The University of North Florida Student Government Senate

Senate Meeting Minuets

August 22nd, 2016 ♦ 6:32 PM – 9:23 PM ♦ Senate Chambers

  1. Call to Order
  2. Meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM
  1. Interfaith Invocation – Senate Chaplain Troy Capers
  1. Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-At-Arms Brett Burton
  1. Roll Call – Senate Pro-Tempore Sami Mims
  2. Quorum was established with 29 voting members
  1. Approval of Minutes – July 20th, 2016
  2. Chairwoman Thames: Motion to approve agenda minuets. Second. All in favor. Approved
  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Senator Mims:motion to amend agenda so that section 14 bills on first read SB-16F-3028 so that it reads Senator Mims and not Senator Dowdie. Second. Approved.
  3. Senator Platts: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second.
  4. President Burke:Motion to move Sabrina Sorrentino Report to right before Legislation Cabinet Reports. Second. Approved.
  5. Senator Mims: Motion to move line 12 to line 11. Second. Approved.
  6. Senator Platts: Motion to Approve Agenda. Second. Approved.
  7. Student Remarks (3 minutes each)
  8. Senator Thames: Senator, Junior, major- International Relational. Discussed a Joint resolution on Divest movement that will be voted on next meeting and invited Natalie to go into greater detail on why we should change our endowments from big oils companies to eco-friendlier ones. Questions and answers followed.
  9. Senate Pro-Tempore Sami Mims, spoke on behave of the athletics club about Joint Resolution pertaining to flooding at the gym. Gave an update about current status to “project completed”. No questions and answers followed.
  10. Senator Smith discussed that it is a new year and be prepared to work to make it a better year.
  11. Project Manager Rachel Bryant discussed UNF’s Week of Welcome (WOW) and how successful it was. Also, she went on to say that they are having a second Jaguar Season ticket sale coming up.
  12. Senator Beechum gave a welcome to everyone. He explained what his hopes are for this term and not to become a “do nothing” session and be productive. Also, pointed out that this is not a game and to take being a senator serious and gave challenge to senators to be better than what they were last term.
  1. Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
  2. Shawn Wechsler, Delaney Keefe, Jimmy Thompson, Noah Sullivan, Sienna Marshall, Elyse Misenik, Maria Bermudez, Chris Lovell, Diva Chandler, Remy Rubenn, Patricia Acedo, Alexis Cajal, Henry Blake, Jacob Crossey, Peyton Turner, Will Pease, James McKilian, Miranda Brown, Rebecca Noe, James Framer, ThorenPerego, Avery Jones, Andrew Sparks, Shawn Spencer, Micheal Wilson, Blake Baker, Lauren Harrison, Jacob Lauer, MuizzNaeem, Zach Levensohn, Nathan Rollings, Nick Nunes, Quinn Bailey and Eric Prill.
  1. Senate President Report – Dallas Burke -
  2. Started by saying that we had 36 new people come forward to run for senate. Went on to discuss why legislation is so important, deeply talked about how senators can change the student environment and how much money is budgeted for the Student Government to use. In addition, talked aboutdoing more student surveys and the aquatic center students voiced their opinions about during summer term. Furthermore, gave his expectations on current senators such being better than they have been before by putting in more effort. And finally, gave an overview of different protocols that will be heavenly enforced for now on, refresher on Senate Chamber protocols, the process of legislation, went over what he considers productivity of the senate meetings are, reports of the senate, overall new rules and brief over of Sunshine Law. Introduced professional staff. Questions and answers followed.
  1. Guest Speaker – Mark Snow – General Counsel (15 minutes)
  2. Introduced himself and discussed about him filling in. Gave a very deep explanation of what the Sunshine Law is and broke it down into various different topics in went into detail about such. Referred any questions that a senator might have to Ms. Vicky, Advisor/ Student Government, about Sunshine Law. Question and Answers followed.
  1. Legislative Cabinet Reports (3 minutes each)
  2. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Senate Pro-Tempore Sami Mims –
  3. Welcomed backed everyone and thanked all senators for their hard work this past summer. Gave a brief background about herself. Went over expectations and what the Constitution and Statutes committee does, also, explained what the policies and procedures are for various things such attendance for meetings. Questions and answers followed.
  1. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Chris Jordan –
  2. Welcomed backed everyone. Talked the technical business. Gave a promise about always having index balances for every meeting. Went over what Budget and Allocation Committee is, does and expectation for the committee. Also, went in depth about special request moneys such as travel accountant. Question and answers followed.
  1. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Ania Cajuste –
  2. Asked everyone to join the UNF Senate social media accounts for bigger following. Furthermore, introduced herself and gave brief background about herself. Gave recap of summer student responses. Went into brief detail about Health Clinic summer legislation. Message to Senators set goals, gave tips, a push for the social media, and rebranding UNF, gave insight of what the University and Student Affairs committee does and events at a glance. No Question and Answers followed.
  1. Government Oversight Committee – Chairman Warren Butler –
  2. Thanked all potential senators for showing to today’s meeting. Reflected on summer progress. Also, discussed goals such as more effort, expectations for elections and gave purpose to G. O (government oversight) committee. Talked about new amendments to application process and discussed mentorship program and why it is important for veteran senators to teach new and incoming senators. Questions and answers followed.
  1. Office of Elections Report
  1. Elections Commissioner Sabrina Sorrentino (3 minutes)
  2. Went over important dates and deadlines. Talked about the two election violations pending. Questions and followed.
  1. Judicial Branch Report
  2. Chief Justice Elisabeth Avilla (3 minutes)
