CajonParkJunior High School
8th Grade Algebra and Physical Science Class Information
Mrs. Gazi / Mr. Barbary
Welcome to Algebra and Physical Science for the 2012-13 school year! You will be engaging in a challenging year in which we will study a variety of concepts in both content areas based on the California State Standards. It is the goal of the junior high to have every student able to take a basic algebra course in the fall in high school. We expect that many will be able to take the honors algebra course in the summer or test out and take Geometry. Listed below are our expectations that will allow you to do your best to learn, behave appropriately, and be successful in both classes.
- The District and CPJH student behavior codes will be observed.
Consult your handbook for complete explanations.
- Always come to class prepared with blue or black pens, pencils, highlighters, paper (not spiral), and a silent reading book.
- Be in your seat after entering the class ready to work.
- Get involved in class discussions. Participation is part of your grade.
- No talking during times the teacher requests quiet.
- No personal grooming during class (lotion, makeup, etc.)
- No crowding at the door at the end of class. The teacher will dismiss you.
- No food or drink during class.
- Keep all electronic devices in your backpack unless otherwise instructed. Except when instructed to by your teacher, keep cell phone off while at school or they will be confiscated.
Academic grades are cumulative each trimester. There will be a six-week progress reports available at the midpoint of the trimester and a final 12 week report card at the end of the trimester. Algebra grades are weighted as follows:
Daily classwork/homework (30%) Assignments will be worth up to 4 points each based on a reasonable attempt to complete the assignment. If answers cannot be determined after a reasonable attempt (tried it once and came back to it at least one more time later) the student must have set the problem up and written a brief description of why they got stuck. It is not enough to write, “I don’t know, or I don’t get it.”
Daily Work (10%) Table of contents for the notebook, warm-ups and selected presentation problems make up the daily work.
Tests (35%) Students will take a group and individual test for each unit studied in Algebra. Science will have an end of chapter test and occasionally a vocabulary test.
Quizzes (25%) Weekly quizzes, many of which are taken through the Moodle course, will cover material that we expect students to have proficiency with.
Science Grades- Daily work (10%), Homework (35%), Tests and quizzes (35%) and Projects (20%). Since projects will vary they will be accompanied by a task list and or rubric describing what is required and how they are to be graded.
Homework- In order to meet our goal it is important that we complete chapter 12 by the end of the school year. Each student has the opportunity to test out of Algebra 1 and take Geometry in the fall if they receive a score above 85% on the placement test. For this reason your child will be assigned homework each night and weekends. I expect that they will have between 30-45 minutes each night although they can complete some of their assignment in class it they are diligent.
This year we are requiring students to keep a notebook for both math and science. We have provided the notebooks for the students who must take extra care to ensure that they are kept complete. Students who lose their notebooks will be responsible for their replacement along with all required content up to that point. Weekly assignment will also be available on-line on our websites or on Moodle:
Mrs. Gazi (http// ph # 956-2463
Mr. Barbary ( ph#956-2458
Our web sites are resources that have been developed as a way for our students and their parents to get help with algebra and science outside of class. You will find:
Moodle- The Moodle site has a number of videos and on-line lessons for Algebra and links and other resources for science.
Homework Help- Students can post their questions about algebra problems, and check back to see what hints and helps have been offered.
Assignments-Assignments are listed for the week.
Grades- Students will be given their personal log-in and password so both students and parents can check their current grade in each class.
Math Club-A 30 minute, before school time for students to both review and preview Algebra concepts. Math club is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:15 to 7:45 in room 43. Math club will begin the second week of school.
Homework Club- Students attending homework club must return a permissions slip indicating the days they are expected to attend.
If you have any question please contact either of us.