ICIS 2016

Dublin, Ireland

Research-in-Progress Poster Slam and Session

Instructions to Authors

November 17, 2016

Congratulations on having your Research-in-Progress (RIP) paper accepted into the ICIS program in Dublin. This year there will be both a Poster Slam (see below) and Poster Session at ICIS. Moreover, the posters will be displayed in the Forum throughout the conference.

Poster Board Format and Set-Up

Poster Board Size: 4’ width x 8’ height (see picture below). You will attach your posters to the boards with tacks or tape in the orientation of your choice.The poster should not exceed the size of the poster board.

Each poster board will have a RIP paper manuscript number on it, obtained from the Scholar One Manuscript Central system. Posters will be grouped first by Track and then by Manuscript Number.

You will have an option of having your poster printed locally in Dublin for a fee. To use this option you need to select it at the time of ICIS conference registration, or, if you have already registered, to go back to the registration site to add this to your registration. The fee and deadline information for this option will be indicated on the registration website in early November.

Poster Set Up Time: Sunday, December 11th, 3-6pm

If you cannot make it on Sunday between 3-6pm, please set up your poster as soon as you arrive, after that time.

Poster Slam Instructions:

We will be running a Poster Slam at ICIS this year.

The Poster Slam will take place on Monday, December 12th, from 12:40-1:40pm and will take the form of four parallel sessions, with about 40 papers in each session. No other programmatic events will be scheduled at the same time (e.g., no paper sessions or panels).

For those of you who have not participated in a poster slam, it can be a whole lot of fun for the presenters and for the audience—if it goes smoothly and efficiently.

The goal of the Poster Slam is to advertise of your poster and NOT to present your research! This is your chance to convince the audience to come to your poster display during the poster session, which will follow immediately after the Slam.

The poster slam is a rapid-fire succession of <1 minute pitches. To advertise your poster you need to prepare exactly 1 slide. During, the slam, when your 1 minute is up, we will automatically switch over to the next presenter’s slide. Please practice your talk to make sure you deliver your “sales pitch” in less than 1 minute.

The order of poster presentations is listed in the program (sorted by track first, and then by manuscript ID). During the Slam, please keep track of where we are on the schedule.There will be two microphones for poster slammers. When your talk is the presentation-after-next, please come up and take the microphone from the presenter who is finishing.

The RIP papers are grouped into 4 parallel poster slam sessions, and each session has a session chair who will auto-advance your slide after 1 minute has elapsed (they will be merciless!).

Slide Preparation and Formatting: You need to prepare your 1 Microsoft PowerPoint slide advertising the poster and email it to your session chair no later than Sunday morning (December 11th at 9am Dublin Time). Your session chair will compile the slides into one big presentation that will be clicked through during the poster slam. The slide has to project equally well on a Mac or PC computer. NO ANIMATION. We are enclosing a sample PPT template. If you do not email your slide by the deadline or violate formatting instructions, you will not be included in the Slam session. If you send more than 1 slide, only the first slide will be included in the Slam.

Here is an example of an effective Poster Slam presentation by Pinar Ozturk (Stevens Institute of Technology) from the Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN). She agreed to for us to share her presentation video, which is succinct, clear, and informative. We encourage you to take a look at her video, as an example: http://nyustern.mediasite.com/Mediasite/Play/3d02de7a345b4d06bb7bf24fbc3a49a41d

Tricks of the Trade:In our experience with poster-slam presentations, the best approach is to spend half the time on motivation (why this problem?) and half the time on the coolest/most puzzling result. Giving technical details does not work so well.

Monday Lunch Arrangements for Slam Presenters: Box Lunch distribution will take place between 12:20-12:40pm for conference attendees in the Forum. However, given, the tight logistics, boxed lunch will be brought directly to each Poster Slam session room for the 40 presenters and two chairs involved. If you have coauthors on your papers who are not presenting in the Slam session, please ask them to go to the Forum and get their own boxed lunch as we will only bring lunch for the people who are presenting the pitch. We will be reserving a mix of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. If you have more particular dietary restrictions, then you will still need to go to the Forum to get your lunch as it is hard to predict who would need what kind of food.

Poster Session

Immediately following the Poster Slam, on Monday, December 12th, 1:45-2:45pm, there will be a poster session held at the Forum. Please proceed to your posters in the Forum and meet attendees interested in discussing your work further.

Posters should be taken down on Monday, December 12th, by 6pm. If you do not come down and pick up your poster by that time, it will be recycled.

Summary of timing (all in GMT – Dublin Time):

December 11th (Sunday) by 9am: Email 1 Poster Slam Slide to Poster Session Chair

December 11th, (Sunday) 3:00-6:00pm: Poster Setup at the Forum

December 12th (Monday) 12:40-1:40pm: Poster Slam Sessions

December 12th (Monday) 1:45-2:45pm: Poster Session at the Forum

December 13th (Tuesday) 6pm: Take Down Posters from the Forum