Tree Pests and Diseases (Int256)

Exam #3

46 pts total (Woods questions)

Name ______

1) Provide two characteristics of red spruce that would suggest it is adapted for growing under a canopy (4 pts).

2) Briefly, describe why spruce budworm survival is higher on Balsam fir than it is on red spruce in the spring (4 pts).

3) Identify one factor that predisposes a spruce/fir stand to a spruce budworm outbreak and explain why (4 pts).

4) Describe one method for monitoring spruce budworm populations and at what time of the year it should be carried out (4 pts).

5) Identify two contributing factors that are associated with a spruce budworm outbreak (4 pts).

6) In lecture and in your readings, there were two different prescriptions for pre-salvage harvest in a spruce/fir stand threatened by spruce budworm. The appropriate prescription for a given stand depended on whether there is more or less than 50% Balsam fir. Briefly describe the two prescriptions and the rationale for each (4 pts).

7) Briefly describe how the environmental conditions of the loblolly plantations differ from those of the naturally regenerating strands (2 pts).

8) Briefly describe the damage that is caused by the Southern Pine Beetle (2 pts).

9) Briefly describe how the defense mechanism that loblolly pine uses against the southern pine beetle and how the beetles overcomes the tree (2 pts).

10) During an outbreak, southern pine beetles can attack and kill heathy trees, yet most outbreaks are initiated in stressed trees. Briefly explain (4 pts).

11) Describe two predisposing factors for southern pine beetle outbreaks (4 pts).

12) Briefly describe two pre-emptive measures that might be done to reduce the probability of a southern pine beetle outbreak (4 pts).

13) What is the alternate host for the fusiform rust attacking loblolly pine plantations (2 pts).

14) Briefly describe why fusiform rust is not a problem in natural loblolly pine stands (2 pts).