  3. Gave a brief background about herself. Advised everyone to CC Deputy Chief Justice in any email to receive quicker response as she prepares for big test in September. Gave update about current vacancies and announced that there will be 4 interviews this week. Went over application process such as the many different stages in the process to be hired. Discussed current vacancy for Clerk of Courts and what position intel’s. Questions and answers followed.
  1. Executive Agency Reports (3 minutes each)
  1. Lend-A-Wing Pantry – Director Erin Mitts
  2. Showed a video to illustrate the current Lend-A-Wing Pantry. The video broadcasted the many different items that could be obtained from the pantry such as rice, pasta, and clothes for interviews. She went over her hopes for the pantry to be more known around the campus. Questions and answers followed.
  3. President Burke: Any Senators opposed to moving agenda items 16 and 17 right after Club Alliances report. Please raise hands if you agree. Agreed. Moved.
  1. Osprey Productions – External Assistant Director Ashley Ashe
  2. Ashley Ashe, External Assistant Director, was unable to make, Junie Castin filled in. Went over what Osprey Productions does for the student body as a whole. Castin went over the Osprey Productions goals for this school year. Also, discussed each position within the Osprey Production and went over their specific duties of each position. Asked for more Volunteers for each events. Questions and Answers followed.
  1. Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease
  2. Went over the club alliance role within the school. Discussed how they operate and the connection to each club within the school Expressed how vital it is to become more involved. Gave and overview of how well WOW (week of welcome) went on yesterday and asked for more volunteers. Questions and Answers followed.
  1. Executive Branch Reports
  2. Attorney General Will Godwin (3 minutes)
  3. Greeted everyone with a warm welcome. Addressed past senators about complacency and taking on more responsibilities. Also, talked about the definition of being “active” as senators. Gave a challenge to do more for the school and not be a “resume filler” person. Invited everyone to stop by anytime. No question and answers followed.
  1. Treasurer Heather Pennick (3 minutes)
  2. Greeted everyone, introduced herself and gave brief background about who she is. Gave an overview of what her position incumbents such as her duties. Gave a mindful note that just because there is money there for it does not mean it should done. Questions and answers followed.
  1. Vice President Bella Genta(3 minutes)
  2. Welcomed everyone and stated that she will keep it brief. Gave a brief background about herself. Discussed what her specific duties are. Expressed that there is a need for more volunteers at Osprey Productions events. Went on to discuss various roles and committees she serves on. Also, gave a friendly reminder about the roles of senators. No Question and answers followed.
  1. President Caleb Grantham (5 minutes)
  2. Greeted everyone. Went over brief overview of the school’s Administration. Gave an update of various projects going on. Went on about out sources different projects and cost analysis about doing which. Gave a recap of summer initiative and new projects with Spinnaker. Advised the many different roles of each committee, points that can allocated for senator not following rules and showing up to meetings and went over what the mission statement is. No question and answers followed.
  1. Intermission – 5 minutes
  2. Intermission began at 8:36pm and ended at 8:45pm
  1. Re-establishment of quorum – Senate Pro-Tempore Sami Mims
  2. Quorum was reestablished with 30 voting members.
  1. Unfinished Business
  1. New Business(1st Read lists the Senate Sponsor)
  2. Bills on 1st Read
  1. SB-16F-3028: Free and Fair Counsel – Senator Pro-Tempore Sami Mims
  2. Discuss about the refinement of different polices such as the non-discrimination policy.
  3. Senator Myers motion to amend and read Senator Mims. Second. Approved.
  4. Motion to forward statues to committee. Second. Approved.
  1. SB-16F-3029: University Wide Committee Communication and Reporting – Senator Cajuste
  2. Discussed the striking of position that no longer exist.
  3. Senator CajusteMotion to move to UNF Student Affairs committee. Second. Approved.
  1. SB-16F-3036: Encumbrance Rollover Clarification Act – Senator Jordan
  2. Bill that deeply went over the title 8.
  3. Motion to move to Budget and Allocation. Second. Discussion. Approved.
  1. Resolutions on 1st Read
  2. None
  1. Continued Business(2nd Read lists the Author)
  2. Billson 2nd Read
  3. None.
  1. Resolutions on 2nd Read
  2. None.
  1. Executive Agency Appointment Confirmation
  1. Junine Castin – Director of Osprey Productions
  2. Talked about previous experience in Osprey Production and past jobs. Discussed various events she assisted in completely as a success to further explain why she is the best for the position.
  3. Senator Thames motion to confirm. Second. Roll call vote. 30-0-0. Confirmed.
  1. Rachel House – Internal Assistant Director of Osprey Productions
  2. Introduced herself. Gave overview of why she is the best fit for Internal Assistant Director of Osprey Production because of her past experiences as a boy scout leader and previous roles within Osprey Production such as being melt (an understory).
  3. Senator Smith Motion to confirm. Second. Discussion. Followed. Roll call vote 30-0-0, Confirmed.
  1. Swearing-In of Appointments
  2. All confirmed appointees were sworn in by Chief Justice Avilla.
  1. Announcements
  2. JunnieCastin: Asked people to come out to volunteer more.
  3. Senator Cajuste: Told senators that signup sheets for osprey voice are available.
  4. President Grantham: Ask people to become more involved and explained that there are many ways to.
  5. Senator Jordan: If selected for B & A committee please don’t forget to attend the orientation.
  6. Senate Secretary Taj: Advised Senators that there will be an emailed sent out about updating the Sg website and please respond promptly.
  7. Senator Platts: Question about forms given out.
  8. Student Advocate: Concern and complaints will be coming in and if a senator cannot help out is door is open for and help needed.
  9. Senator Burke: There will be a nest quest being held tomorrow between 2pm – 4pm and asked for senators to come out and help.
  1. Final Roll Call – Senate Pro-Tempore Sami Mims
  2. Quorum was reestablished with 30 voting members.
  1. Adjournment

Meeting Adjourned at 9:23 pm.