Rockville High School Booster Club Meeting February 1, 2012
In attendance: Steve Clagett, Lorie Reese, Alan Apter, Hillary Clagett, Paul Liegey, Mike Hayes, Carole Marks, Susan Townsend-Gray, Jessica Flavell, Debbie Aceto, Scott Smith.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm and the January meeting minutes were approved.
- The last JV games were being played while we met
- Wood night was held last week during the Varsity boys and girls basketball games. The games were free for the wood basketball players. Rockville boys went to a Wood game the week before and the girls are going next week.
- Working on setting up the physicals. They have a few volunteers already and still looking for more. Fall sports start August 14th so the physicals are scheduled for August 4th.
- Football coach, Kevin Bernot, has accepted a position at Magruder High School for next year. Interviews will be held on Thursday for his replacement.
Steve Kubasik could not attend the meeting so he sent the following budget report by email:
Our budget is a bit behind plan, so we should try to do what we can to increase $$.Two structural culprits are 1) we had budgeted making $2500 on sports physicals, that will be a 0, and we budgeted to make $2000 on spiritwear, and currently are negative a bit. Outback was down $700 from the plan.
As far as Corporate Memberships,we sold the following in cash. ** indicate the check cleared and is credited correctly.
Washington Paddle $100**
Capital River Cruise $100**
Park Now $200
I Drive Smart $100**
Cake Dreams $200 (known missing, not cashed)
Villa Maya $200**
Mattson&Clark $100**
Subway $100
Suntrust $200**
Urban BBQ $250
Total paid in cash that I should have to date. $1550
Total I have credited to the corporate membership account - $800
Known lost check/ not cashed Cake Dreams $200
Amount to find $550.
There are three deposits in September that I may have not credited entirely correctly contain the unaccounted for $550, I should have an answer early next week: There is a chance the Urban BBQ, Subway, and the Park Now Checks are mingled in with one of these deposits. I know Michele Kenno well and will talk to her about Cake Dreams.
- Jessica attended the meeting to talk raising awareness about the joint hockey team (Magruder, RM, Rockville). Want to increase kids support and recruit new players. There will be an article in the Rampage on February 15. The Booster club can’t give any money to this sport because it is not an MCPS sanctioned sport.
- Jessica also brought a sample of a promotional item she thought the booster club might be interested in. It is water bottles with the school logo on it that we purchase to sell at events. The booster club will look into the cost versus what we pay now for water.
- Susan was at the meeting representing FORM and wanted to see if it was possible for Booster club to stock music spirit wear to sell. The booster club sells spirit wear to promote the entire school and not just one sport or activity. We can’t help them but they can purchase and sell it themselves. Lorie will help Susan by putting her in touch with the vendors that we already use.
- Lorie has set up sign-up genius for all of the spring sports games. This includes Lacrosse, track meets and city of Rockville track meets.
- All fall model Ram nominations have been received by Hillary. She will get the letters out to the winter sports coaches to request their nominations.
- Paul forwarded the minutes from the last PTSA meeting.
- We need to recruit a new membership chair for next year since Sandy will be graduating.
- Briefly discussed the mulch sale. Lorie has set up sign-up genius for all volunteer positions including a student sign up area which we hope the kids will use this year.
- We need to check on when the water will be turned on outside.
- The sink still needs to be installed.
- Hillary will call the health inspector after the last basketball game to inspect the indoor snack bar.
- Sweatshirts with the R on the back have been ordered and will be in soon. Seat cushions have also been ordered. We will order knit hats for the fall.
- Talked about ordering sport specific spirit wear but once again we support the entire school and not a specific sport.