Assignment Action Sheet


This assignment action sheet is designed to provide you with feedback that will help you to build on your existing abilities and enhance your research and communicationskills. Suggested follow up actions willenable you to develop lifelong skills to enhance your career after you leave Monash University.

‘AR’ indicates “Action Recommended” to improve your skill level in that aspect.

  1. Yourwork demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and fully addresses all aspects of the assignment question.
If you received “AR” in this section, you may wish to attend a learning skills drop-in session at the commencement of your next assignment. To find the drop-in times at your campus, go to
  1. You have used an effective searching strategy to generate a wide range of current and relevant academic sources.
If you received “AR” in this section, you would benefit from effective searching classes offered by your relevant subject librarian. To search for classes at your campus, go to
  1. Your assignment demonstrates critical analysis and a logical, well justified academic argument.
If you received “AR” in this section, you would benefit from attending a learning skills class on critical analysis and critical writing. Search for upcoming classes [ or contact your campus learning skills adviser [
  1. Your assignmentis structured appropriately for the given task, well presented and organized.
If you received “AR” in this section, you would benefit from attending a learning skills class on academic writing.Search for upcoming classes [ or contact your campus learning skills adviser:
  1. Your writingclearly demonstrates your unique understanding of the topic and effective integration of the information you have researched.
If you received “AR” in this section, you would benefit from attending a learning skills class on integrating the literature and academic writing. Search for upcoming classes [ or contact yourcampus learning skills adviser [
  1. The assignment is well written, using appropriate academic tone, grammar and vocabulary. Sources of information are appropriately acknowledged (cited), and are referenced correctly according to the prescribed referencing style.
If you received “AR” in this section, you would benefit from referencing, endnote and academic writing classes offered by your library. To search for classes at your campus, go to

In addition, if you need help with managing your time or dealing with stress, advice and help is available at Health and Wellbeing. To find the range of support services available from HWB visit:

Please bring this action sheet and your assignment when you attend classes/appointments.