WEDNESDAY 25th January 2012, 7.30 PM

(Subject to approval)


Andrew RileyChairmanARly

Maxine GoswellTemp. Minutes SecretaryMG

Anila HaslimPlanningAH

Jane ClayfieldRoad StewardJC

Christine BushellHealth & EventsCB

Lynne HalseEventsLH

Alan LesterEditor, The EchoAL

Graham MannPolice RepGM

Herbert LevingerTransportHL

Tony LanePresidentTL

Lucy HallCommittee MemberLHl

Lyn IvesCommittee MemberLI

Maureen McDonaldResidentMM

Andrew RetterWard CouncillorAR

John MorganWard CouncillorJM

PCSO Ann Marie Chapman-BennettA CB

PLEASE NOTE: If your initials are in BOLD, then you have an outstanding action from the meeting to report on at the next meeting.

Thank you.

  1. Apologies for absence received from:

Fiona Morgan, Jenny Coombes, Sue Katz, Leo Mindel,Erica Kimber, Betty Walley, Paul Akers, Lesley Crowcroft, Jasmine Benjamin, Joan & Terry Butfield

  1. Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 23rd November 2011


  1. Matters Arising

The Playground Project had passed the formal negotiation stage and the building work will commence shortly. The Chrysalis Funding for the Playground Project had been agreed and the mayor was to be asked by ARlyAR to open that, as well as the Pegasus Crossing. AL requested a photo of both events for The Echo.

The Christmas Raffle had raised £230 profit which ARlyLH were to pick up from the William Joelle.AR is looking to see if Barclays will match this with the matching funding going to the Mayor's Charity and the remaining 50% to NHRA to help defray the cost of the presents in Father Christmas' sack for next year.

Post Meeting Note:

ARly agreed this with Christina, manager at the William Jolle who requested that the remaining part be split again 50/50 between Clic Sergeant (a children's cancer charity which is supported by the pub’s customers and Wetherspoons) and the Residents' Association.This was agreed.

  1. Chairman’s Report

The Christmas Lights Switch On Event proved so popular that pictures taken on the day show some of the spectators spilling into Joel Street. The provision of Crowd control barriers may need to be considered next year.

Hog’s Back Green Space: Over the Christmas period a Chrysalis Grant application for the Hog’s Back proposed by Officers of the Council proved to be contentious to Residents. At a meeting held last week the Officers agreed to withdraw the proposal. At the same meeting a number of Residents agreed to form a friend’s of The Hog’ Back group.

It may be appropriate to bid for the area to obtain Green Flag status and the newly formed Friends of the Hogs Back group may be able to help with this. It was noted that ASB was an issue there on occasions.

A proposal is to be made by Officers of Green Spaces to Cabinet members to limit the number of dogs a dog walker may walkin Ruislip Woods at any one time to 4.

The Ruislip Woods Festival will be held on 13th May.

The HS2 proposals, which may or may not reach Royal Ascent, do not have a direct impact on Northwood Hills but construction traffic could cause problems. The Chairman has written to Nick Hurd and the Ward Councillors requesting that access routes and operating hours be determined to ensure any impact is minimal.

The Chairman and other local Residents’ Association Chairman met with Nick Hurd last week and he commented positively about Northwood Hills and our recent achievements.

  1. Police Report

At the beginning of January the Chairman made a complaint to the Borough Police Commander that as a result of people applying for alternative postings that the SNT team had reduced to one PCSO. An apology was quickly received and 2 temporary postings to support the team were immediately put into place.

The Senior Management Team met last Thursday and confirmed that a Sergeant, PC's and PCSO would be posted into Eastcote and Northwood Hills wards to bring numbers back to normal operational level. All officers should be place by the 7th February. The mayor, deputy mayor and Council Leader had all raised this issue with the Police Command. ACB updated this, reporting that due to annual leave commitments, the full numbers would not be complete until early March.

The Dispersal Zone that started in Joel St on 15 Jan, until 15 Jun, was explained by ACB. Notices are ready to go on local lampposts and in shops. It stretches from the roundabout to Colchester Road and is valid for 24x7. Any person causing ‘distress or alarm’ can be moved on by the police. Young persons are escorted home and are not allowed to return to the zone for 24 hours. It was suggested that it was announced in assemblies at both Haydon and Northwood Schools.

Northwood Hills Crime Statistics for 8-11-11 to 24-01-12

Assault & others / 34
Burglary Dwelling / 20
Burglary Non Dwelling / 12
Robbery - person / 6
Drugs seizures / 5
Criminal Damage / 8
Shoplifting / 6
Theft of Motor Vehicle / 2
Criminal Damage to Motor Vehicle / 9
Theft from Motor Vehicle / 26
Theft- other / 3
Theft pedal cycle / 2
Harassment / 11
Total / 144

ACB reminded those present that if they call the SNT and there is only the answer machine, but they need a more immediate response, then hang up and call 101.

ARly asked ACB to invite the new team members to the NHRA Supper on 28th Feb. ACB also agreed to write an article on the Dispersal Zone for The Echo.

