwich, (3oz), 2 slices of American cheese, 1 can of chicken noddle soup.

Dinner- Salmon, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup mushroom risotto,1 cup Asian sesame salad.

Snacks- walnuts, trail mix, nature valley bar, blueberries.

Erica Weekday Report
Nutrients / Target / Average Eaten / Status
Total Calories / 2000 Calories / 2052 Calories / Over
Protein (g)*** / 46 g / 126 g / OK
Protein (% Calories)*** / 10 - 35% Calories / 25% Calories / OK
Carbohydrate (g)*** / 130 g / 156 g / OK
Carbohydrate (% Calories)*** / 45 - 65% Calories / 30% Calories / Under
Dietary Fiber / 25 g / 22 g / Under
Total Sugars / No Daily Target or Limit / 62 g / No Daily Target or Limit
Added Sugars / < 50 g / 12 g / OK
Total Fat / 20 - 35% Calories / 46% Calories / Over
Saturated Fat / < 10% Calories / 14% Calories / Over
Polyunsaturated Fat / No Daily Target or Limit / 9% Calories / No Daily Target or Limit
Monounsaturated Fat / No Daily Target or Limit / 21% Calories / No Daily Target or Limit
Linoleic Acid (g)*** / 12 g / 19 g / OK
Linoleic Acid (% Calories)*** / 5 - 10% Calories / 8% Calories / OK
α-Linolenic Acid (% Calories)*** / 0.6 - 1.2% Calories / 0.5% Calories / Under
α-Linolenic Acid (g)*** / 1.1 g / 1.1 g / OK
Omega 3 - EPA / No Daily Target or Limit / 1 mg / No Daily Target or Limit