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Section 25-1. Use for any of the following:

1. Enhancing aggregate subbase with biaxial geogrid.

2. Adding processed glass to AS.

3. Editing grading and quality requirements for Classes 4 AS.

4. Adding Class 5 AS requirements.

1. Use for enhancing AS with biaxial geogrid.

Add after "subbases" in the 1st paragraph of the RSS for section 25-1.01A:

including placing geosynthetic material as shown.

2. Use for Classes 1–4 AS. A Construction Evaluated Work Plan (CEWP) with the FHWA and Division of Pavement Management is required.

Add to section 25-1.02A:

Aggregate for Class ____ AS may include processed glass. Place AS with glass only where the AS will be permanently covered.

Pars. 3–7. Use for Class 4 AS.

Replace "Reserved" in section 25-1.02C with:

3. Add grading requirements.

When tested under California Test 202, aggregate for Class 4 AS must comply with the grading requirements for the sieve sizes shown in the following table:

Aggregate Grading
Sieve size / Percentage passing
Operating range / Contract compliance
No. 4
No. 200

4. Add operating range and contract compliance to aggregate quality table.

Aggregate for Class 4 AS must comply with the quality requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Quality
Property / California Test / Operating range / Contract compliance
Sand equivalent (min) / 217
Resistance (R-value)(min) / 301


If the aggregate grading test results, sand equivalent test results, or both comply with contract compliance requirements but not operating range requirements, you may continue placing AS for the remainder of the work day. Do not place additional AS until you demonstrate to the Engineer the AS to be placed complies with the operating range requirements.


If the aggregate grading test results, sand equivalent tests results, or both do not comply with contract compliance requirements, remove the AS or request a payment deduction. If your request is authorized, $2.00/cu yd is deducted. An aggregate grading and a sand equivalent test represents up to (1) 500 cu yd or (2) 1 day's production if less than 500 cu yd.

7. Add Class 1, 2, or 3.

Instead of Class 4 AS, you may place Class __ AS under the aggregate grading and quality requirements in section 25-1.02A. If you place Class __ AS, do not use Class 4 AS without authorization.

Pars. 8–10. Use for Class 5 AS to describe aggregate source and grading requirements.

Replace "Reserved" in section 25-1.02D with:

8. Describe the location of the aggregate source, or delete "from" and add "as shown" in the blank space if locations are shown on the plans.

Obtain material for Class 5 AS from _____.

9. Add grading requirements.

When tested under California Test 202, aggregate for Class 5 AS must comply with the grading requirements for the sieve sizes shown in the following table:

Aggregate Grading
Sieve size / Percentage passing
No. 200


Add to section 25-1.03A:

Place excess material from processing Class 5 AS in embankments under section 19. Otherwise, place excess material within the right-of-way as directed.

Use Pars. 11–20 for enhancing AS with biaxial geogrid.

11. Delete "filter fabric and" if par. 12 is not used.

Add to section 25-1.03B:

Before placing filter fabric and biaxial geogrid, remove loose or extraneous material and sharp objects that may come in contact with the material.

12. Use if filter fabric is required as determined by the "Aggregate Subbase Enhancement with Biaxial Geogrid for Flexible Pavement Structures" guidelines.

Place filter fabric on the subgrade where shown. Placing, protecting, and repairing filter fabric must comply to the requirements for biaxial geogrid.

Add to section 25-1.03C:

13. Delete if filter fabric is not used.

Do not operate equipment or vehicles directly on the filter fabric.


Place biaxial geogrid as shown.


Place biaxial geogrid:

1.Under manufacturer's instructions

2.Longitudinally along the roadway alignment

3.Without wrinkles


Overlap adjacent edges of biaxial geogrid rolls at least 2 feet. Overlap the ends of the rolls at least 2 feet in the direction you spread AS covering the biaxial geogrid.


You may fold or cut biaxial geogrid to conform to curves. If cut, overlap at least 2 feet. You may hold material in place with mechanical ties, staples, pins, or small piles of AS.


Do not:

1.Stockpile material on biaxial geogrid

2.Place more biaxial geogrid than can be covered in 72 hours


You may operate vehicles and equipment on biaxial geogrid if one of the following conditions is met:

1.Vehicles and equipment are:

1.1.Equipped with rubber tires

1.2.Operated under 10 mph

1.3.Operated in a manner to avoid sudden braking and sharp turns

2.At least 0.35 ft of AS has been placed, spread, and compacted on the biaxial geogrid


Add to section 25-1.03D:

Compact AS with either (1) a smooth-wheeled roller or (2) a rubber-tired roller. Do not use vibratory devices during compaction.


Repair or replace damaged biaxial geogrid. Repair biaxial geogrid by placing a new piece of material with at least 3 feet of overlap from the edges of the damaged area.

22. Use for Class 5 AS.

Add to section 25-1.04:

If excavated material is used for Class 5 AS, quantities are not deducted from excavation bid items and stockpiling or handling the material is not paid for. The payment quantity of Class 5 AS is the actual quantity placed and does not include excess material used in embankments or placed within the right-of-way.