Met Police: GM reported that the majority of the crime in Hillingdon is in the south of the borough. The increase in crime is believed to be linked with the increase in unemployment. The figures for the whole of Hillingdon Borough are:

For the period between 1.4.2011 until 16.1.2012 compared with the same dates the previous year.

Personal Robbery 674 compared to 617. Increase: 9.2%. 9 with violence/ threat.

Robbery 730 compared to 689. Increase: 6%.

Residential Burglary 2099 compared to 1645. Increase: 27.6%

Theft from motor vehicle 2280 compared to 1877. Increase: 21.5%

Gun crime 43 compared to 64. Decrease: 32.8%

Knife crime 252 compared to 213. Increase: 18.3%

Sexual Offences 407 compared to 418. Decrease of 2.6%.

Overall crime increased by 3.3% with 19281 offences compared to18665.

The staffing required to cover the Olympics will come from all of the London Boroughs and so those areas may need to be backfilled by staff from the County forces.

ARly reported that Julian Worker was invited to speak at the AGM, but declined this year.

Various locations had been put forward for Speed Gun Assessments. ACB reported that the training would occur when the days are longer.

  1. Planning Report

150 Joel Street – A revised application (previously declined upon appeal) has been made to convert the property on the corner of Norwich Road into a Nursery. Objections have been re-submitted. Site is unsuitable for this type of development.

82 Catlins Lane - Application made to extend property. The neighbour at 84 complained about their plans to extend as their view/light would be blocked by the extension. Permitted development allows a development of up to 3metres. As the proposal is only to extend by 2.1 metres, no objection submitted. The site visit occurred the day before this meeting and the decision has been deferred.

41 Joel Street - Change of use from A2 (financial and professional services) to a mixed-use A1 - use for hypnotherapy, IPL laser, Beauty Therapy and hairdressing. (part-retrospective). No objection made but known that some shop keepers are petitioning against the proposal.

Rear of 1-55 Tolcarne Drive adjacent to Hawthorne Court, Ryefield Crescent. An appeal has been submitted by applicant against refusal to allow extra flats in the loft area.

15 Gatehill Road - Application for a part single storey, part two storey side/rear/front extension. Applicants have now gone to appeal.

31 Wiltshire Lane - An application has been made for conversion of existing two storey semi detached dwelling to 2 x 2 bed flats, involving two storey side/rear extension and front canopy.

Kings College Playing field – An applicationby the Eastcote Hockey Club has been made to create a new all weather Pitch. An objection has been submitted, along with local residents and the Eastcote Conservation panel.

19 Winchester Road – An application has been submitted for a single storey side and rear extension.

Pinner Road Phone Mast – Application refused.

Thatched Cottage Cuckoo Hill – A revised application (previously declined) has been submitted for a rear extension. Objection submitted, as this is a locally listed building near to Eastcote Village Conservation Area

Pinner Road – Applicationfor a Phone Mast has been rejected.

ST JOHNS SCHOOL: ARly had been contacted by the School and he had re-iterated the position of the NHRA that it was neutral to the application. This is going to the Council meeting in March. The school believe that the 2001 agreement is still unclear, but may need to close the nursery in September to bring the pupil numbers down. It was noted that the school pay the equivalent of 2 house frontages to the private Gateshill estate, for use of the roads. It was felt by some residents that this was insufficient as the traffic caused by the school was much more than 2 residential users. The Committee again considered the matter and re-affirmed the decision to be neutral in this matter.

AR reported that the procedure for every petition to be allowed a 5 minute hearing at planning committees was being reviewed. Too many ‘similar’ petitions had been submitted recently, which were too time consuming at meetings and this needed to be addressed.

  1. Events
  1. Evening of Carols: CB and the team from Fairfield Church were thanked for organising this event.
  2. Christmas Social: thanks to Anila for organising this last month.
  3. Road Stewards Supper Party – Tuesday 28th February 2012

6:30 for 7:00 pm at Fairfield Hall. Please note actions for ALL in the appendix at the end of the minutes. Agreed that a more inclusive name should be chosen for next year’s event.

  1. Jubilee Event Sat 2nd June: ARly reported that good progress was being made, Constitution, Rules for Stallholders and logo for the event now agreed. Response to initial letter to Community Groups has proved positive. Some 25 pitches booked. Follow up letters, rules and invitations to Commercial organisations and restaurants etc. to be sent out shortly. A site visit to access risks, layout of stalls and event to be undertaken in near future. The Cricket Club will be playing a match on the day but this is seen as positive as it will help showcase them and the event. Northwood and Northwood Hills Ward Councils have agreed to provide a total of £6,000 grant from the ward budgets. This is officially approved by the Northwood Councillors and was shortly to go to approval by the Northwood Hills Councillors. The Scouts are very much on board.

