1. Set goal according to AR Star Test which will be taken in the first weeks of the school year.

2. Your percentage correct AND percent of your goal reached will count as GRADES each quarter.

3. You’ll need 360% of your goal to attend the reward movie at the end of the year.

4.  You cannot count more than 100% of goal each quarter, but we encourage you to exceed your goal, as rewards are given for the highest points in each class.

5.  If you really mess up a test, see your teacher to discuss ways to improve in the future. PERHAPS that test can be retaken

6.  If you’re very concerned about meeting your goal, you must conference with your teacher BEFORE MIDTERMS. (Don’t come crying at the end of the quarter, asking to have a goal lowered.) This is your daily assignment for reading, all quarter long.

7.  If you read a book and we don’t have the AR quiz, you CAN take the AR Alternate Test. See your teacher for instruction.

Please sign below, stating that you understand the Accelerated Reader Assignment for this school year.


Student Signature Parent Signature Date


1. Set goal according to AR Star Test which will be taken in the first weeks of the school year.

2. Your percentage correct AND percent of your goal reached will count as GRADES each quarter.

4. You’ll need 360% of your goal to attend the reward movie at the end of the year.

5.  You cannot count more than 100% of goal each quarter, but we encourage you to exceed your goal, as rewards are given for the highest points in each class.

6.  If you really mess up a test, see your teacher to discuss ways to improve in the future. PERHAPS that test can be retaken

7.  If you’re very concerned about meeting your goal, you must conference with your teacher BEFORE MIDTERMS. (Don’t come crying at the end of the quarter, asking to have a goal lowered.) This is your daily assignment for reading, all quarter long.

8.  If you read a book and we don’t have the AR quiz, you CAN take the AR Alternate Test. See your teacher for instruction.

Please sign below, stating that you understand the Accelerated Reader Assignment for this school year.


Student Signature Parent Signature Date