Department: Science Aristoi Classical Academy

Sequence: 6th grade 2017/18

6th Grade Earth Science Syllabus


Jackson and Townsend

Classroom Rules (5 R’s)

Students will have reverence for anything deserving honor.

Students will have respect for parents, family, Aristoi teachers and staff, peers and self.
Students will take responsibility for their own learning, their actions, or their failure to act.
Students will be ready to learn.

Students will receive and offer help when appropriate.

Daily Student Supplies:

Math and Science Textbooks

2” Binder, for Science and Math Only

2 packages of 5-Divider tabs (total of 10 tabs)


Flash cards and flashcard bag

5 subject spiral notebook for in-class practice work. Leave this in classroom.

Please wait for teacher instructions on how to label divider tabs and set up Math/Science Binder!

Science Grading Policy

Classwork/Homework 15%

Major Assignments 35%

Cumulative Weekly Quizzes 50%

Classroom Procedures

1.  Bring all required supplies to class each day.

2.  As you enter the classroom, sit at your designated seat, read the agenda on the board and begin the warm-up assignment.

3.  All agenda items due for a grade will be written in black marker. Please write these in your planner.

4.  Only Math and Science work should be kept in Math/Science Binder as directed by teacher.

5.  Please refrain from asking to leave the classroom during direct instruction times.

6.  Keep classroom supplies and desks neat and tidy.

7.  Wait for the teacher to dismiss you at the end of class.


Mrs. Jackson will update the 6th Earth Science information on her Aristoi website page. Mrs. Townsend will update the 6th grade Math information on her Aristoi website page. All 6th grade students and/or parents should subscribe to both sites to be notified of Math/Science updates.

Please sign up for Mrs. Jackson’s Math and Science Remind texts to get updates about last minute changes or reminders about upcoming assignments. Sign up for texts, emails or push notifications:

1.  Text the message @bcg22 to the number 81010

2.  Go to on a desktop computer to sign up for email notifications.

3.  On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.

If you need to contact me with a question or to arrange a phone or in-person meeting, please send me an email .

6th Grade Earth Science

Course Purpose: To learn facts of earth science, to teach students the processes of gaining knowledge through observation and experimentation, and to teach students how theories and the scientific knowledge base are built over time

Field Trip: George Observatory Mission to Mars Expedition, 4th Quarter

Quarter 1
Essential Questions:
Why do we study Earth Science?
How does the scientific community build knowledge?
Why is plate tectonics the foundational theory of Earth Science?
History of Plate Tectonic Theory Timeline Card
Child’s Story of a Journey Through the Rock Cycle
Antarctica Rocks Museum Exhibit
Written Assessments:
Cumulative Weekly Quizzes / Quarter 2
Essential Questions:
What processes change the surface of the land?
How do scientists study the Earth’s past?
Beauty and Devastation of Erosion Presentation
Geological Eras Time Travel Brochure
Venn Diagram Presentation
Written Assessments:
Cumulative Weekly Quizzes
Cumulative Mid-Term Exam
Quarter 3
Essential Questions:
How does the sun’s energy affect Earth’s atmosphere?
What do the symbols on a weather map mean?
What causes air and ocean currents to move?
Historical Devastating Storms Presentation
Venn Diagram Presentation
Wonder of Science Recitation
Written Assessments:
Cumulative Weekly Quizzes / Quarter 4
Essential Questions:
What makes a planet habitable?
How did modern understanding of gravity develop?
How do the Earth, sun and Moon interact?
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Poster and Presentation
Shoebox Museum Display and Presentation
Written Assessments:
Cumulative Weekly Quizzes
Cumulative Final Exam

Course Texts:

School Issued:

-  Pearson Interactive Science: Earth Science

The Story of Science: Newton at the Center, Hakim

Key Ancillary Sources:

-  Building Scientific Knowledge: The Story of Plate Tectonics, a video lecture by Naomi Oreskes

-  Privileged Planet (Documentary Film, 2004)

-  Hidden Figures (Film, 2016)

-  Crash Course Kids Videos

-  Mr. Parr’s Science Songs

This year the Science Department aims to end the Cram-Pass-Forget cycle associated with traditional instruction. All Middle School science students will achieve mastery through weekly cumulative quizzes instead of traditional chapter tests. With teacher guidance, students will develop the strong study skills necessary to be successful in a mastery oriented class. Students will be empowered and find satisfaction in acquiring enduring knowledge. Mastery learning equips and prepares students for lifelong learning.

Mastery-oriented approach in the 6th grade Aristoi Earth Science classroom

•  Teacher will spend time each week cumulatively reviewing material

•  Teacher will teach cumulative review strategies and skills

•  Teacher will distribute a weekly review guide

•  Teacher will direct organization of science study binder

•  Students are expected to spend a minimum of one hour per week actively engaged in the review exercises described in the weekly review guide

•  Students will maintain a science study binder as a necessary part of their study regimen

•  Students will develop study habits that prepare them for academic success

•  Parents will encourage students to spend time actively reviewing material

•  Parents will encourage students to maintain teacher directed binder organization

"The life of a great scientist in his laboratory is not, as many may think, a peaceful idyll. More often, it is a bitter battle with things, with one's surroundings, and above all with oneself. A great discovery does not leap completely achieved from the brain of the scientist, as Minerva sprang, all panoplied, from the head of Jupiter; it is the fruit of accumulated preliminary work." -- Marie Curie

Agreement of 6th grade Earth Science Course Syllabus & Expectations

Return by:

August 18th for a homework grade of 100 in Earth Science

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Thank you for allowing your student to attend my class. I look forward to encouraging, supporting, and guiding your child’s Math and Science education this year. This agreement page is to be signed and returned to Mrs. Townsend by Friday, August 18th for a homework grade in science. In addition, please consult our pages on the Aristoi website for updates as the year progresses. I am looking forward to a great year with your student!

By signing this, I acknowledge that I have read the course syllabus and pledge to uphold the expectations of classroom conduct and required coursework.


Student’s Name (printed)


Student’s Signature




Parent/ Guardian’s Name (printed)


Parent/Guardian’s Signature