LM was the main organiser, along with NRA. Any ideas/bookings for stalls to him please. LHl agreed to investigate Haydon School running a Face Painting/tattoos stall. LH and CB were taking responsibility for the performers. All agreed that local children performing would increase the number of people attending the event in total. A Falconer was booked to do two sessions and a number of groups contacted:

Jam 2000 dance

Northwood Vintage Ladies



Pinner Rock Choir

NATO Military Band

Holy Joes


Rugby, Haydon School

Hillside School choir


Bowls Club


Dance Schools

A variety of people undertook to investigate the above. ALL to feed back findings to LH & CB.

Staging may be needed for the performers & will have to be booked.

ARly to contact Football Club to find out what they may be able to do. AR may be able to get Lanz Trucks to attend the event and will contact LM. LM was in the process of sending letters to restaurants to see if they wanted to have a stall there. Raffles and Tombolas were being considered.

Agreed that any surplus profit could be offered to Northwood Live @ Home scheme.

AR asked that Lynne Summers, from the Council, be involved with planning activities. She has responsibility for co-ordinating Jubilee events across the Borough.

  1. The Echo

a)Spring Edition Copy date of 1 March. This will be a Commemorative Issue for the Jubilee year, together with the 80th birthday of NHRA. Please provide ideas/articles/photos such as residents’ memories of the Coronation/ last London Olympics, etc. ALL. CB agreed to do a report on the Christmas event and LHl agreed to get something from Haydon. An Article on Northwood Live@ Home could be included, as could one on the new Community Centre being built in Northwood High St by the Fassnidge Memorial Trust. The autumn issue will then carry a report on the Jubilee event.

b)Advertising Officer: LHl had discussed 6th Formers from Haydon School visiting the shops in this capacity and the Head of 6th Form had agreed. LHl would accompany them.

c)Advertising Revenue: ARly reported that PlumbBuild have finally paid but Indian Kitchen had not. FM to check on status of accounts paid in directly. It was agreed that it would be better to change the way the payments are made & just have a one off payment up front for each issue.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Nothing to report.

  1. Conservation Report

Eastcote House Gardens: the Heritage Lottery Fund bid. Stage 1 has been passed. Stage 2 needs to be submitted by February 2013. All surveys of the buildings etc. will be carried out during this time, plus a geophysical survey of the grounds. Projects outlined at stage 1 will need to be submitted again in more detail.

Because of the delays in carrying out the emergency repairs to the Garden Walls, Dovecote and Stables, the West Wall of the Garden has now been declared unsafe. Thanks to the intervention by the Leader of Council, Cllr Ray Puddifoot, the wall has been supported until such times as the repairs can be carried out. Because of the age of the structure, lime mortar has to be used, and this cannot be used whilst there is a danger of frost, so the earliest time is late May.

Mayor of London's Green Grid: the Green Grid is an ideasimilar to the GreenBelt to stop excessive building and leave green open spaces around London. This is currently being revised, and for the first time the Pinn Meadows are being included.

LBH Landscape Character Assessment: this document should have been finalized before now. There have been delays, but should be published later this year. It is a Planning Document, aimed at safeguarding open spaces.

  1. Transport Report

Woodside Road Cut-Through: the Department of Transport has finally authorised the scheme for a limited time-barred no left turn sign on Watford Road at the junction of Elgood Avenue. L B Hillingdon can now proceed with implementation, which means that traffic cannot turn into Elgood Avenue during the morning rush hour therefore preventing Elgood Avenue and Woodside Road being used as a cut through.

Green Lane Traffic Lights: the review of the traffic lights at the junction of Green Lane, Eastbury Avenue and Station Approach has resulted in a recommendation not to make any further changes.

  1. Health Report (Source Hillingdon Association of Residents’ Assoc)

Finance in the NW London Sub Custer: The forecast is that the three PCTs will meet their targets by the end of the financial year. Key risks are acute over-performance and the delivery of the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention target (QIPP) - 75% of planned savings are expected during the second half of the year and £10.5m of the plans are risk-rated as red. Hillingdon‘s target is to break even.

Performance: Hillingdon has a good record of achievement for dental access, cervical screening, breast screening and childhood immunizations, but its smoking cessation programme lags way behind target. On the 4 hour A&E target Hillingdon Hospital does well, achieving 98.4%, but Northwick Park fails with only 94.5%. At both these trusts London Ambulance Service handover times fail to meet targets.

Hillingdon versus London and England: Male life expectancy at birth is 78.6 years (England’s best is 84.4 years / worst is 73.7 years) but in south Hillingdon it is 6.6 years fewer years than in the north and 9.1 less disability–free years. Females’ life expectancy is 83.4 years with slightly smaller inequality figures than for males. Hillingdon is significantly worse than the regional and England averages for statutory homelessness, physically active adults and new cases of tuberculosis. It also has more stays in hospital for alcohol related harm, and more cases of diabetes.

NHS Hillingdon’s Finance: In 2010-11 Hillingdon’s budget was £1.4bn. It achieved a surplus of £100k and met all its financial targets. However its in-year difficulties led to it being re-entered in the Challenged Trust process, where it joined NHS Ealing and NHS Hounslow, which are also financially challenged.