BIOL 204 with RAA, 2013 Final Version of Syllabus
BIOL 204: Introduction to Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity
WWU, Fall 2013
Instructor: Roger Anderson
Contact info: Office: Biology 311 Phone: 650-3992 Email:
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1120-1150, Wednesday 1300-1350 (Find Dr A in BI 311 or 351)
Lecture in BI 234: 1000-1120 on Tuesday & Thursday; class size is about 96 students (24 per lab section)
Labs in BI 249:
Students are assigned labs on:
Tuesday 1400-1650 (CRN 41395) or Wednesday 1400-1650 (CRN 41801) or Thursday 1400-1650 (CRN 42291) or Friday 0800- 1050 (43064). Note that historically, the Timetable of Classes has included the statement: plus 2 hours per week arranged. This statement meant that you were (and still are) likely to need to work and study (often in BI 249) at other, unscheduled times to complete assignments and prepare for quizzes and the lab practical exam. For example, it is possible that the Excel tutorial must be performed, completed, and turned in to your TA at the beginning of the first lab. You should have access to your Teaching Assistant’s Canvas site.
Biol 204 TAs: Lead TA Melissa Habenicht
Lab content is similar among course instructors and TAs. So if you should ever be desperately seeking help for your lab endeavors, and your TA is unavailable, please seek help from one of the other TAs).
RAA’s BIOL 204 Course Website: On Canvas:
BIOL 204 Intro Evolution, Ecology, Biodiversity (Dr A, Fall 2013)
Required Texts:
Course Textbook: Life: the science of biology, 10th Edition by Sadava et al.
A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology, 4th Edition, by Knisely, K.
(provided at bookstore in a shrink-wrapped bundle that contains a loose-leaf version of Life 10th ed. by Sadava and the 4th ed of Knisely’s A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology, and an online access code) .
Biology 204 Laboratory Manual (Fall 2013 edition, available in WWU bookstore).
A Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory, 5th or 6th Edition, by Van De Graaf & Crawley
Course Description
Biol 204 is the first course of a 3-course introductory series in biology (Biol 204, 205, 206). It is designed largely for biology majors (whereas Biol 101 is the principal GUR/GER course for non-majors). Biol 204 broadly introduces the student to the ecological and evolutionary processes that cause the patterns we see in the biotic diversity. That is, we explore the spatial and temporal patterns of the biota and we begin to examine the processes that may cause evolution, distribution, and abundance of organisms.
Course Objectives: To assist each student develop
(1) basic knowledge of biogeographic patterns of biota and the current and past processes responsible for those patterns
(2) basic knowledge of the history of life on earth
(3) an introductory knowledge of the major taxa of organisms, focusing on the adaptive features of each major taxon that has permitted its abundance and diversity
(4) ability to think critically and learn to use scientific methods to aid in the application of critical thinking methods.
a) lab skills: using basic technology and tools in biology
b) lab skills: quantitative reasoning and basic statistics
c) lab skills: communicating science via graphs and scientific writing
Learning in lecture and lab will be integrated, particularly in the final exam.
The Lecture Experience
· Lecture periods with Dr Anderson may include a brisk pace of delivery at times, but you will not be challenged to perform extraordinary feats of efficient and comprehensive note-taking.
· Power point slides and some board work will augment the auditory delivery.
· The more students are prepared prior to lecture, the more the lecture period can become question driven (as is desired by Dr A), generated by both the students and the instructor.
· The textbook is a valuable reference; relevant text material (assigned or not) should be perused (examined in detail) before the topic is covered in lecture; if you do not, then at least some of the lecture topics will be difficult to grasp and will be less interesting during lecture.
· Most, but not all of the more salient concepts and questions (on which relatively more exam points will be devoted) will be listed on Canvas. Master copies of the visuals shown in lecture (and that are not the same as those in the textbook) generally will be available on-line on Canvas, before lecture. Note that it will not be uncommon, however, for a visual or two to be added to the set of visuals placed on the Canvas site just before or after lecture, so do not assume you have the final, complete version if you download them the day before.
· The short quiz at the start of class will ask questions about the day’s concepts (see lecture schedule and the associated text & power points), so that we can more effectively discuss and work through questions together in class.
Being prepared prior to the lecture section will allow us to move beyond the basic knowledge and comprehension of biological concepts and enter into the more advanced levels of learning achievement: application, analyses, and perhaps even synthesis.
In lecture and lab we need to take every opportunity to use critical, analytical, and scientific thinking so that you may develop a strong foundation in biological understanding.
· It will be valuable for you to examine any relevant study and review resources on and in the Chapter Summary and Chapter Review at the end of each chapter. The Life, 10th Ed study guide may also help.
Comments about lecture exams and how to prepare for them:
· Midterm lecture exams are each worth about 90 pts.
· The Final Exam is worth about 180 points (actual exam point totals may vary by about 10%).
· The exams are difficult enough to show the edge of knowledge and understanding of the most accomplished student, hence the grading scale will accommodate that difficulty.
· All exams must be taken to receive a course grade.
· Given the large class size, lecture exams largely will comprise multiple choice, true-false, and matching questions, but may also include a few short answers (phrases) and fill-in the blank (words).
· At least one week prior to each exam you will receive a set of questions to consider as a study guide and you will have an outline of topics placed on the course website. Student teams, comprising 6-8 students (two adjacent lab tables), may be asked to lead discussions of answers to subsets of the questions in part of the lecture prior to each exam.
