VCE Physics: Unit 3 Outcome 1 Performance descriptors

VCE Physics: Performance descriptors

Performance descriptors
Unit 3
Outcome 1
Analyse gravitational, electric and magnetic fields, and use these to explain the operation
of motors and particle accelerators and the orbits of satellites. / DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each range
Very low / Low / Medium / High / Very high
Very limited understanding and use of the field model in describing gravitational, electrical and magnetic fields in some contexts with very limited identification of links between ideas. / Limited understanding and use of the field model in analysing and explaining gravitational, electrical and magnetic fields in some contexts with some identification of links between ideas. / Satisfactory understanding and use of the field model in analysing and explaining gravitational, electrical and magnetic fields in a broad range of contexts with some explanation of links between ideas. / Well-developed understanding and use of the field model in analysing and explaining gravitational, electrical and magnetic fields in a broad range of contexts with detailed explanation of links between ideas. / Comprehensive understanding and use of the field model in analysing and explaining gravitational, electrical and magnetic fields in a broad range of contexts with insightful explanation of links between ideas.
Very limited use of the field model to explain the operation of motors and/or particle accelerators and/or satellite orbits. / Limited use of the field model to explain the operation of motors and/or particle accelerators and/or satellite orbits. / Adequate use of the field model to explain the operation of motors and/or particle accelerators and/or satellite orbits. / Well-articulated use of the field model to explain the operation of motors and/or particle accelerators and/or satellite orbits. / Integrated and insightful use of the field model to explain the operation of motors and/or particle accelerators and/or satellite orbits.
Very limited collection of relevant data. / Limited collection of relevant data. / Appropriate collection of relevant data. / Purposeful collection of relevant data. / Highly proficient collection of relevant data.
Very limited analysis and interpretation of relevant experimental results and statement of their significance. / Limited analysis and interpretation of relevant experimental results and statement of their significance. / Sound analysis and interpretation of relevant experimental results and statement of their significance. / Well-developed analysis and interpretation of relevant experimental results and statement of their significance. / Highly proficient analysis and interpretation of relevant experimental results and explanation of their significance.
Very limited analysis and application of data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions and to draw conclusions. / Limited analysis and application of data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions and to draw valid conclusions. / Sound analysis and application of complex data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions and to draw valid conclusions. / Well-considered analysis and application of complex data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions and to draw valid conclusions. / Integrated and insightful analysis and application of complex data from experiments, texts, tables, graphs and diagrams to answer questions and to draw valid conclusions.
Very limited use of physics terminology, units, representations and conventions in explaining qualitative and quantitative concepts. / Some appropriate use of physics terminology, units, representations and conventions in explaining qualitative and quantitative concepts. / Appropriate use of most physics terminology, units, representations and conventions in explaining qualitative and quantitative concepts. / Effective and appropriate use of physics terminology, units, representations and conventions in explaining qualitative and quantitative concepts. / Proficient and highly appropriate use of physics terminology, units, representations and conventions in explaining qualitative and quantitative concepts.

KEY to marking scale based on the outcome contributing 30 marks

Very Low 1–6 / Low 7–12 / Medium 13–18 / High 19–24 / Very High 25–30

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