· Make-up exams are not given, although exceptions are made in the rarest of cases, and usually require a valid, pre-approved reason for missing the exam. The make-up exam, however, differs significantly from the original exam.
Grades are based upon total number of points received in the course. The average course grade in 200-level courses in past years has been a low B, with about one-fifth of the class obtaining an A and few, if any D or F grades. It is likely that this course will approximate past grade distributions.
1. Your grade will be based on a total of about 600 possible points, of which the lab will comprise no more than 33% (about 200 course points) of the course point total:
Lecture (about 400 course points)
· First midterm: about 90 points
· Second midterm: about 90 points
· Comprehensive Final exam: about 180 points
· About four unannounced quizzes about 10 points per quiz
Lab: see lab section, below, but note that lab will comprise only about 1/3 of the course grade.
4. Re-grades: If you think an error was made in grading your exam, please bring it to our attention.
Re-grades must be brought to Dr. Anderson no later than one week after the exam is returned.
5. Your final grade will be determined as a percentage of the total course points (% rounded to nearest integer):
A 92-100% / B 80-85 % / C 68-73 / D 56-61A- 89-91 / B- 77-79 / C- 65-67 / D- 53-55
B+ 86-88 / C+ 74-76 / D+ 62-64 / F 52%
Lecture schedule
Date Lecture Topics, Exams & Due Dates Ch: pg, figs, tables
Sep 26 Studying Life (Core Themes in Biology, Evolution, & Ecology) 1
26 Science as Applied Critical Thinking 1
Oct 1 Scientific Methods in Ecology & Evolution 1
Evolution by Natural Selection 21
Oct 8 Evolution by Natural Selection, History of Life 21 & 25
10 Cells: the simplest living systems, subject to evolution 11 pp 205-223
Oct 15 Transmission genetics, Evolution of populations 12 & 21
Oct 17 Evolution of Populations, Speciation 21 & 23
Oct 22 Speciation, Phylogenies 23 & 22
24 Midterm Exam 1 (Ch 1, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 25)
Oct 29 Biodiversity: Archaea & Bacteria 26
31 Biodiversity: Protists & Plants 27-28
Nov 5 Biodiversity: Plants & Fungi 28-30
7 Biodiversity of Animals 31-32
Nov 12 Biodiversity of Animals 32-33
14 Abiotic factors: limiting distribution and abundance 54
& changes over time & dist (climate & biomes)
Abiotic and biotic factors: changes over time (succession) 55
Nov 19 Midterm Exam 2 (Ch 25-33) (before lab on Animals)
Lecture: Evolutionary autecology of animals (4 basic tasks) 54-56
21 Life histories, adaptations, & population dynamics 55
Nov 26 Individuals, populations, and communities 54-57
Dec 3 Ecosystems & Global Dynamics 58
5 Biodiversity and Extinctions 59
Dec 10 0800-1000 Comprehensive Exam (2/3 of exam focuses on Chapters 54-59)
The Laboratory Experience
The laboratory section of this course is integrated with the lecture topics and is an experiential discovery of organismal diversity, evolutionary trends, and ecological concepts.
Field and laboratory research investigation will serve as an introduction to the practice of performing scientific research, which is integral to “science as a way of knowing.”
You also will examine an array of live and preserved organisms, and you will be expected to identify a moderate number of taxa of organisms. Some of the major adaptations of the individual examples presented to represent these major taxonomic groups must also be known.
It is possible that for lab each student will be required to maintain a 1-inch deep, 3-ring binder notebook, and a sewn-binding laboratory notebook, into which notes, drawings, and data will be entered. Your TA has the prerogative to assign a modest number of laboratory points to the lab notebook (up to 10 points) to help ensure that you make a serious effort at developing the notebook into a credible record of your lab work and can use the notebook as a study aid for the lab practical exam.
Comments about expected student comportment in laboratory:
· Attendance in laboratory is mandatory for the entirety of each three-hour lab period. You lose 2 points for each unapproved absence from lab (absence must be pre-approved), or if you leave lab early.
· Late lab assignments: for each day the assignment is late you will lose 10% of the total points allocated for that assignment. The assignment must be turned in no later than the deadline, to the minute, or else it is considered a day late; each 24 hours more after the deadline is another day late; note that if the assignment is not turned in by the end of the 6th day (one minute into the seventh day), then all points will be lost for the assignment. The TA has the prerogative to vary the late policy slightly. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
· The graduate teaching assistant will perform laboratory grading, under the oversight of the course instructor.
· You must complete and pass the laboratory portion to receive a passing grade in the course.
· There is no extra credit that a student can obtain for the lecture portion of the course, and do not expect extra credit in laboratory.
· Academic dishonesty is not tolerated. Plagiarism will result in a 0, that is, no credit for the assignment, and perhaps an F for the entire course, and maybe even expulsion from WWU. Refer to the WWU catalog about plagiarism, and refer to both of the following websites: and
Laboratory Schedule
The laboratory portion of Biol 204 complements the concepts and content in lecture, and is experiential learning of ecology, evolution, and organismal diversity. You are expected to have reviewed the on-line readings for lab as well as the lab manual, and related portions of the textbook before lab. Not only may there be unannounced quizzes at the start of lab on the topic of that day’s lab, but preparation prior to lab is essential for an efficient and enjoyable laboratory experience.
Bring the lab manual and lab photo atlas to every lab, and arrange for either you or your lab table partner to bring the lecture textbook to lab; a laptop may help access the invaluable powerpoints on Canvas as well.
Readings for lab will be listed as the quarter progresses, and the readings will include related chapters in the lecture textbook as well as materials available on Canvas.